
Sample Iep Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Individualized Education Program  The individualized education program (IEP) is a written plan that is developed with input from school, parents, and student and is designed to meet the unique academic, behavioral, social, and emotional needs of the student.  IEP team should consider special factors when developing an IEP for a student with emotional and behavior disorder.  IEP team determined that the student had a disability and needs special education and related services.  IEP team includes: 1. The general and special education teachers: • The general education teacher is a teacher who has a student in her class but the special education teacher is should be a teacher of the suspected disability category who is knowledgeable about …show more content…

Additional individuals: • School or parent may invite additional individuals who have relevant information about the student to attend the IEP team meeting.  IEPs contain seven components IDEA: 1) Description of the student:  Identification data( demographic information, including student’s name- birth, parent’s name- address, school’s name- address, the primary language of the student, and student’s disability classification.  Reason for the referral which provides information regarding the events leading up to the student’s identification and placement in special education.  Relevant background which provides insight into the student’s disability, including medical information and socioemotional information. 2) Present level of academic and functional performance:  It can be obtained from the formal and informal assessments that are performed prior to the IEP meeting.  It includes results of standardized academic and achievement assessments, results of behavior scales, observations, current academic grades, and information from other sources. 3) Measurable annual goals:  It is designed to enable the student to participate and make progress in the general education …show more content…

7) Measuring and reporting student progress:  The IEP team needs to include an explanation of how the student’s progress toward meeting the annual goals will be measured and how that progress will be reported to the parents.  IEP considerations: IEP team should encourage to contribute to the process. IEP team needs to determine the student’s placement using the IEP, student’s annual goals, and student’s individual needs. IEP team should determine the data on which service and accommodations will begin. IEP team has to be reviewed and revised annually if not more often.  Parents and the IEP process: Parents need to receive enough notice of IEP team meeting in order to attend If parents don’t understand English well, the interpreter needs to provide that parents understand the proceedings. Parents should receive a Procedural Safeguard document which explains their rights and responsibilities.  Individualized transition plans: Transition services focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of students to help them more from school to post-school activities or independent

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