
Sandwich By Gloria Anzaldua Summary

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Gloria Anzaldua concept of borderlands is one of many aspects. To begin it is a place that is consistently transitioning, full of multiple people who are seen as different. The borderlands is also a territory where the third world and the first world meets, specifically it is located in the US -Mexican border. Its where cultures collide, it is what separates us from them and determines what we view safe and unsafe, but most importantly it is an unnatural boundary, made to separate us. The people here are troublesome, they are the queer, the perverse, the mulato, the half breed, in short those who live here are considered different. The Chicanos, Indians, Blacks, the queer, and all those who are not white are those who dwell in the borderlands. They struggle enough as it is, but even then, they are seen as transgressors, aliens, sometimes in their own land because they are not white, and they do not align themselves with whites. This makes …show more content…

In a Rice Sandwich we see a similar situation when the nun doesn’t want Esperanza to be a part of the kids who eat in the canteen. She states that the nun told her to, “Go for today not for tomorrow” only after making her cry(45). The canteen can be seen as a borderland, Esperanza feels like she doesn’t belong because she is not like the other kids, the nun only lets her sit there out of pity. Most importantly it’s a reminder of her place in society, it shows Esperanza that she is different, not legitimate like those in the borderlands and still part of the marginalized like those in the tracks. All of this shapes her position in the world, reminding her she is still part of the outsiders and still not belonging anywhere, even when she makes it in the canteen she realizes its nothing special and she still feels

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