
San Diego 6 Case Study

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This paper explores various factors that influence the coverage of news by television stations. The case study that will be used in this paper will be San Diego 6 the CW. The station is a typical example of a media broadcast that has implemented framing and commercial interests. This paper will use some of the examples from the station to highlight the way media houses. In this case, San Diego 6 the CW broadcast and air their news content while trying to keep balance between commercial viability and news considered being for the good of the audience. It is an accepted fact that news aired on television screens, on radio, and printed media in various publications does not represent a true image of the events on the ground. The news is influenced by factors such as personae, market audience, affiliated businesses, and many other organizations from structural pluralism to states …show more content…

In this case, a company may sponsor channel’s news segments or other relevant programs. Some adopt this idea through subsidizing and sponsoring other segments that seems journalistic such as news related contents even though the company or organization receive the largest amount of benefits from the piece. For instance, on August 20th, Doctor Robert Dee McDonald featured on San Diego 6 news for discussion named “Grief and Healing: Making Your Way through the Pain” on San Diego 6 the CW website. Even when the doctor was not talking directly to the audience about where he works, there was an interest among the viewers to know where the doctor works. Therefore, in this case, the Center for New Medicine was the sponsor and it benefitted greatly from the interview. The fourth approach is news framing of business under a certain chosen topic that may be on matters such as economic state of a particular state or a civic topic is chosen and a representative from a company or organization is chosen by the media company to expound on the issue (De Vreese,

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