On a cold night last Christmas Eve, my life changed dramatically. I was sound asleep, but I had the strangest dream that I was being kidnapped by Elf’s. Additionally, in my dream I was carried to Santa’s headquarters and proclaimed an elf. However, I was abruptly woken from my slumber when someone clubbed me over my head with a humongous candy cane. I was on an operating table, I looked outside and it was a Tundra. There was a nurse hovering above me with oddly pointy ears, “I’m glad you're awake” she exclaimed. “What happened” I asked. “Well, you sleepwalked all the way to the Northern Alaska. I noticed that I was wrapped in many heavy blankets, “You got hypothermia on the way here” she said. “I’m surprised you’re alive still” the …show more content…
I began with small volunteer projects such as making toys for impoverished children, which you could imagine I’d be really good at doing. Subsequently, I began to accomplish bigger and better things such as using magic skills I had learned to cure terminal illnesses and cancers. Despite all of the good I had done, the most memorable deed was when I ended all hunger in the US. How did I complete such a difficult task, you may ask, well the same way Santa Claus delivers presents. Every week I would fly a sleigh around the US at night and drop off abundant amounts of food to poor people. On the other hand, I am working tirelessly at a global scale to end hunger but that will take a lifetime to achieve that goal. Therefore, I have changed greatly from the experience mostly for the good, except for me not being able to reach anything on the top shelf. Also, it was still never explained to me how I became an elf in the first place. I will still continue to end world hunger until I die or grow too old. Every night I have flashbacks of my hospital time and I suffer permanent brain damage from being unconscious for such a long period of time. But all of these negative effects are offset by positive ones. After, this experience I have learned to always put others before
1 of the 2018 PBS Series Natural Born Rebels takes you on a roller-coaster journey across the
Ebenezer Scrooge is a grumpy, mean miser who dramatically changes overnight! Before this amazing transformation though, he was morose and very tough. Employee Bob Cratchit states, “ He only paid me 15 shillings a week which was definitely not enough to keep my family in good state.” So what has happened to this new and improved Scrooge? Let's hear from his nephew Fred. “ He said he'd rather die than spend Christmas with my family.” Although, people never liked Scrooge, his new behavior is attracting people to like him much more. “Even though Scrooge had a heart, maybe it has opened more and realized what the importance of love is” added Bob Cratchit.
The Grinch Brittany Caruso The grinch is a rude, loud character who has a deep overwhelming hate for christmas due to his childhood trauma. After he ran away from whoville he moved to Mt. Crumpit with his dog, and only companion. The Grinch only leaves his cave to steal food, or bother other people.
On the twelve day of Christmas the big news came to me about Santa the one who puts stuff under the tree. Santa is Santa no matter who is behind the big red and white suit. Why does it matter who is under the suit either they are black, white or have a disability change is yet to come. Everyone sees Santa as a jolly man in red played as a Caucasian actor. The Change has happen when the Mall of America introduced its newly trading of a black Santa. Larry Jefferson known as the “African American Santa” was the only Santa of color at the Santa gathering of 1,000 Santa’s. On Jefferson’s first day a child that sat on his lap asked an amazing question with a remarkable answers that brings diversity and democracy as a whole to understand and get use
There is no best part of the holiday season. The holidays are a pile of overused Christmas songs mixed will divorced parents spoiling their children to make their kids like them over their ex. The large and ‘great’ holiday meals will fatten people up like its thanksgiving. The human race is crumbling under the stars of My 600 Pound life. Also, people get presents from multiple people pretending to be their friends, and the one family member they actually like. Then one will see all the children around the world awaiting some fat old man to creep into their house and steal their food. Next, one will see the bratty children running around with their new toys and screaming at the top of their lungs. One may see the author as a Grinch, but they
What holiday is The Nightmare Before Christmas about? Some believe its a Christmas movie as were others say its a Halloween movie. I believe its a Halloween movie due how the movie plays out.
