
Sample For Assumption College

Decent Essays

Assumption College for Sisters has been an initial formation for Sisters and many others students who would like to serve others effectively. Anyone who studied at Assumption College is known for his or her humble service she or he gives to people. Clearly, Assumption College for Sisters has helped me to improve my Education, Spiritual, and Social life. First, the education I received from different courses has empowered me to see things in a different perspective in terms of thinking, writing, understanding, and doing. More than that, the core curriculum prepared me to be a critical thinker, effective communicator, and ready to share with others what I learned. This assists me to focus on the essential unity and universality of all people, …show more content…

Thus, my studies at the Assumption College for Sisters prepared me for future ministry through the academic skills, holistic education, and cultural enrichment I obtained from my studies. ACS formed me to be a good leader in the society by using the knowledge and skills I learned from college. Also, ACS prepared me to be an excellent steward through my service to others in my mission, community, and in the church. Above all, ACS taught me to have respect and value each person’s dignity in order to build an authentic society. Social justice is very important in my ministry that is standing for the poor, marginalized, the downcast, and all those societies neglected. I will offer education for women and children as they are the light and source of the new generation. My experience at Assumption College for Sister has encouraged me to be a leader in various …show more content…

Seeing the practical actions from my leaders at the ACS has improved my thinking, actions, and responsibilities. Therefore, at ACS everyone is responsible for his or her duty. I learned leadership needs commitment and sincerity. Communication is an important aspect of leadership; ACS leaders taught me this as they communicate each to me every event was to take place in my studies, community, social activities. It helped to focus and alert all the time. Through ESL 101 ACS has helped me to adjust to both life in America as well as college life. For this course introduced me to have the basic foundation of structures and vocabulary of the English language through the essential skills of learning that is reading, speaking, writing, and listening. Also, learning the American history and traditions helped me to understand American culture. I would suggest that ACS may continue to teach the American history and tradition in the first year. It is hard for the students in the first semester because they do not know English, but in the second semester, they have improved their

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