Dear Dr. Janet Elder and Child Study Team,
This letter is in regards to my nine-year-old daughter Valerie Mendez SID: 168809 who is currently in Ms. Jennifer Dembowski 4th grade class.
For the last couple of years, I have had concerns about Valerie’s education. As my child has grown older, I have realized that it is time for her to get an evaluation by the board of education. Therefore, I am requesting for my daughter to receive a formal evaluation by the Child Study Team for September 2016.
She was very engaged and eager to always learn. She always wanted to read, write, draw and interact with the other children. Despite her willingness, she would have difficulties with fine motor skills such as zippering her coat and lacing her shoes. At
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Valerie was evaluated for the second time and while in Busy Place in the Abbot program. By the Early Intervention Team of Jersey City During this time, the team stated that Valerie presented some delays and that if she did not grow out of them she would have to get evaluated after her 6th birthday.
Since 2011, Valerie has been enrolled in Christa McAuliffe, P.S. 28. Valerie was an excelling student in Pre-K and Kindergarten. During her time in P.S. 28, Valerie was receiving weekly support from the Reading Recovery Program with Ms. Farah to improve her reading level. Valerie’s reading skills dramatically improved. However, the program ended in first grade.
Valerie was doing wonderful with reading and comprehension. However, in October 2013 while in first grade, Valerie had an accident in school with a door severing her finger. She was out of school for about 2 weeks and when she came back it was no longer the engaged student that I saw in the beginning of that school year. After discussion with her teacher Mrs. O’Connor about possible evaluation, I was advised we should hold off on the evaluation because it could have been a phase due to the
I reached out to Melissa for the questionnaire, and explained it was a developmental screening for one of my education classes. Melissa was new to the screening because Owen has not had a developmental screening before. I decided to ask Melissa if I could observe Owen, not only because she is a family friend, but because she is a teacher, and I felt that she could relate to the class I was in. Since Chicago, IL is far away from La Crosse, Melissa is busy with her family and career, we decided to do the screening via FaceTime. Melissa and I decided to fill out the screening questionnaire together.
At age five Stacey was diagnosed with a reading disorder and was place in a special education classroom for grades Kindergarten and 1st grade. She was placed in a general classroom in second grade but continue to receive the following accommodation extended time
Jasmine Keller is a fourth grade student who has been monitored and reported as a student at-risk. Jasmine has a, “weak short-term memory that affects her involvement and progress in the general education curriculum in the areas of reading decoding, reading fluency, reading comprehension, spelling, and math calculations. Her reading level is at second grade. Broken down word recognition is at an equivalent of grade 1.7, and comprehension at 1.3. She has relative strength in vocabulary. If given classroom assessments with a screen reader she is very successful. Her writing skills assessed to be uneven with only weak spelling skills, which is at a first or
Antonio is very loving towards his daughter Anessa and is happy she is enrolled in daycare. Antonio picks Anessa up after daycare and takes the child to his home in Somerville. Anessa spends some nights with Antonio and will at times go back with her mother at night. Antonio has appropriate space for Anessa and the home is clean and free of hazards. I have observed Anessa with Antonio and his interaction is appropriate. Antonio agreed to the Early Intervention screening and was present during the evaluation process. Michelle Sharp from the Guidance Center reported Antonio asked thoughtful and inquisitive questions and appeared to have a good understanding of things Anessa should be doing given her age of 1 year.
In this particular assignment, I worked with a 20 year old female name Sabrina. While completing this assignment, I used Sabrina’s descriptive evaluations of her educational progress including; data summaries for IEP goals and objectives and an ecological inventory in the form of a parent interview was used to identify sills for assessment. On August 26, 2016, the parent interview sheet went home to her parents. The interview sheet included five questions on things that are important to Sabrina including her current skills, skills used or needed within her home environment, and what is important to her parents for her future. The parents’ preferences for Sabrina’s skills development were taken into account for her current IEP goals and objections. To complete the chart, more information was needed in a few areas. These included: 1) clarification of the type of symbols and symbol format for Sabrina’s communication; 2) an assessment in Sabrina’s current skills in the area of vocational; 3) an assessment in Sabrina’s current skills in math and money skills; 4) an
Jennifer has a history of difficulty with early reading skill milestones. She had difficulty learning the letters of the alphabet in kindergarten as well as trouble with initial sounds, sight vocabulary and rhyming. Her overall language development was
In order to provide the best assessment for Diane, we as a team need to focus on our assessment question as follows: Who is Diane as a person, and what are her unmet needs in her daily life, especially in regards to her current mode of communication and her interactions with family/partners; additionally, are there any barriers currently halting progress? It is vital that Diane’s best interests are always on the foreground; her own priorities and her own desires will lead our assessment into future interventions. We are able to take apart the above question in four steps in order ascertain why this is a valid goal to attain for Diane.
