
Sandkings By George Rr Martin Analysis

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The novelette, "Sandkings" by George R. R. Martin is a combination of horror and thriller that makes an interesting reading based on the theme of sandking battles. There are several motifs throughout the novelette that suggest deep violence and the entire approach of the storytelling is extremely disturbing due to it’s ever sense of blind panic and threats of violence. However, from the point of view of Formalism and New Criticism, the text is very interesting because the narrative gradually moves towards structuralism. Even though there is always a chance to focus only on the bigger picture under structuralism, it is fair enough approach to make an overall judgment (Dreyfus and Rabinow 65). From this perspective, the motifs, themes and the main characters reflect the horror of evil created out of power in the hand of man. The motifs of sand clearly show the meaningless of human power because it brings nothing but sorrow at the end. The protagonist, Kress, runs a suicidal course reminding of a movement towards doom and destruction. Sand is common – bare, infertile and menacing. "It was a sad, shabby house, built of crumbling sand, but the door was quite large, and dark, and it breathed" (Martin 46). Here, a …show more content…

The introduction of the concept of ‘telepathy’ is interesting as it hints at esoteric cult practices that have seeped into society together with hedonism. These mysterious powers are used not to reach divine levels but for gross ends. The female maw is a throwback idea to the pristine age of man when the norm was a matriarchal society where the female dominated. Perhaps the writer observed the tendency towards grotesque obesity of the majority among the overfed generation. He has tried to show how physical change goes hand in hand with mental degeneration, and soon becomes unbearable and so, "Kress ran from the house as quickly as he could, ran until his ribs ached and his breath was coming in gasps" (Martin

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