
Sand Country Almanac Review

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In A Sand Country Almanac by, Aldo Leopold, he talks about the sky, and the horizon but also explaining how a “new day has begun”. He talks about the ice age and the history explaining the change of our generations. He expresses how beautiful nature is, and the need to preserve it, for example, there are no words to describe the beauty of nature. Due to a glacier, one fell and crushed a valley that had soon slowly started filling with water; this is explaining the change that had occurred from long ago to how it is now. In Land Ethic it talks about evolution and how it was studied. He talks the relations between people and their society but also the specific role people had, due to the Golden Rule. There are two Kinds of Ethics Leopold talks about, which are ecological and philosophical. Ethic is carried in a way to be a connection with people and the land, for example they think the people will start to feel more of an authority to care and respect for natural resources. He wants everything to stay in balanced, but with humans, they are producing a different cycle and creating the loss of natural. …show more content…

Berry is afraid with our population increase; our natural resources will be limited due to how much our society intakes on consumption of natural resources. Berry talks about the”difference between the natural and the human” and how they are indivisible but different, at the same time explaining how “we are wild”. Berry believes that plant and animal has a right to live. Berry also tends to think the increase of population is dangerous because of people becoming individually

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