During an argument, the suspect (Jospeh Fraizer) followed his wife (Belinda Fraizer) into their bedroom. Once inside Joseph pushed Belinda onto their bed. Joseph began swinging his arms towards her but she was not sure if he was trying to hit her or trying to grab her legs. Since Joseph was unable to grab her, he grabbed one of the bed post and forcefully shook the bed from side to side to prevent Belinda from getting off the bed. Belinda was able to run out of the bedroom and left the residence. Injuries: The victim had complaint of pain and a bruise on her left shin. No other visible injuries. Investigation: On Sunday, May 29 2016 at approximately 1546 hours, Officer Saunders #7720 and I (Officer Guerrero #3310) were dispatched to the …show more content…
Belinda told me she has not been home since Friday morning, but she believed Joseph was possibly home. I provided her with a Domestic Violence Form and I explained to her the resources available to her. I advised Sgt. Crees of the circumstances and advised him that Officer Saunders and I were going to respond to 1890 N. Raymond Ave to located Joseph. If located we were going place Joseph under arrest for PC 273.5-Spousal Abuse. Officer Saunders and I responded to Belinda’s house. Upon our arrival, I knocked on the front door of the house and a male subject opened the door and identified himself as Joseph Fraizer. I told Joseph I need to talk to him and asked him to step outside and he complied. I told him I need to talk to him regarding an incident that occurred on Friday morning involving his wife. Joseph told me his wife was gone on business trip and when she returned home on Thursday night, he was upset on how things were being handled at home. Joseph explained to me that Belinda’s cousin was visiting from out of town and he was staying at their home. Joseph said when he tried talking to Belinda about how he felt about her cousin she got upset and they began to argue. Joseph said after few minutes of arguing, Belinda left the house along with her
Upon my arrival, I met with Ms. Elyann Doebler of 510 Rhoads Avenue in Haddon Township. Ms. Doebler related that she and her estranged husband, Steven Hoskins have been separated for approximately 2 mouths. However, Ms. Doebler allows, Mr. Hoskins to come by the residence to say goodnight to their five children routinely. On this night, after Mr. Hoskins put the children to bed, he informed Ms. Doebler that he would be spending the night on the couch. Ms. Doebler objected and an argument ensued, after which she responded to headquarters.
At 5:30 SA Lyn Brumaire received another call from Officer Tabiri that another resident named Marielle Fisher may know the whereabouts of Ms. Lee. Upon knocking on the door of suite 805, no one answered so officer Tabiri asked me to key into the room. Ms. Fisher was not present but her suite mate, Ms. Neali Rogers was. Ms. Rogers communicated that Ms. Fisher had gone home for the weekend.
Upon arrival, Officer Jimenez made contact with Gerald Hendricks (W/M-DOB11/19/1981). Hendricks was standing outside the residence. Upon contact, Officer Jimenez could smell a strong odor of alcoholic coming from Hendricks breath. Hendricks told Officer Jimenez that he got into a physical altercation with his wife Amber Anderson (W/F-DOB02/12/1982). Hendricks stated that his wife was inside the residence. Officer Jimenez observed that Hendricks had some scratches on his right shoulder. Officer Jimenez observed that
On June 7, 2016, officer T.Cramblett #1191 was working cruiser 9182D, Zone 1 DMW, wearing the uniform of the day. Around 11:38 A.M radio aired that a robbery had just occurred at 1910 S. Hulmac Ct. Apt D, and that the suspect was a male black wearing a black shirt, jeans and having a goatee. The victim stated that the male had fled westbound from her apartment towards the 3C market located on Tamarack Blvd. The victim also stated the male was accompanied by a white female. Officer Cramblett was on Tamarack Blvd. when the information was aired and started to circulate the area. Officer Cramblett pulled out of the 3C market and turned northbound onto Tamarck Blvd. where he observed Mr. Warner Cutler and a female white walking southbound
On 12-05-17 at approximately 1017 hours, I responded to 442 N. Los Robles Avenue regarding a psychological evaluation. PPD Dispatch advised that a female, White was yelling incoherently at the above location. Officer Gawlik #3116, Officer Herrera #3595 and Officer Killgore #7231 were on scene prior to my arrival.
On 10/12/17 at approximately 2145 hours, I received a call from James Coe (DOB 11/18/60). I explained to James I was looking for Dustin and he advised that's his son. I asked James if Dustin and he could respond to the police department, and he advised he would.
