
Sample Reflective Journal Analysis

Decent Essays

Reflection Journal On Wednesday August 26th, 2015 I began my preceptorship on B6, which is the Neurology floor at Jackson General Hospital. My Preceptor was Colleen Hardee and she was the Unit Director of the floor. I started my day on the floor around 0745 and remained until approximately 1430. When I asked the clinical manager about the mission of the department, she directed me to their website. The statement found there is this: “Comprised mainly of restricted endowments, the Foundation provides endowment management services to other nonprofits as well as manages endowments that provide for many of the healthcare needs of West Tennessee Healthcare and our communities.” One of my objectives was to understand …show more content…

Hardee guided me to Mrs. Pam whom I ended up spending two hours with due to the fact that Mrs. Hardee had to attend a meeting. I had asked Mrs. Pam if it was meeting I could go to with Mrs. Hardee, but she said it was a financial meeting and that visitors were not allowed to attend. Since I spend most of my time with Mrs. Pam, I directed most of my questions towards her and she was happy to answer them. The one thing that I found frustrating was that I sat through her doing payroll all morning, but I understand it is something that has to be done and I don’t fault her for that. She did receive a few interruptions that she had to work through, but then she would return to payroll. One of the interruptions that she had to work through involved a new graduate that had recently gone through the residency program and was making many mistakes. These were mistakes that could cost a patient their life. She explained that she was going to have to get his side of the story and either write him up or send him back through orientation. After Mrs. Hardee was done with her meeting, she came back up and Mrs. Pam made her aware of the issue with the new graduate. They agreed that they needed to talk to him and changes needed to be made. They collaborated with each other and agreed that they would get his side of the story and then take the appropriate

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