Everything you have could evaporate only becoming a memory within seconds. In the end it is not the end result that has importance, but the adventure that got you there. Santiago’s adventure involves an insane, heart thrilling story. The old man and the sea teaches you purely about life, the struggles, love, and most importantly the value of a true adventure. Sometimes your biggest struggle is also your greatest love that is exactly what the marlin was to the man. He hated, fought for, and fought against the fish all at once. The fish is all Santiago wanted from day one, but would he still want him if he had all the fishes in the sea? Would it matter? Struggles make us fight. They give us something to fight for, without them we wouldn’t have
In The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway uses Santiago to demonstrate some of the qualities of a Hemingway Code Hero. Throughout the novel, Santiago encounters many trials and tribulations that test his role as a code hero. While reading the novel one will see that Santiago endures many of the rules of a code hero. However, the ones he encounters the most are misfortune, honor, and courage. Hemingway uses these rules in his novel in such a way that one can fully understand the life of Santiago.
There is hardly any progress, determination or success without unforgiving struggle and defeat. The road to success is a never-ending battle, but the outcomes of the war are rewarding and the avails are extraordinary. It is just a matter of having endurance when the will to continue becomes impossible and unimaginable. The idea of struggle lies deep within the plot of the novel, The Old Man and the Sea and the motion picture, Life of Pi. In the novel, the old fisherman, Santiago spends a few days out at sea attempting to capture the fish of his dreams. He battles through pain, thirst and hunger in order to bring the Marlin to the shore. However, while losing his prey, he gains a priceless experience combined with pride, respect and
I, Hilda Cardona, declare that I was a victim of domestic violence next to my ex-partner, Jose Sanchez. I will tell you a bit about my life next to him and how I met my ex-partner. I would say he was 10 years older than me. I will tell you how I met him when I was 15 years of age and I left my house, I used to leave with my parents.
Santiago’s attitude seems to be that although he faces difficulties, he finds the strength inside of him to be able to overcome them. Once he hooked the marlin, Santiago comes to a realization that he cannot kill the fish quickly. Though he is faced with a problem, the old man is able to find the best of the situation. He begins to form a bond with the marlin, as he repeatedly
This is a quote that the crystal merchant says to santiago when santiago is leaving the crystal merchant to go back home. The crystal merchant says this because he knows that santiago will not go back to spain, he will continue to follow his personal legend and try to go to the pyramids and find his treasure. Additionally, santiago is startled when the merchant says this because santiago never talked about the treasure with the merchant. Consequently, i chose this quote because i can relate as in doing something that i didn't plan on doing.
In the book The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway uses the flashback technique in order to characterize Santiago and develop key themes of the novel, such as Santiago’s connection with nature and what it means to be a hero. Hemingway employs several flashbacks as an effective technique that develops Santiago’s character as he recalls past occurrences in order to renew his strength of will. There are three flashbacks in particular that are critical to the development of this story. The first flashback describes a time when Santiago associated himself with the marlins. The second flashback occurs when Santiago arm-wrestled the town’s strongest
“Come on kids, it’s time for a trip” I say. I walk silently ahead of my young son and daughter. I can hear Jorge kicking pebbles off of the path. My young daughter and son follow patiently behind me, unaware of the certain doom that awaits them. I don’t want to do it you see, but I know that I must. “I do this for love. Because of Roberto.” I remind myself. Quite a few years back Roberto, my husband, was cursed. He was serving in Nuevo Leon, in the Spanish Inquisition and had arrived at a witch woman’s house to arrest her when she placed a curse on him, a curse that would forever change our lives. Roberto was cursed to live forever and to be young, though he did not see it as a curse. I was not cursed and so I have continued to age, which
When Santiago finally found the Pyramids, he follow the omen and found a place starting to find his treasure. There’s few people went by and grabbed the gold that Santiago had, although those gold was not there’s. It let me think about my childhood, my brother and I will take turn to watch TV, because we just had one TV in the house. When it’s my turn to watch TV, sometimes he would grab the controller and changed to the channel that he wanted to watch. He’s taller and older than me, there’s no way that I can win if we fight.
