Geography is the study of the Earth's landscapes, environments, places and people and this captivates me. Ever since I was young, I have been inspired to understand the world around us. When I was only four, my family visited the Scottish Highlands and I saw the landscape around me with majestic mountains and exquisite lochs and felt a feeling of awe. Then when I was seven, I began to understand the world more and my parents took me to China - the emerging superpower and this sparked my fascination even more. I wanted to learn about the changing environment of the country, the contrasting provinces, the rural-urban differences, the natural disasters that destroyed people's lives and China's development. From a young age, I knew I wanted to solve the world's problems as a geographer, such as tackling imminent issues of volcanoes and earthquakes and to grasp how people shape the planet we live on. …show more content…
A topic that I studied at GCSE and AS Level was population. The study of population and the impacts of our ever-changing world demographics links neatly to the best adventure of my life - visiting China. Studying China's One Child Policy including the geopolitical effects of the Policy allowed me to recognise how people adapt to problems and how society shapes our world. Although, another topic that I have particularly enjoyed throughout my studies is Plate Tectonics due to frequent and recent events relating to this topic, for example the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan which devastated this rich and wealthy nation. Geographical events, such as natural disasters dominate the news and prove that Geography enhances understanding of the
Geomorphology – Is the area of Geology that studies the form of the land, processes, and forms (Earth and other planets). The landscape of a Tundra or of a Dessert, or Glaciers now to disappear. This discipline takes a good look at Tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, anything that can make the landscape change or disappear.
Through reading How the States Got Their Shapes and Guns, Germs, and Steel I would define human geography as the study of how different factors such as culture, lifestyle, geography, and environment dictate where humans live and migrate. Both books are able to connect how the latter factors influence the pattern of human activity and movement.
Geography plays a large role in why people settled in areas that they did, why certain cities succeeded, and many other processes that made Earth the way it is today. Although many of us just think of geography as a class we had to take in grade school, it is much more than that. Geography has some responsibility for everything on the surface of the Earth, from your favorite fishing spot, to why New York is where it is today. Coming from a small town in northern Manitoba, Canada, you either learn to love or hate the prairies, there is no in-between. It is told that the prairies are flat and boring, but I see it very differently.
Acquiring self satisfaction is my main goal in life, how I achieve it is by doing the things I enjoy and have a passion for. Deciding to study building surveying was made based on a few reasons that I believe can help me obtain self satisfaction in my studies and in my future endeavours. Having the opportunity of working both in the office and on the field is the key factor in me choosing to pursue my study in building surveying. Travelling to different locations, being exposed to different conditions and work sites, exploring the natural phenomena around me and being able to assist the community by helping to develop a safe and sustainable environment. With an increasing demand and growth in the building industry, as a building surveying student
This semester I learned that there are four different branches of human geography. First to define the different geographies: social, has to do with society and what that regions society values. An example of this would be school systems. Cultural geographies has to do with symbolic practices and shared sets of meaning, a simple example of this could be in Italy, most people are Roman Catholic, and share those values. Political, is the type of government that county has, for example North Korea is communist. Lastly, economic, is that countries economy, for example Greece, currently is in an economic crisis.
“Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future”. This is a quote by one of the most successful and innovative men to ever live, Walt Disney. He was successful because he constantly kept looking to make a better future for himself and others. He did this through interactions with the world and everything around him. Interactions such as these can push mankind forward. They lead to innovations that revolutionize the world we live in. It only takes one great idea to change the world and make it a better place for everyone. Human geography deals with how human actions influence and impact other humans and the world’s environment.
Geography is an important factor to consider when you look at this worlds past, present, or future. So whether it be the earths physical geographic features, the geopolitics stirring up trouble across the globe, or the economics of growing or shrinking countries; geography plays a major role. In todays society, geographic knowledge is one of the most important and valuable tools to possess. Without it, we are victims of ignorance and endanger ourselves, others, and the world. This ignorance, possessed by many, is posing a great risk of self-destruction. The author of “Why Geography Matters More Than Ever”, Harm de Blij, makes many strong points on this matter, but occasionally makes unsupported and unclear statements which tend to stray off topic.
