Mr. Brown is a 56-year-old patient at Kaplan Medical Center. Mr. Brown has been called in by a physician assistant at Kaplan Medical Center to discuss his cholesterol levels. But Mr. Brown has a few habits that the physician needs to try to convince him are unhealthy habits and try to get him to make some changes without upsetting him. Will the Physician Assistant be able to get Mr. Brown to change his lifestyle habits?
Physician Assistant just got Mr. Brown test results back from the lab and just called him to come in the office to hear his results.
Mr. Brown walks into the office and signs in and take a seat. 10 minutes later
Physician Assistant calls Mr. Brown into the physician office
Physician Assistant: Hello Mr. Brown. Today I bought
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First, let me explain what cholesterol is. Cholesterol is fat that is found in all your cells throughout your body. The organ that is responsible for making cholesterol is the liver. Let me explain your levels and the normal range for each level. So, we look at how much fat is in your blood and how at risk you are for heart disease and your level was a 145 mg/dl and the normal level is a less than 150 mg/dl. Someone with a 150-199 mg/dl level is borderline high and someone with a level of 200-499 mg/dl is high. So just look at it like this the high the level the more at risk for disease. Next, we looked at your bad cholesterol which tells us if there is any cholesterol has accumulated and if there are any arteries that may be blocked, your bad cholesterol level was 160 mg/dl and the normal level is less than 100 mg/dl. So, your bad cholesterol is high and may be putting you at risk for heart disease and other health issues. Someone with a level of 100-129 mg/dl is acceptable for people who doesn’t have any health concerns. But is more of a concern if you have health concerns. Someone with a 130-159 mg/dl is borderline high and someone with a 160-189 mg/dl is high. Again, the high the levels the more risk for heart disease. Then, we looked at your good cholesterol which is what helps to remove the cholesterol from your arteries. Your good cholesterol level was a 33 mg/dl which puts you at major risk for heart disease. A …show more content…
But if after you do these things and your cholesterol is still high then we will consider putting you on medication. The medications that you can be place on can help reduce your cholesterol levels and prevent heart attacks and stroke. The side effects that you may experience with this medication are muscle pain and damage to your muscle. Another kind of medications we can place you on is a medication that prompts your liver to get rid of the excess cholesterol. The side effects that you may experience with this medication are stomach pain, bloating, and weight loss. There are also medications that gives your small intestine the excess cholesterol from your diet to get rid of and then releases it back into your blood. The side effects that you could experience with this medication are dizziness, headache, diarrhea and back pain. Lastly, we have a medication that you inject into your body through needle that will help lower your bad cholesterol levels. The side effects that you could experience are sore throat, stuffy nose, and you may get swelling, pain, or itching at the injection site (Medline Plus). I think that if you exercise and start eating well you can get your levels back down to normal and you will not need to take the medications. So, I must say regular health maintenance will
The Framingham study and others that followed showed us that HDL-cholesterol is an independent cardiovascular risk factor and that the increase of HDL-cholesterol of only 10 mg/dL leads to a risk reduction of 2-3% (, Nov. 2012). Higher levels of HDL cholesterol result in a risk of cardiovascular disease closer to the default risk. Cardiovascular disease risk increases then plateaus with greater ratios between total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Thus, higher levels of HDL cholesterol proportionate to levels of total cholesterol relate to lower cardiovascular disease risk (Lecture #3). Having a HDL-cholesterol of 60 mg/dL and above is the best place for a person to be. A bit lower, but considered a good HDL-cholesterol level standing is 40-49 mg/dL for men and 50-59 mg/dL for women. All three of us, me, my mother, and the case study Danny are in good standing regarding HDL-cholesterol levels, my mother with 55 mg/dL, me with 50 mg/dL, and Danny with 40
Good evening Mr. Brown your test results came in and we found out that your Triglycerides are 145 mg/dL, Cholesterol 210 mg/dL, HDL 33 mg/dL, and LDL 160 mg/dL. Normal triglycerides means there are less than 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) which you do have which is great. A desirable level of cholesterol would be Below 200 mg/dL, and borderline high would be 200-239 mg/dL so because your cholesterol level is 210 mg/dL you are at borderline high. Ideal LDL level for people at very high risk of heart disease would be below 70 and a high level would be 160-189 mg/dL your LDL level is 160 mg/dL therefore it’s high. The best HDL
The rising youthful Republican lawmaker Theodore Roosevelt surprisingly turned into the 26th leader of the Assembled States in September 1901, after the death of William McKinley. Youthful and physically strong, he conveyed another vitality to the White House, and won a moment term individually justifies in 1904. Roosevelt stood up to the biting battle amongst administration and work head-on and wound up plainly known as the immense "trust buster" for his strenuous endeavors to separate modern blends under the Sherman Antitrust Act. He was likewise a committed preservationist, putting aside somewhere in the range of 200 million sections of land for national backwoods, stores and natural life shelters amid his administration. In the outside strategy field, Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for his transactions to end the Russo-Japanese War and initiated the start of development on the Panama Waterway. In the wake of going out and
Cholesterol is a compound chemical that contributes to coronary artery disease, which have a various risk factors which includes poor dieting, smoking, and a family medical history. This disease is very high risks, its one which runs in my family, and family history.