Our story takes place in New York City in our heros apartment. His name is Miguel or as some may call him Super Miguel and right now he is watching anime in his sad lonely crappy apartment having the time of his life but all that was about to change. All of a sudden he hears a scream coming from outside and he drops his ramon on his carpet. Furious he jumps out the window falling to the ground breaking a few bones but he then walks it of and goes in search of that scream. He sees what appears to be an obese man in a local bakery store turning people into candy and eating them!
The epic journey of “The Old Man and the Sea” describes struggle, discipline and manhood. The main characters relationships exemplify how faith and skill overcome man’s adversity during life on the sea. Santiago’s growing relationship with the boy idealizes his statute as a father figure and develops his integrity and values towards the boy. Hemmingway shows us how an old fisherman’s will to overcome the sea’s obstacles proves his manhood to himself and the young boy. His skills and knowledge of the sea provide a positive influence for the young boy to become a great fisherman someday.
The Old Man and the Sea was a story of Santiago’s courage. When Santiago could no longer see Havana he realized that he could not do anything with the fish. With courage he reassured him self that the fish could not do anything with him either so he might as well keep fishing and stay with the fish until he is dead. A little fear raised and with the courage he ignored the temptation of believing he was too old for fishing. Proving yet afraid of the outcome he stilled will sailed on with the fish. Without this factor, again there would not be a novel. If he did not have the courage from the beginning he would have cut the marlin free. Having no hero, having no plot, having absolutely no reason at all to write this story. But, Santiago did have the courage to go on to the very bitter end even when the sharks started to eat the marlin. He had his courage, which got him through the ordeal of the plot. Which help this story to be as great as it really is.
In Ernest Hemingway’s novel, The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago demonstrates the traits of the code hero. The Hemingway’s code hero covers the principal ideals of honor, courage, and endurance in a misfortune life. Throughout the novel, Santiago shows a contrast between opposite attitudes and values which associate his behavior with the guidelines of the code. In this case, the depiction of conflicting values, such as dignity despite humility, perseverance despite despair, and victory despite defeat are aspects that help to describe and understand the role of Santiago in the novel, and reflect the reason why this character is perfectly suited to the heroic conduct established by Hemingway.
don’t understand it. I don’t understand it at all. There’s always so much pressure. “Manolin, how many fish did you catch today?” “Manolin, are you staying away from that old man?” “Son, too much of one thing isn’t good for anyone, unless that thing is fishing.” What if I don’t care about catching a certain number of fish? I know it would help the community but I also know that mom and dad do more than okay without any of my fish. They don’t even need me so I don’t understand why it means so much to them for me to be lucky. Gosh, do I hate that word! The old man isn’t lucky and he’s better than anyone I’ve ever known. The old man is kind and wise and loving. Isn’t that the kind of person my parents should want me to be around? I know they want me to be a kid but if that were really true they wouldn’t care so much about me being successful at my age.
One of the predominate dreams that Santiago has during the book takes place on the coast of Africa with lions playing around with each other. The book tells us this is the only dream he has and the dream connect Santiago with memories of his childhood. Like the lions, Santiago is a hunter at heart with him being a fisher. But since his dream depicts the lions playing instead of hunting, the dream serves as a break from the real world.In the Old Man of the Sea, one of the main themes in the book is modernism. One of the characteristics of modernism found in the book is when Santiago is stuck on the boat while he is fishing. It is only him and his thoughts and the readers get to read everything. Through his thoughts we are able to understand how he feels. Despite the the fish Santiago
Santiago of The Old Man and the Sea is the quintessential “Hemingway Hero”-a type of fictional character created by Hemingway in all of his books whose basic response to life appealed very strongly to the readers. The Old Man begins the narrative with all the elements of such a hero despite his senescence and poverty. He shows strength, determination, and dedication to himself despite his struggles. Santiago relates back to readers as a strong failure who picks himself up repeatedly.