This week we primarily studied the geoscientists rather than geoscience. To be a productive and successful geoscientists it important to think with a certain mindset. For example, when trying to analyze distribution of earthquake energy waves you must use spatial thinking. As learned, spatial thinking helps interpret and identify places, size, and trends of geographic connections. Developing this abstract way of thinking about the world around us helps scientists develop theories and create discoveries. Geoscientist also have a more realist view of the history of the earth. In order to gain a full understanding of the earth it is important to remember that its history goes far beyond mankind. The earth has experienced millions of years of evolution
Geography is an aspect of life that we sometimes take for granted, geographical events have occurred around us our entire life and will continue to until the day we die, whether it be Russian submarines planting a titanium flag to claim untouched reserves beneath the North Pole or Oregon’s Lost Lake annually disappearing into underground lava tubes. As a geographer, I find it fascinating to find reasons from various perspectives, as to why such events occur and in the way that they do.
Ever since the beginning on time, Humans believed the ground is solid and immobile. But this is not true whatsoever. The Earth is every-changing and continually in motion. The stability of the Earth is not at all what we think it is. Thinking about the rotational axis of the Earth, and possibly of what the Earth may become at a certain point in time, has a great influence on understanding all aspects of living things, either in the past, present, or future. The study of Plate tectonics is accredited to most of the creations of Mountain Ranges, the drifting of continents, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. Plate tectonics and mountains also play a big part in the geological features of our planet or any planet for that
(1999) state that ‘Geo-Spatial Information Science is a comprehensive and integrated information science and technology, which is used to acquire, measure, analysis, store, manage, display, diffuse and apply the data related to earth and spatial distribution.’ Furthermore, with the continuing effects of human activity upon the environment becoming more apparent in the form of climate change, the Geomatics industry is becoming more important in mapping temporal changes and spatial distribution especially in the case of natural disasters, but is also significant due to globalisation, in mapping social, economic or distribution aspects globally and locally.
Geoscience is the study of the Earth’s history and how it functions and interacts with the surrounding biospheres. Geoscientists study the physical aspect of the Earth. They study its composition, process, and structure. Thanks to them we know the Earth’s past, present, and even future. Geoscientist follow paths of exploration and discovery in quest of solutions to some of society's most challenging problems.
When people question the existence and emergence of planet Earth through science, what is discovered is that there are no generic answers. The conversation will erupt into a never-ending debate and get into the vexing, and sometimes violent, interpretations based on one’s beliefs. What can be answered is what goes on inside the geographical world. My topic of research is not the geography that is tested in the second grade, when a teacher asks a student to point to where London is on a map. In fact, I will be focusing in on the urban geography development, because it is a development, which is less obvious to an average ignorant and inexperienced individual. On the contrary, Professionals who plan out many different cities and different
While physical geography is more about the study of the characteristics of physical environment. These two subfields are related and have major effect on each other. Human survival relies on air, water, and food. When natural disasters occur it can gave an effect on alot things like so have influences on climate, air, water and food . Natural Disasters have the power to shift land, take lives and change climates. Sometimes these natural disasters don't happen where there is mass civilization or technology. This is where the GIS and GPS comes into play. The satellites that orbit world catch all these natural disasters and climate change and the send the data over to the GIS and GPS who informed that maybe a climate change is heading out way or whatever.
Often geography………… is avoided by students who have decided that geosciences “a general term used to describe a wide range of specialized scientific fields within the broad areas of geology and resource management” (Clarke, Earle, and Wallace, 2006) is not the way to a successful career opportunity. Many students believe that obtaining a geography degree will get them nowhere, but I believe differently. Geography is not just learning the capital cities of Canada, drawing maps or even writing about the earth. Geography is the connection between many things such as the places, people, and the environment. Geography is defined as “the study of the earth’s physical and human systems and the relationship among them” (Clarke et al., 2006) meaning that the subject is about the different things that connect to our home, Planet Earth. Geography’s like putting the puzzle pieces back together of a puzzle, overall it’s the way people solve the Earth’s mysteries. Geography isn’t just geography, it is an idea inspired by us, a connection between the sciences, the arts, and languages and more, also geography can just be a bunch of questions put together. There are many different careers related to geography which can be suited to anyone who wishes so. One of these many careers that I have chosen from the wide range of fields to study is the job of a biogeographer.