On February 21st, 2017 at approximately 1550 hours, my partner Officer Presley #2100 and I responded to 598 Dolores St., in a marked patrol vehicle in full uniform, regarding a possible dog attack and fight in progress.
On August 23, 2014 Sgt. Lavelle was assigned to the 83 Precinct. She was present for duty at 0800 hours as the domestic violence Sergeant and she conducted several home visits. At 1450 hours she was post changed to the 83rd Precinct desk and she assumed the duties of the 83 desk office. Sgt. Lavelle remained as the Desk Sergeant for the entire tour. I presented Sergeant Lavelle with a copy of the command log entry for August 23, 2014 depicting the validation of two arrests at about 2040 hours when Mr. Carlton Smith
Valerie called that office several times to inform me of the situation. Ms. Valerie stated that Catina took Bryce to her home on Monday, July 17, 2017, around 4 p.m and did not return until about 10:00 p.m. Ms. Valerie stated that Catina told her that they were going to group at HCAP office for Anger Management. I, Shalina Holmes stated that we do not have a group session on Monday’s at the HCAP office. Ms. Valerie stated that the assigned advocate Catine Hampton took Bryce to the forest and was unable to determine when the advocate took Bryce. Ms. Valerie verbalized that Bryce stated that Catina told him “keep your hands down on your side you’re going to your new family.” Ms. Valerie stated that she is going to file a police report asked if we do not inform Catina. Ms. Valerie mentioned that Catina is trying to ruin her
On January 10, 2017, I, Officer LESSANE, with the city of Beaufort Police Department, responded to 1030 Ribaut Road #6, in the city limits of Beaufort, to conduct a follow up on a previously reported domestic (17B01907). Upon arrival, I made contact with the victim SOFIA CHAVEZ and confirmed the offender VICTOR MANUEL CRUZ-ANAYA information. While at the victim residence, I took updated photos of her injuries. She also provided me with a photo of the offender. After clearing from the victim residence, I relocated to the offender job in an attempt to make contact with him. Negative contact was made, no further actions were taken.
Contact was made with the subjected detained in the back of Officer Cox’s patrol vehicle. The male subject identified himself as Jared’s brother, Joshua Depew. Joshua’s identity was confirmed using D.A.V.I.D. Joshua stated that if any marijuana was left anywhere it was his. Joshua further stated that this incident was his fault and that he needed a ride for alcohol, so his brother, (Jared) enlisted his girlfriend, (Scott), to drive to Walmart for him. Joshua kept stating that everything was his and to take him to jail, not Scott or Jared. When asked about the other unidentified male, Joshua was only able to provide a first name of, Joshua.
I parked my patrol car on the side of Roberts Road and exited the vehicle, and called out to Mr. Burnette “TB, come her for a minute”. After I advised Mr. Burnette to come over to where I was, Mr. Burnette turned and took off running towards the back side of the Hostess House. I gave chase, advising dispatch that Mr. Burnette was running. As I came to the rear of the
On this date and time this worker travelled to 3850 Cherokee Trail to speak with Mr. Sayers. This worker explained the report received by the Department again to Mr. Sayers. He stated that all of it was a lie and was unsure why Kathryn would say that he did that to her. He stated that when he disciplines Kathryn it is either with a spanking on the bottom or he makes her go to her room. Mr. Sayers reported that he never falls asleep on Kathryn while she is outside. He stated when she goes outside she is on the trampoline and he is outside with her during this time. Mr. Sayers reported that Kathryn comes over every two weekends which means he only see here four days out of the month. Mr. Sayers stated that he doesn’t have a good relationship
Upon our arrival, I was met by a white male adult identified as James churches. James stated that his wife Blaire Churches was the one who contacted police in reference to her ex-husband Matthew Medina possibly conceal their five-year-old son Nolen Medina(04/10/2012). James then stated that Blaire was not at the residence, but was on her way home. While waiting for Blaire to arrive, James stated that they have an ongoing "custody battle" with Matthew. James then stated that Matthew provided an address (1818 for Club Crest Way in Henderson NV)his visitation with Nolen, but the address was incorrect. James went
The possible physical abuse section includes the assessment of bruising that appeared on several places on the patient’s body including right periorbital area and right maxilla along with swelling, redness and warmth. There was