I did nothing at Santoros restaurant for ten minutes. This restaurant is located inside a hockey rink where I am very familiar with the environment. Since I knew many people around, the most common question I was asked was, “what are you doing?” The people that reacted were mostly people I'm acquainted with. The people I didn't know as well usually gave me a questioning look but kept walking. I was very uncomfortable at first because you are literally standing there in the middle of a busy place doing nothing. In our society it is very out of the norm and people find it “strange” when someone is just standing there doing nothing. In this experiment we were breaking the norm of always having to do something. As time went on I started to become
On Tuesday, December 15 2015, at about 1315 hours, while present at group 31 office, Lt. Robert Bava and I, conducted the P.G. 206-13 hearing of PO Derek Almeida, Tax #946426, currently assigned to the 83 Precinct. The hearing took place at 241 37 Street, Third Floor, Brooklyn, N.Y. PO Almeida was represented by P.B.A. Carl Varella. PO Almeida was interviewed as a subject. The interview was recorded on an Olympus brand digital voice recorder and upload into ICIS. In sum and substance PO almeida stated the following;
Focus: Santonias and family will learn and develop firm, consistent limits and maintain appropriate boundaries. Ms. Smalls (MHP), Santonias and Ms. Givens (MHS) debrief recent incidents in the home and community.
As stated earlier, this experiment completely proved my hypothesis wrong. Many of the people that rode the elevator with me stared at me as though there were something wrong with me. Most were uncomfortable and fidgety and kept looking over their shoulder at me as they rode forward, and me, backwards. More than a few asked if I was alright and even asked my friend, who was acting as if he did not know me, knew what was was wrong. I even conducted a few controlled experiments where I rode the elevator forward to see if people would react to me then, but not a single person outside of the experiment even acknowledged my existence. I would have thought that in a place like L.A. County, people would be too busy to notice others, or people would have been raised to mind their own business and keep to themselves, but apparently abiding my social standards and making sure that others do as well is a higher priority.
On Saturday, October 1, 2016, at approximately 1444 hours, I, Officer M. Alfaro was dispatched to Polo Park Apartment Homes at 4700 Polo Parkway, in reference to a check residence.
Man in california was born on the Island of Majorca part of the kingdom of spain.On the 24th of November 1713 at age sixteen he became a monk of the order st. Francis and the new name of Junipero was then substituted for his baptismal name of miguel jose.
Experiment Description: Being a college student I am aware of just how asocial and isolated college students tend to be while on campus. My experiment consisted of sitting next to people, more specifically, searching for those who were sitting by themselves at a table with empty chairs surrounding them. After finding the best subjects I would then walk right up to their table without speaking and sit down right by them rather than on any of the several available chairs around them. I executed this experiment at the library located at Cal state Long Beach during lunch hours (12:15pm-1:00pm) meaning the library was usually crowded. I would look for someone sitting alone at a big table and would then go ahead and make
On Saturday October 17,2015 I was performing at the Fire Creek Café in down town Flagstaff for Global Cabaret. This semi annual event is put on by the foreign language department at NAU and lead by Dr. Rulon. There were varies types of acts sing, dancing, spoken word, poetry so on and so on. I performed the monolog that I had first prepared for my acting 1 class entitled “Gender”. I was very nervous when I got up on the stage so I remembered what we had learned about putting the face of some we know in on the back of the room and talking to that person. Which worked for most of it un till I broke one of the rules of acting and made eye contact with a friend and the magic was gone and I froze like a deer in headlights after a second your
My experiment consisted of me asking strangers, on the streets of Downtown Grand Rapids, for directions to Rosa Park’s Circle, and invading their personal space. To start, I would approach a stranger; tell them that I am lost, and that I am in need of directions to the Rosa Park’s Circle. As strangers began giving directions to me, I inched closer and closer to them. In addition to invading their personal space, I also held intense eye contact with them, trying my best not to blink. The whole time, although it was difficult, I kept a straight face while I performed my experiment. To make sure that I gathered enough information, and a variety of results, I tested my
Considering social norms are defined as common expectations that rule people’s behavior, social control is used by people in society to ensure others follow these expectations. As seen in the experiments, my friends’ reactions show me that the social norm of eye contact is significant because they tried to socially control my behavior to make me look them in the eyes. These forms of informal punishment include, my friend in the first experiment who moved in closer, my friend in the second experiment who moved his head around, and my roommate in the third experiment who asked me how I was doing; all in an effort to get my attention through eye contact. Additionally, while I was breaking the social norm, I felt uncomfortable since it was difficult for me to not make eye contact with them, even when they attempted to socially control me.
