
Essay Sasol Synfuels Environment, A Noncomformance Management

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The process chosen for this assignment is from the Sasol Synfuels environment. It is the non-conformance management process that is applied whenever there is any non- conformance (NCM), which has an effect on production operations; equipment operations or safety. When any incident, deviation or non-conformance related to safety health and environment (SHE), production or maintenance occurs; this must be considered for investigation and reported immediately to the Area manager by following the process flow diagram as indicated on Figure 1. Table1: Abbreviations used according to the Sasol Procedure by M. Pillay 2012: Non-conformance management 1.1.1 According to the Sasol document (Work instruction: Non-conformance management) the …show more content…

Registering the non- conformance ensures that information and history is kept.
Step 3-Decide if the non-conformance is Formal or Informal
Deciding if the non-conformance should be formal /informal gives direction and guideline as to whether a root cause analysis investigation is required or not. The Descion must be made by the appropriate Area manager depending on the production loss and guidelines as specified on table 2.

Table 2.Ivestigation criteria for production/equipment non –conformance (according to document no; SGR-PRD-000002) by M. Pillay 2012

Step 4& 5-Informal non -conformance, log on SAP
For informal RCA the foreman of the area needs to load the non con-conformance on SAP system.

Step 6- Appoint Non-conformance owner
The overall accountability for determining who is the non-conformance owner lies with the operations manager, but he can also delegate to the divisional manager. The root cause analysis facilitator assists in conducting the meeting. The non-conformance owner must still ensure that the meeting is booked and that the next steps are actioned.

Step 7-Building a team
When the team is created it is very crucial to have all the individuals that

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