The process chosen for this assignment is from the Sasol Synfuels environment. It is the non-conformance management process that is applied whenever there is any non- conformance (NCM), which has an effect on production operations; equipment operations or safety. When any incident, deviation or non-conformance related to safety health and environment (SHE), production or maintenance occurs; this must be considered for investigation and reported immediately to the Area manager by following the process flow diagram as indicated on Figure 1. Table1: Abbreviations used according to the Sasol Procedure by M. Pillay 2012: Non-conformance management 1.1.1 According to the Sasol document (Work instruction: Non-conformance management) the …show more content…
Registering the non- conformance ensures that information and history is kept.
Step 3-Decide if the non-conformance is Formal or Informal
Deciding if the non-conformance should be formal /informal gives direction and guideline as to whether a root cause analysis investigation is required or not. The Descion must be made by the appropriate Area manager depending on the production loss and guidelines as specified on table 2.
Table 2.Ivestigation criteria for production/equipment non –conformance (according to document no; SGR-PRD-000002) by M. Pillay 2012
Step 4& 5-Informal non -conformance, log on SAP
For informal RCA the foreman of the area needs to load the non con-conformance on SAP system.
Step 6- Appoint Non-conformance owner
The overall accountability for determining who is the non-conformance owner lies with the operations manager, but he can also delegate to the divisional manager. The root cause analysis facilitator assists in conducting the meeting. The non-conformance owner must still ensure that the meeting is booked and that the next steps are actioned.
Step 7-Building a team
When the team is created it is very crucial to have all the individuals that
Every individual in team is reason of either success or failure. Firstly the problem should be divided into many parts and allotted to among different
Who will the members of the team consist of? Again the team consist of department
important excellent teamwork is to achieve this. I am aware of my position and the positions
| “The top 10 features of an effective team are: * clear purpose; * open communication; * constructive conflict; * effective problem-solving and decision making; * defined roles, responsibilities and accountability; * strong relationships; * systems and procedures; * experimentation and creativity; * measurement and self-assessment; * shared leadership.” For a team to be effective, they need to have clear
Step-1: Determine the purpose of the meeting: Before a meeting takes place, the purpose of the meeting should be determined. All the participants should be informed about the purpose of meeting beforehand, so that they come prepared and can contribute more.
Teams are more than just groups of people assembled in the same area, they are a collection of individuals dedicated to a common purpose and with a series of detailed performance targets, working together with complementary skills. Teams of people are encountered in various scenarios, not just in the workplace, but also throughout life, such as sports, associations, charities and voluntary services.
The five stages of developing groups is an important part of the position. In many cases it is the relationships that a person will have with other individuals who will determine the best members to put into the different groups. As well, the different skill sets that individuals have are also an important part in placing group members together. The observation of the first groups placed together will be a good gauge in learning how some of the individuals work and observing how others work well together. The group size should be eight to 10 people to facilitate greater ease of equal participation among the individuals.
My team has a number of strengths. First of all, it is the flexibility of majority of team members, thereby creating an effective team. The team members, although they come from different units, they are capable of accommodating each other’s views resulting in a strong team.
After the selection of the effective team members, it is important to analyze the conditions that should be in place before the team is launched; analyze the team processes that unfold as the team begins its work; assess what should happen during the team’s launch, and
2.3 Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied with.
Should also be very cooperative because they need to work with the team of individuals
The purpose of this project is to investigate to any topic relevant to Technology Transfer. In this report I will be investigating on Process safety management. Safety on work place is one of the priority element management of the manufacture put in front, should fix the rules to follow, monitoring. Some area where the standards have to be applied such as in chemicals sections, transportation of materials and fabricated metal products, gas, electric services. Incident communication is about sharing of information about incident management between the decision makers and regulators and stakeholders. Parties can communicate at any stage of the risk management process. The output/result of incident management process should be appropriately communicated and documented for the future reference. Process safety management has tools available to identify the hazardous and assess the incidents such as Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). The process safety management is important to employees, contractors, customers. Incidents continue to occur in various industries that use highly hazardous chemicals which may be toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive, or may exhibit a combination of these properties.
Coaches and advises managers in the optimisation of current team design to improve performance and communication
Teamwork cannot be demanded. Everyone involved must discuss and understand what the goal is and what is required of them. Teams should have traits such as goals and objectives, empowerment, trust, authentic participation, innovation, creativity, risk taking and leadership. (Temme and Katzel, 1995)
Divisions are qualified for agreeable work execution from individuals from the senior administration senior. Should the execution of an individual from the senior administration neglect to consent to required guidelines in such manner, divisions are obliged to apply the relevant insufficiency code and methods to suitably address the circumstance. These techniques are contained in Resolution 10 of 1999 and are clarified in Chapter 7 of this Handbook. Allude to section 15.11 for measures relating to unacceptable