Most individuals in society are conformist and make sure to stay in the loop. For my experiment, I decided to break the social norm of small talk in public restrooms. Everyone knows to go to the restroom, do their duty, wash your hands and go on your way. Individuals do not take the time to socialize while in the stall especially when someone is focused on not making too much noise. So, what I had done was start small talk with other women who would go into the stall next to me and even got a little personal which would cause embarrassment. With this in mind, I imagined girls would just simply ignore my comments or even ask me to leave them alone; also, older women would respond kinder than a teenager.
it was a good experience for me to see how this acturl felt. i was fine with wareing the name tage. i have to ware one at work so it wasnt to different then that. i went to smiths, i choses this place because it is close to my home. i got a lot of weir looks form people and i woul just wave. i liked doing it with other people because it gave me someone to talk to. i thought it was fun to talk to others so i could get the hole experience. i acted a little diferent but not much. people would try to ovoid me but i would try to talk to those people. no one found me to much work they found it fun trying to undersand me. they keep trying and then i would write it out and then say thank you and they would say you are welcome i had funt trying to under stand you. i dont think my life would change to much. in my free time i watch movies and went to smith an hungout there with some frinds. i didnt like the movies so much because i couldnt hear
For my nonconformity/compliance assignment I chose to violate a social norm. I felt that doing it only once would not suffice, so I tried it a few times to see if the results varied from person to person. I went ahead and started with refusing a handshake. The first instance was a friend introducing me to a friend of theirs. He reached his hand out and I just looked at it and shook my head. I must admit it was hard to keep a straight face, but I managed. Concerning my personal feelings, I was surprised at how uncomfortable I was, considering that I was aware that it was an experiment. Despite this knowledge, I still felt a mild rush of embarrassment. His reaction was what I had
Another of my norm observations was when I was walking to the campus cafeteria. Every Wednesday I have the opportunity to eat at the campus cafeteria. I usually don’t do so, because I am always leaving campus right after my class, so I don’t spend much time on the BC campus, but a few weeks ago I got a little earlier out of class, so I was not in a rush to get my food, and I started observing the people around me. While I was walking, I heard a dangling sound, like a cat’s bell, and people were looking towards me strange. I knew I didn’t have anything on me that made that noise, and it made me feel uncomfortable with the way people were looking my way, so I turned around and I noticed a group of four people behind me who were all dressed in
I'm walking to my lab, 24 tech to get on to my work on why certain animals have fur and are small like the common housecat and why they behave like they do.I come inside to the lab to check-in to reception and I greet my co-workers writing down notes about how the animals appear and then get to my locker to grab my clipboard, notes, and my uniform.I go to a cage and get a chinchilla and I place it down on a clear lab table and it felt as light as a feather.I grab the cat from the cage and put the cat right by the chinchilla to observe it.Then i go look at chemicals to see how they react to it.I look for some chemicals that can be used in foods.I go grab a book on chemistry and read it so I can make compounds used in food.I make an compound
I started out by asking my uncle to step into the quietest room in the house. I also asked that everyone else in the house try to stay as quiet as possible. In order to try and achieve what needed to be achieved I needed complete silence. I also didn’t want him knowing what I was doing so that way I could know if what I was doing was real. So he had no reason to be influenced. Before hand, I had set up two chairs in the room facing back to back. I didn’t know why having the chairs facing back to back would help but I felt it to be necessary. Before we got seated I started out by asking simple questions like “How was your day?” and “How are you feeling?” in an attempt to build a better rapport for the experiment to come. I then