So you don’t believe in Santa Claus. It’s understandable. We find ourselves in an age of pure skepticism. We question everything. Science has taken hold of our lives, providing answers for all questions and dismissing anything that cannot be explained as either myth or fiction. So it’s quite understandable why you don’t believe, with no physical proof of his existence. It’s indeed understandable to lose sight of Father Christmas with the transformation of this holiday into one that, as of late, is used commercially as a lucrative crutch solely to make profit. It’s understandable to abandon Santa Claus after hearing countless people deny his very physical or even spiritual existence. After all, one tends to
When I was eight years of age, I started to realize that there was an entire word outside of the town, state, and country that I lived in. I became concerned about the lives of others, even those that I didn’t know personally. I often thought “There are people in other countries that don’t even have enough water to live, and I am living an amazing life here in America”. Not only was I concerned for those people, but I took action to help them. It was then that I started a fundraiser to raise money for people that can’t afford the basic necessities to live in third world countries. To this day, I have been saving every penny I could afford to make sure other people can live a better life.
The Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Boogeyman, and Santa Claus, what do all of these have in common? For me, it is the innocence of a child. Children seem to be more gullible and believe anything you tell them; they do not know the difference between a lie and the truth. During the Christmas of 2003, I was five years old and still believed in Santa Claus. The fact of believing in Santa Claus expresses the innocence of a child and brings the magic to Christmas.
My thoughts and aspirations towards my future not only involve my success, but the success of the world around me as result of my education. I strive to become a person who utilizes his knowledge to help others succeed. After recently completing my first mission trip to Haiti this past summer I realized that this is what I aspire to do with my life. I went to a place of poverty and sickness, and envisioned solutions that would solve some of the issues that are plaguing Haiti. This defining moment happened while I was sitting in a temporary shelter, I realized how desperate the living conditions were for these people, and at that moment I was moved to help, but how? I was a seventeen year old boy with minimal experience and lack of funding
In 2005, ten-year-old Belle Adams had her dreams crushed after learning the truth about Santa Claus. Her mother, Nicki Adams, admitted to lying about Santa Claus being real. Belle never felt so betrayed. She reacts by writing an offensive note and sliding the note under her mother’s door. The note read, “You have no idea what you just did. I really tried to believe. Everyone told me it’s your parents. I can’t believe you anymore. Is the Easter bunny real, how about the tooth fairy, huh? You just ruined a 10-year-old child’s Life! Thanks! Nothing will make me feel better because you lied to me about something I Loved that Broke my Heart!” As we all know, Santa Claus is the one of the most famous mythologies of all time. Every Christmas Eve,
A lone candle burns into the senseless night. Its wax trickling down its side. I stare at the clock and it is barely half past nine, yet time seems to stand still. I stare at the window and investigate the nasty mesmerizing blizzard falling outside my window. I could not grasp anything other than the snow. All I can do is moan as each passing second this bloody snow lingers and destroys my vision of a perfect Christmas, in which Santa would come and visit me in my sleep. At the time I was only four but I treasured Christmas and the snow surrounding it. Little did I know the damage that it would entail into my life.
Sitting at the kitchen table, watching on as my siblings cried and my parents smiled apologetically, I couldn’t help but wonder why they’d done it. Why they’d gone so much farther than anyone else only to end up here, apologizing for the entire act. Reflecting back, I don’t think I realized how much we benefitted from the charade.
What does Christmas mean to you? To me Christmas is about spending time with family and giving to celebrate Jesus birthday. Christmas can be over commercialized as things that it is not. People try to make Christmas about buying gifts, Santa, and receiving presents. These are advertised all over the place right after Thanksgiving all the way till Christmas.
I set an alarm to wake up the next day, i walk down the hall into the elevator and into the lobby. Food was being served and samples were given out, i tried some of their food and thought to myself what their cultures must be like?. I’m riding the elevator back up and go to sleep. The next morning i see the sun peeking into the shades, the blush of dawn beautiful crimson red. I get dressed and I’m ready to start my day. I head down to the lobby had some breakfast and go shopping in the little stores they had nearby, while i’m looking a sales clerk comes by and asked if i was assisted and i replied with “no, but can you direct me to where the clothes are?”. He kindly replied “yes,”. He realized my accent wasn’t from here and he asked me where i was from and how is it in the United States. After the little store shopping fun i had i went hiking into one of the mountains. When i arrive at the top i gaze at the beautiful landscape “they weren't wrong!” as i whispered to myself. Night came and this was the most truly amazing experience ever to be seen . A color of aurora lights begin to light up the sky, displaying an unforgettable image. The arctic sky was filled with an emerald green aurora that looked like a paint brush swiftly guided the strokes along the night sky. It was a wonder to see the reflection of the northern lights reflecting the crystal clear water near the mountain side. I took many pictures to show my friends and