Introduction I manage my entrepreneurial firm whereby we offer printing and photocopying services. I work with five other members of the staff. There was a day one of our of highly esteemed customers brought us a lot of papers to be printed urgently but this found if there were still heaps of papers to be printed but they were not due. I told my employees to clear the job very quickly without specifying that they start with the most urgent ones. They ended up clearing the first log then did not clear the most urgent work in time leading to a disappointment on both the client and myself. I did not practice managerial skills such as Creative Problem Solving Skills and Communication Skills.
Reflective observation
I did not tell my employees
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Lastly, I lost my reputation as one of the best manager to my employees (Reed, 2013).
The problem of poor delegation of work load is discussed in the business journals and editorials that concentrate on the business management skills as one of the most experience that inexperienced managers are likely to face within the course of their duty. I also came across this managerial problem during my study on management skills.
Since I realized the basis of my experience, I have embarked into the practice of managerial skills such as communication skills and problem solving skills hence providing my employees with the relevant communication and suggesting for them the best ways of solving the perfectly within the shortest time possible. Following my experience, I started by allocating the required work load to my employees.
I have the developed sessions of brainstorming and discussion amongst all members of my organization whenever there is a new arrival of work load. This has made my duty as a manager to be such a easy task because my employees participate in each and every decision I make. Through the process of interaction I have been able to develop good communication skills. We have been able to avoid inconveniencing our clients. I have also developed problems solving skills which make me one of the successful managers I have known (Bob &
A person with the right personality and attitude can influence other 's, and I feel I 'm a great example of that. My personal ambition to reach new heights has also motivated me to apply for the staff position on Skyblocky.
Ever since the concept of management was studied and introduced, research has been going on to improve ways in order to make the work more efficient and effective. The past failure or success in any particular assignment is used as an input to develop a new approach for the leaders which would help them in decision making and produce positive results.
This paper will attempt to show what skills are necessary for effective delegation, and how the managers of the author 's organization uses delegation in his or her management responsibilities. The paper will also attempt to show how delegation could be used more effectively within the four functions of management in that same organization. Through delegation managers combine task responsibilities and the authority needed to carry out tasks in the organization. The author will also discuss some advantages of delegation as well as the issue of poor delegation.
Managers should be an effective communicator with level of eloquence and professionalism and must conscious of the communication cycle to achieve team goals. Effective communication within the workplace keeps the team involved in carrying out work which increases Eaton's commitment and it make a better relationship and understanding within the team. Effective speaker understands the communication process using the appropriate communication channel such as verbal, non-verbal or written communication and discover barriers and determine effective preventive steps to avoid those barriers. In addition, in communication cycle it is essential to get regular feedback, this also helps evaluate and improve communication process and helps used as a basis to develop personal and professional development plan which in turn identify strengths and weaknesses and highlighting opportunities for
(Chapter 5) “Fundamental Management Skills”. Using each of the seven management skills, discuss in three or more sentences for each of the seven skills, how a manager might find a way to develop each of
There are several points to ensure better management. They are: (1) Create constancy of purposed toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and to stay in business and to provide jobs. (2) Awaken to the challenges of the new economic age an adopt a new philosophy. (3) Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. (4) Stop awarding business on the basis of price. Instead, minimize total cost. (5) Improve constantly the system of production and service to improve quality and productivity, and thus decrease costs. (6) Institute training on the job. (7) Institute leadership. (8) Drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively for the company. (9) Break down barriers between departments. (10) Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. (11) Eliminate quotas. Substitute leadership and eliminate management by objective and by numbers. (12) Remove barriers that rob people of their right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality. (13) Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement. (14) Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation (Deming, 1987).
Managers frequently complain that they have too much to do and too little time in which to do it. Unchecked, this feeling leads to stress and managerial ineffectiveness. In many cases, managers could greatly reduce their stress by practicing a critical management skill – delegation. Delegation is one of the most important management skills. Good delegation saves the time, develops the subordinates, fosters a successor and motivates. Poor delegation will cause frustration, de-motivation and failures to achieve the task or purpose. Although it is easy to recognize the benefits that accrue from delegation, many managers still resist actually doing it – why? This article will identify what delegation is, the common barriers to
The initial contract is for one year and the manager is directly responsible to the CEO of the “Compumend”.
Welcome to the Chris Cross Family. As a new employee, you join a proud group of dedicated staff, salon owners/ mangers who believe in making sure that each client is served with all respect and well taking care of at all times.
My father explained to me the many skills that are valued in his profession that make him a more efficient businessman. He said that the most important and valuable skills that an employee could bring to the table were the skills that make them stand out from the others, and advanced degrees that a person holds. Also, he said that problem solving, teamwork, and communication are all very important when working in any business industry. Within his job, he says that it is very important, when faced with an issue in-front of a costumer, that the person knows how to stand on their own two feet and figure out what they can do to help solve the issues. This also takes teamwork and cooperation from everyone to be able to get things accomplished, which is where communication plays a big role because things cannot get done if people do not communicate issues, ideas, or solutions with one another. All these different skills will be recognized by people higher up in the company and even in other companies that could possibly lead to a
Managers and employees used to delegate important decisions about new organizational projects. They exchanged and shared knowledge and skills, and that made them achieve optimal performance.
Our company, ABC Accounting, Inc., has been steadily growing over the last couple of years. Due to the expansion taking place, I have been working on setting up a network that will provide all expected employees with a connected computer to help share documents and training materials. All current PCs are installed with Windows 7 which is a very popular Operating System (OS) in Enterprise computers. This will also help make the process of updating these systems on the new network much easier. The type of Network and Network devices will increase
Delegation of responsibilities – is the skill that helps to share responsibilities with employees. It will give more time in my schedule, so I can work on the other parts of the business in order to make it more efficient, or I can to think about any new ideas that can bring business success. However I need to understand which responsibilities I can give to the workers, because if they will be not able to finish their work, as they are unskilled to do it or don’t have any experience, it can affect all business and it can incur losses.
• Collaboration: Good managers enable collaboration on projects and ideas that improves communication and overall productivity.
Solution of Managerial Problems: Both the management experts have presented solutions to their own managerial problems, they faced on a daily basis, based on their own personal experiences and of course experiments that they undertook (Singla, 2006-2007). The solutions presented by both respected men are based in their principles.