
Sample Gcse Geography Personal Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Geography is the study of the Earth's landscapes, environments, places and people and this captivates me. Ever since I was young, I have been inspired to understand the world around us. When I was only four, my family visited the Scottish Highlands and I saw the landscape around me with majestic mountains and exquisite lochs and felt a feeling of awe. Then when I was seven, I began to understand the world more and my parents took me to China - the emerging superpower and this sparked my fascination even more. I wanted to learn about the changing environment of the country, the contrasting provinces, the rural-urban differences, the natural disasters that destroyed people's lives and China's development. From a young age, I knew I wanted to solve the world's problems as a geographer, such as tackling imminent issues of volcanoes and earthquakes and to grasp how people shape the planet we live on. …show more content…

A topic that I studied at GCSE and AS Level was population. The study of population and the impacts of our ever-changing world demographics links neatly to the best adventure of my life - visiting China. Studying China's One Child Policy including the geopolitical effects of the Policy allowed me to recognise how people adapt to problems and how society shapes our world. Although, another topic that I have particularly enjoyed throughout my studies is Plate Tectonics due to frequent and recent events relating to this topic, for example the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan which devastated this rich and wealthy nation. Geographical events, such as natural disasters dominate the news and prove that Geography enhances understanding of the

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