Sabrina’s mother gave birth to a boy in January 2013 and was on maternity and child care leave during the first term of Primary One. In 2013, term two, Sabrina started attending a before and after school care center. During this time, both her parents also enrolled in the open university.
Ms. Adams completed a parent questionnaire to gather information related to Lena’s progress over the past three school years. According to Ms. Adams, Lena struggles in the areas of math application, organization, and following directions. Ms. Lena states that Lena’s brain damage interferes with her everyday functioning. Furthermore, Ms. Adams believes she needs extra time with tests and guidance from her special education teacher at school. Ms. Adams states that Lena has made progress in the last three years socially and academically due to the small classroom
Grace’s school performance suggests that she is capable of learning. This is confirmed by her scores on Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, and Processing Speed scores from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition. The Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Achievement further demonstrates these abilities with scores in the average range for Letter-Word Identification, Reading Fluency, Calculation, Writing Fluency and Writing Samples.
She is able to meet more students’ needs than she would be working one-on-one. She also creates reading stations and activities that will support their development as well where there are support activities that are specific to those guided reading groups. She evaluates students each nine weeks through PALS, a phonological awareness assessment, to see their growth along with problem areas that still exist. They also do Fundations as part of their curriculum to help students, but wishes she had more time to use this system with students.
She has more than eight different diagnostic labels including; Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, Low Cognitive Functioning, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Mild Retardation, Language Disorder, Communication Disorder, etc...Most recently I was informed that she has had two years of developmental growth in one year; however, her I.Q. has dropped from 74 to 70. At a recent OHSU evaluation, the entire staff agreed that she was developmentally behind one and a half years.
Reflecting over the last 6 weeks has provided me with a sense of great accomplishment. I consider myself very fortunate for the opportunity I was provided to perform my practicum hours with Mrs. Lorraine Bott, a 3rd grade teacher at Hazleton Elementary Middle School, Hazleton Pennsylvania. Mrs. Bott was welcoming and informative, and a provided an endless amount of assistance. Her wealth of knowledge, in regard to the students in her class, and her mastery of teaching was the nurturing foundation of the dynamics of her classroom. During the required practicum hours, one of the focuses, was to work with a student selected by the teacher whose reading level was not proficient due to specific disabilities that delay his progression in reading, in addition, the student I selected also displayed short and long-term memory difficulties. At the time of the required practicum, the student I chose to work with was the subject of a child study. The beginning stages of the observation, the child was friendly and enjoyable to work with, but at times displayed some roadblocks in his behavior that were hard to overcome. With that being said, my time spent with the student was very pleasant due to his even-tempered nature and the innocence of his age. Mrs. Bott explained to me that students with display academic difficulties learn to counterbalance for the difficulties and have the ability to learn supplementary skills that are provided through a constant system. I feel the student is very fortunate to have the opportunity to be a part of a classroom dynamic that is supported by a very knowledgeable and qualified teacher who strives to meet the needs of the students in her care.
Throughout the assessments, I found Julia to be average or superior to developmental milestones for children her age. To assure all areas were observed, I allowed a week to monitor the assessment data for two checklists. I observed social and emotional development over a three day span to allow for situational stimuli and behavior adjustments from a quick trip to visit her paternal grandparents. Finally, to pull all my information together, I completed a time sampling assessment to observe actions during free play. This time sampling focused on general intellectual behaviors which may indicate a level of giftedness in comparison with other children her age. With all the observations completed, I have analyzed each of the assessment work sheets.
Eloise is a sixth grade student attending Strawberry Mansion Junior High School.She is identified as a student with Other Health Impairment (OHI). Destiny scored the following scores on the Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening. Comprehension was 5/6 and fluency was 193.On the Spring of 2015 Virginia Standards of Learning Assessment Eloise 's Science score is 362,reading score is 341 and her math score is 340.She resides with her parents in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Even though Eloise did not pass the SOL 's she is in position to pass them in the 2017-2018 school year. With the proper tools utilized she can excel in her core subjects. Her parents are very supportive of her academic and