
Sandra Selig

Decent Essays

Situated in the kaleidoscope exhibition, Sandra Selig’s work ‘Heart of the air you can hear’, is a large sculpture piece that emphasises a stark corner through the strategic placement of red thread. The thread relies on tensile forces uniting nails on opposing walls in a corner space. As you move alongside the piece, there is a depth that alludes to a dimensionless plane, the red in stark contrast to the white background that allows its existence. Reminiscent of perspective planes, the piece sets up an immersive reflective experience, which can appear to trick your senses not dissimilar from the optical illusion books where you unfocus your eyes and see another context. Produced in 2011, the work uses spun polyester, thread, nails and paint to create a web-like structure. It challenges space and time, platforming a drawn out experiential interaction. The form …show more content…

The solitary use of red thread has many psychological undertones, perhaps the most significant is the implication of strain that we implore when exposed to the colour. A literal representation of the pressure placed on the threads, concurrent with inherent social commentary on the strain within the government during 2011. Metaphorically, the use of the corner is significant, a space typically dedicated to Masato Takasaka similarly explores the concept of links and connection through line work. ‘The works make me feel trapped in a cave amid a farrago of links’[1], as “” recalls. Situated as a mural at Monash University in Caufield (MUMA), it consists of a myriad of varying colours, seemingly random line work almost as if a child had been given 100 different coloured paint brushes and instructed to fill the space with lines. These works both explore the complexity of line and the subjectivity of time through a complex three dimensional perspective

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