
Sanctuary Cities Essay

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In 2010, there were 11.2 million undocumented and illegal immigrants in the United States, making it a serious political and economic issue (Cebula, 2016). There are certain cities in the United States that do not have specific policies for illegal immigrants. Sanctuary cities are cities, counties, states, or local jurisdictions that limit how local law enforcement and federal immigration agents cooperate with another, as well as, do not ask about a person’s immigration status (Lee et al, 2014). After researching about sanctuary cities, it seems that the sanctuary cities allow illegal immigrants to get away with crime, serving little to no jail time. If someone from the United States was to commit a crime in another country, there is not a such thing as a sanctuary city. One way sanctuary cities are developing is by having safer communities. Residents need to be able to trust the police, so if a situation ever arose, the immigrant is able to go to the police (Kasai & Trumble, 2017). Another way sanctuary cities are developing is by providing government funding. The government funds some of the largest and economic cities, which …show more content…

The Republic had two consuls, one at home and the other was in the field with the army (Osborne, 2015). Even though our government is not referred to as consuls, we do have a Commander in Chief as the president, the one who is at home, and the one over the armed forces as the Secretary of Defense, as he is the one over the armed forces. The democratic part of the government in Roman times was called the assembly (Osborne, 2015). Similar to how the citizens were able to get together and vote on different policies, we too are able to elect people into office. A third way the Republic government is similar to ours is about the Roman Constitution. Even though we do not change the actual Constitution, we do however, make changes as needed to the Amendments (Osborne,

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