High cholesterol is a dangerous disease that can lead to many life-threatening ailments, and can be lowered by eating healthy, while maintaining a balanced diet of leveled cholesterol. Cholesterol, the sleek-fat like substance that roams in the blood of a body. It is vital to life, but when there is too much intake of cholesterol, it can cause the body to malfunction and cause problems. There are two types of cholesterol HDL and LDL, which varies in the amount of protein and cholesterol it holds Too much cholesterol in a body is dangerous, and surprisingly, has no symptoms. The two main types of cholesterol are HDL and LDL, HDL helps reduce the chances of chronic heart disease, whereas LDL is the main reason for plaque build-up in artery
People with high cholesterol are at greater risk of developing heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. People with diets high in saturated fats---like those in meat, dairy and eggs---are more likely to have high cholesterol levels. To reduce cholesterol, the American Heart Association recommends limiting the intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, and eating more plant-based foods.
While it is beneficial to acknowledge the connection between cholesterol and heart health, it is equally critical to take into account their general contexts and ponder the countless
In 2014 there were 415,129 children in Foster Care in America. This is a 4% increase in foster care since 2012. Likewise 264,230 children entered foster care which means one child entered care every two minutes. Furthermore even though many foster care homes are very abusive and most children do not graduate high school, foster care can be a good option for people who feel like they have no other choice because foster care takes a child from a bad situation and it allows a child to feel like they are loved and not unwanted.
10. List five suggestions you might make to teach him about lifestyle modifications and techniques he can use to prevent or minimize future problems and rational for each.
A higher level of fats in the body puts the patient at higher risk for Cardiovascular diseases(CAD). The patient's' family has a history of CAD. Her mom and one of her sister have CAD (Lewis et al., 2014, pp. 733-734). The patient states that she has been taking her meds for cholesterol atorvastatin regularly. Her lipase level was 8272 on 11/11/16 and 2829 on 11/12/16 U/L 1069 on 11/13/16 (Ref range 73-393 U/L). Her HDL cholesterol level was 21 ( ref range>49 mg/dl), LDL Cholesterol level 148 ( ref range: <130 mg/dL). Patient statin drug was on hold because it is contradicted on the patient with an elevated level of ALT 80, 61(Ref range 0-50 U/L) and AST 61 on 11/12/16 and 64 on 11/13/16 (ref range 0-45 U/L). The uncontrolled level of could be the cause of concern for stroke or acute myocardial
Increased cholesterol levels, particularly low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), is one of the most potent CV risk factors. Epidemiological data show a continuous log-linear relationship between serum cholesterol levels and risk of CHD (Grundy et al. 2004). There are inconsistent reports of increased cholesterol levels in PD patients (Hayward et al. 1989; Tancer et al. 1990; Bajwa et al. 1992; Agargun et al. 1996; Shiori et al. 2000; Peter et al.
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High cholesterol is one of the most common diseases that occur in today's society. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 71 million American adults have high LDL "bad" cholesterol. When cholesterol levels are normal, they normally do not harm the body since cholesterol can be beneficial to the body. However, if excess amounts of cholesterol are in the body, it can become a threat. "Cholesterol is a waxy substance that plays an important role in building cell membranes and sex hormones" (Overview). The certain types of food you consume on a daily basis may affect the cholesterol levels in your blood. There are two types of cholesterol, which is your HDL (high density lipoprotein), "good", cholesterol, and your LDL (low density lipoprotein), which are the "bad" cholesterol. It is critical that an individual maintains his or her cholesterol levels because he or she can increase their risk of cardiovascular disease. LDLs are known to carry cholesterol into your arteries and clog them, which can cause strokes and heart attacks. On the other hand, HDL, help eliminate cholesterol from the arterial vessels and transport it to the liver, which is then defecated with body waste. According to Sroda, an individual's total cholesterol should be less than 200, LDL levels should be less than 130,
Our lifestyle can have a big impact on how we feel. When we don’t take care of
According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, in 2015, seventy percent of males and fifty seven percent of females are overweight in the United States. As new children come into the world, they are being taught that being overweight and unhealthy is pretty typical throughout our society. Well, it’s easy to makes changes necessary to switch the direction of which the future is facing. To live and maintain a healthy lifestyle, follow three simple steps; eat right, be active, and be mentally happy.