That article was very informative, and it was interesting to read that Santa Rosa Island is home to some of the oldest sites of civilization on the Pacific Coast. The information that midden can reveal about a population is fascinating because they reveal how people ate and how they lived. The article also illustrated how the indigenous people industrious. For example, the site uncovered evidence of “distinctive stone points and tool-making debris”, also they were able to move the location of the shell mounds more inland to in an effort to better preserve them, so they had to have a method for transporting the large amounts of abalone shells. In addition, the article explained how shells and “radiocarbon” play a key role in revealing that people
In David Vine’s, Island of Shame, he discusses the impoverishment of expulsion and reveals the harsh truth about what happened to the residents of Diego Garcia. He does this by living with and interviewing families that have been deeply affected by their exile, which aided him in obtaining a new perspective to help develop clear and concise evidence for the lawsuit established by the Chagossians who are fighting for their rights as human beings and their land.
Apparently, while Juan Ponce was talking to the Indians, he realized that our current land is not Bimini, but a new world of its own. He decided to name the place “Pascua Florida” as a remembrance of Pascua Florida Day had just passed. I wanted to name it “Bercerilloland” but no one agreed with me. You would not like it here, my crew mates are dim-witted and insufferable.
When Joseph comes out of the water, he finds all of his clothing missing. A man, whom he later finds out is his uncle, tells him to go to the police station. After a period of time spent thinking, he finally decided to go to the Police station, but did not enter the charity tent until later that day when a mother told him to. The police returned him to a swollen, red eyed mother. His mother, Rose, was furious and relieved at her son at the same time, and when the police told her Joseph’s story and how he walked all the way to Coney Island, she was in complete disbelief and amazement. Worn out, Joseph goes to his room, ready for sleep, but Emily is curious to know everything that happened. Soon enough, Lizzy Kaplan found a place to move the
Coronado Island's attractions range from lounging on the sparkling beaches or exploring aquatic adventures to biking along the bay or visiting historical landmarks. Tours by foot, ferry, boat, or bike will all introduce you to the island within an hour. If you crave a true California beach experience, then Coronado Central Beach is the first choice. With the warmest water on the West Coast, sunny weather all year round, and white sandy beaches – it’s easy to see why it’s been voted one of the top 10 beaches in the U.S. Silver Strand State Beach is a close second with remote campgrounds, water sports, and even romantic gondola rides. No trip to Coronado would be complete without a tour of the Hotel del Coronado. Built in 1888 and designated
San Nicolas Islands is 60 miles off the Southern California Coast.It has treasure trove and artifacts known for Native American woman who lived their alone in the nineteenth century. Archaeologist and Native Americans leaders been trying to move the artifacts from San Nicolas Island to a former house,that is located in China Lake,California. The reasons artifacts should not be moved is because they are very delicate, they found stone blades,harpoon points, bonefish hooks and many more implements.
Barrier Island is a low edge of sand that is parallel to the mainland with a distance of 2 to 19 miles’ off the shoreline, 300 barrier islands border the shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, to Padre Island, Texas. The barrier island defends the coast from the full power of storm waves. In the central of the barrier island and the mainland is a peaceful lagoon or a bay. Mainly most of these barrier island are 0.6-3 miles wide and amid from 9-18 miles long. The highest structures example of barrier island are sand dunes with the height of 16-33 feet; however, in some places the dunes can reach the height of 100 feet. Few barrier islands are initiated as spits that were then detached from the inland by upsurge corrosion, rising of sea level resulting
The Mayan people of the Yucatan Peninsula have endured great changes over their history, but many changes have occurred more recently as documented in the book by Cindy Hull. During a study in which she lived in Yaxbe for several decades, Hull examined the effects that this change has had on the people of the village and the Mayan people at large. Initially, Hull found that much was different about living with the people because she was used to the US Midwest. She was not used to the diet or to the family structure she found among the people, but she quickly adjusted to the changes and became a member of the village. Her task while she was there was to discover the social structure of the clan and how the culture has changed over time. She conducted a longitudinal study (one in which she became an integral member of the tribe) because she wanted to understand the people from a basal level. She believed that, despite the differences to what she experienced in her normal life, that the hardships she would face would get her closer to understanding the culture she was studying.
The story “Island at Noon” by Julio Cortazar is about a guy named Marini who is obsessed with an island. He is being tested by his fate to see if he should follow his heart. Marini is called to an adventure which leads him on a road of trials in order to fulfill his destiny.
For years, it had been widely accepted “that small bands of humans carrying a generalized Upper Paleolithic tool kit entered the Americas around 11,500 radiocarbon years before the present” (Waters 1122); and that “Archaeologists called these presumed pioneers the Clovis culture, after distinctive stone tools that were found at sites near Clovis, New Mexico, in the 1920s and 1930s” (Curry 13). However, the “peopling” of the Americas and their presumptive date of arrival is a topic of great debate within the field of Archeology; and the discovery of the Paisley Caves in south-central Oregon has thrown a wrench in the once widely accepted hypothesis that the “Clovis complex is considered to be the oldest unequivocal evidence of humans in the
This story takes place between 1835 and 1853 on an Island off the coast of California. This story was based on the history of the woman known as The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island who was left alone for 18 years on San Nicolas Island before being discovered in 1853. She was a California native that everyone thought lived in a cave on the Island.
A variety of archaeological materials are contained in midden deposits including botanical material, potsherds, shell, animal bone, left over pieces from making stone flack point and all other artifacts with historic human occupation. The Archaic Midden, which is the oldest midden dates back as far as 3000 BC. This midden consists of different layers of ancient artifacts like potter and shell tools. Shell Ridge Midden is the particular site that the Webb family constructed their house. It was originally used as a platform for the residence of the chief and ancient inhabitant’s temple construction site.
Archaeology provides clues to the past when no written record existed, making the field the only way to expand the existing knowledge of the Clovis and pre-Clovis cultures. In South America, there is an abundance of archaeological sites dating to both Clovis and pre-Clovis times, but in North America, specifically on the East coast, there are only a handful of excavated sites. In reference to pre-Clovis, this statement is especially true, with varied sites that have not been fully excavated or are not convincing enough to be considered hard hitting evidence in favor of their existence. These sites are the basis for the debate over who came first and if pre-Clovis really existed or not, making the analysis of excavations a key factor to understanding
The text set that I read was all about Angel Island. The books included in this text set were: Angel Island: Gateway to Gold Mountain (Freedman 2013), Paper Son: Lee’s Journey to America (Shin-Mui Loh 2013), and The Dragon’s Child: A Story of Angel Island (Yep 2011). Through stories, images, and illustrations, all of the books explore the journey that Asian immigrants went through coming to America in the 1800s. The books show the struggles that the immigrants went through in their transition to America in search for opportunities and a new life.
In 1996, artifacts that hold clues to early Americans have been found in Suffolk, Virginia, that date to about 18,000 years old! This had sparked the thought, “Who Was Here First, and how did they get here?” Before this, most historians and archaeologists believed in one theory, but this new evidence gave proof for dozens of new theories. There are four major theories: The Beringia Theory, the Solutrean Hypothesis, The Maritime Theory, and the South-Pacific Theory. All of the theories are possible, but only one of them can be true.
The main character in the story is Jim Hawkins. He is a young boy who looks for adventure. He and a few experienced men search for Ben Gunn, and want to have him enlist in their cause. They steal the Hispanolia (a ship) and return it to the captain to which it rightfully belongs.