Case Study “Sandra” 1. Yes. The right type of employment can actually provide a therapeutic element such as more human contact, and provide a sense of purpose. However, the job like all employment should be well chosen. This can be done by taking in to account the person’s mental and emotional makeup. The job like any job would not be one that would aggravate the person’s condition. The reasoning, math, language, mental stress, and physical demand would have to be conducive to the client’s needs. 2. No. Receiving rehabilitation vocational services is not income and should not hurt her efforts to gain disability benefits; being eligible for rehabilitations servicers may help prove her need for disability benefits. 3. The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs defines Military sexual trauma, or MST, as experiences of sexual …show more content…
Sandra may have experience sexually assault from a female. Further, even if she has experience MST from a male it depends on her feelings weather she will feel more comfortable working with a male. 4. I will discuss with Sandra the confidentiality and the limits regarding the confidentiality policy. Further, I will have a firm stand for the ethical and legal requirements that govern our profession; which I would abide by all rules and regulations. I would only be able to share with consent from the client or with sound legal or ethical justification as spelled out in the code of ethics. However, when disclosure is required to protect the client and others, I would have to disclose confidential information as required by the code of ethics; however, I would first contact my supervisor. 5. I believe working in a library, in a moderate position, would be a fitting job for Sandra due to the quiet conditions and a slightly slower pace. Sandra would be able to learn the job duties and have human contact that would not be
During safety rounds on Tuesday we noticed a few things I wanted to sit down and discuss our current process as well as the expectations of both dietary and nursing team.
You are in a patient’s room performing a treatment. The patient, who has a type of cancer that is always fatal, has just been told of his condition. While you are there, a man visiting a patient in the next bed begins to describe the horror of his wife’s last days before she died of cancer. The patient becomes increasingly tense and finally begins to sob. Answer the following questions:
The resident physician violated confidentiality, because when he left the patient’s room and made a comment about “She-male,” everyone in that vicinity may have overheard him. Only the health care professional taking care of him should know about the patient being
Background Sandra has been married for eleven years and has two children, a 10-year old daughter, Paola and a 9-year-old son, Joaquin. Jose, her husband, is the eldest of his family and was born and raised in rural Mexico. At the age of 14 years-old, he moved to the closest metropolitan city in order to seek work and help his family financially. Six years later, he decided to immigrate to the United States and established himself in Waco, Texas; three years after that, he moved to Houston, where he met Sandra at a family gathering. Even though they possess different personalities, he is an extrovert and she is an an introvert, they both enjoy traveling, the outdoors, dancing and going out to eat.
Military Sexual Trauma (MST), includes any sexual activity where you were involved against your will. When assessing a service member for MST it is important to use a biopsychosocial approach. Some biological or physical responses to MST may include, sexual difficulties, chronic pain, weight or eating problems or gastrointestinal problem. Psychologically, as a result of the MST service members may have PTSD or depression. They may also experience strong emotions, difficulties with memories, feeling of numbness, or trouble sleeping due to nightmares. Socially, service members may experience difficulties in their relationships. As a result of all of these symptoms, as service member may have problems with alcohol or drugs to cope with the emotions or memories they may have regarding the incident.
The duties performed by social and human services workers are varied. They can work in a number of different fields including psychology, social work, rehabilitation, and support for families in need (BLS, 2012a). Often, they help to identify the needs of clients and help them obtain available benefits, community services, and programs. There are several other job categories that are closely related including rehabilitation counselors, psychiatric technicians, personal care aides, and eligibility interviewers for government programs (BLS, 2012a). I wish to pursue a career in the psychology and rehabilitation field of the human services category. This population is of great interest to me because of experiences with friends and family. I find this category of human services to be the most interesting and I have a strong desire
Throughout many wars that the United States of America had endured within the 238 years, recently America have another war to handle which is Military Sexual Trauma. Only recently the social media decided to take part of acknowledging that many veterans have mental health issues. However, they are mainly focusing on one problem which is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The society needs to learn that PTSD isn 't the main source of conflict for active service members and veterans. There is a secondary leading mental illness that these soldiers are experiencing and that is call Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Although the public has not mentioned or announced the existence of MST. As a member of the community, we need to teach the world as well as one another the meaning of Military Sexual Trauma, the effects of it that cause individual to have certain symptoms when dealing with MST and lastly the different kind of treatments that are offer by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) to assist many family members, friends and spouses who have MST because it is the secondary leading mental health problem for veterans right next to suicide.
Disabled Women Veterans experience a large gap in services compared to their male counterparts. They experience large gaps in healthcare services, transition services, disability compensation, employment, and housing (Disabled American Veterans, n.d.). This gap leads to higher levels of stress and a high level of need among the Woman Veteran population. Little to no treatment groups exist specifically to the Woman Veteran population and the many challenges the population experiences, leaving them socially isolated. Disabled Women Veterans have many needs to address with disabilities ranging from psychological to physical. Their disabilities alone lead to the need for treatment that address their disabilities and the stress that comes with these
Throughout history in the United States, we have multiplied the amount of individuals who are considering or participating in the fields: social work and/or counselor. These career fields are not always positive because individuals see situations that makes them cringe. However, there is a lot of rewarding aspects of these specific fields, each individuals learns how to help individuals with hard situations, help parents understand about why a child is acting a certain way, and help individuals who are seeking help for a various of reasons. Having a career you are passionate about should not matter if you are getting paid a million bucks to a dollar, it should be about the love and compassion you have to help a person in need.
Confidentiality was explained to Lorena, and also the exceptions in which, confidentiality would have to be breached. Lorena was asked if she understood this, she replied “Yea”. ACA (2005, Section, Breaching the confidentiality and therefore trust between Lorena and myself in this instance, was necessary and unavoidable, ACA,, (2008), and and ACA, , B.2a, B.2c(2005).
Please explain how psychosocial factors have influenced your clients' ability to engage in occupations during treatment.
To begin the understanding of confidentiality, the author first provided readers with a formal concept analysis on confidentiality. He explained how confidentiality did not truly become a concept of interested until 1961, when the general nursing guides made a small mention related to the concept in regards to privileged
The U.S Department Veteran’s Affairs (VA) provides a wide range of benefits for our service members, veterans and their families. Some of these benefits include but are not limited to include compensation, disability, education, and home loans. Throughout this paper I will discuss these benefits and the eligibility required to receive them. Eligibility for most VA benefits is based on type of discharge received through the military which is normally all discharges under other than dishonorable conditions.
Health care professionals are subject to a multitude of professional, legal, and ethical responsibilities which call for personal judgment to be utilized in such a manner as to protect clients as well as public wellness and interests. Overall considerations in handling such duties may be considered to be respect of a client’s autonomy, confidence, and recognition of obligations owed to all clients. While the aforementioned acts fall within the professional realm, there are also legal implications that guide care. Therefore, it can be said that ethical considerations occur in observation of legal responsibilities. Confidential information is perceived as private facts which are disclosed with the
My personal experiences fuel my passion for social work. What I think would be best for someone may not be