Even if a website has good information architecture and content, poor design can take away from the two elements and negatively affect the usability of the site. According to Johnson, successful web design is minimalistic and easily readable with font choices and color palettes (39). The design of Sassy Fox’s website is either extremely busy and misleads users or is minimalistic to a fault. Examples of these extremes are the website’s header and user forms.
One very distracting element of the Sassy Fox website is the header image that takes up half of the screen. In chapter six, Johnson addresses busy backgrounds saying, “visual noise in and around text can disrupt recognition of features, characters, and words, and therefore drop reading
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In chapter seven, Johnson discusses the Gestalt principle of proximity stating that, “…the relative distance between objects in a display affects our perception of whether and how the objects are organized into subgroups” (13). He explains further that the closer one object is to another, the easier it is to decipher them as grouped/related (14). To purchase a gift certificate on the Sassy Fox site, the user has to fill out a form with recipient and personal information. The content of the form is standard, but the proximity between the required information and their related text boxes makes the layout hard to understand. Of the six fields, only two of the boxes are located directly to the right of the text. And as the user progresses further, the boxes are one space above where they should be (Figure …show more content…
Users are pulled to areas that are graphic heavy, but have no purpose. While features like the gift certificate form are unusable because they are so underdeveloped. In my opinion, the website would benefit from changing the Sassy Fox logo to plain text, removing all background images, and using fonts that are visible and have good contrast. The forms are better left simple, but the field box definitely need to be closer to its correlating text.
In this analysis, I only covered a few out of the many problems that that hurt the usability of Sassy Fox’s website. If I had to give it a grade, it would be the lowest one possible because overall the website is incomplete. Navigating the website is a grid that leads to nowhere, there is no real content, and the design choices are visually overwhelming. is absolutely not a functional webstore by any means and should definitely be unpublished. I honestly wonder if making it public was a mistake. There are no good things about this
What are your thoughts about the layout and colors of the site? What impression do they give?
In the year 2017, there is a high possibility that the design of websites will change from aesthetics to the usability standards. The design Trend in the year 2016 had already seen some organic design for websites and apps. In the coming year, the focus will be usability rather than beautification of the interface. As there’s a lot of apps on the market the one thing that
This is an example of poor management and lack of commitment to properly train their employees or interns. This is a result of an increase in the check in process, which will deter customers from returning.
On a website the opening page is vital to not only the persons experience on the site, but also the over all impression on the subject. There are several ways that a persons perception can be manipulated to feel a certain way, on a website; the layout, accessibility of information, and images. When accessing the El Paso Zoo website the first thing that catches the attention of the audience is the back ground. Which is the El Paso skyline with the franklin mountains accompanied by some exotic animals. This creates a personal connection with the views by combining something that is familiar and has emotional connection with something new that brings a new excitement to this emotional
This course introduces effective Web design principles and the essential role of the Web designer in today's business environment. Topics covered include site architecture, page layout, navigation, content, functionality, and usability. Students will evaluate existing Web sites and apply best practices to prototype a unique design using a Web authoring application.
Well the use of white space, or should I say black space is used effectively. I don’t think the spread is too overwhelming to the eye, rather it is please to look at.
Next, both authors utilize structure in order to view problems as humans do, in hindsight, but Spiegelberg does it a bit differently by utilizing the format of the panels with a gutter in between them. First, when Vladek is telling Artie about a letter he received, his silhouette of him sitting on the stationary bike is depicted. As he mentions that the letter came with a photo, a panel containing a picture of a female mouse is drawn tilted, larger, and overlapping his silhouette, as to call attention to the picture instead. Underneath where the picture overlaps, there’s an illustration of Vladek placing the picture in a frame (17). The panels are larger and contain less text, portraying a calmer part of the story, rather than one filled
The objective of our usability test was to develop a significant and vertical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Michigan Daily website from a wide demographic group. With many different users logging in to the daily website everyday, we aimed to discover what errors were made, why they were made, and how we can ameliorate those mistakes in order to create a clean, aesthetic, and functioning website. The underlying theme of our usability results can be identified more clearly with the analysis of the 3 stages of the test, pre-test questions, the usability logging results, and post-test questions.
An effective website will not only peak a visitors interest, but it will also hold their attention through visual appeal. Upon entering the website for the ASPCA,
College websites serve a variety of purposes for prospective and current students, which include, but are not limited to, generating information, data collection, and facilitating online transactions. Accelerated accessibility of web presence through a variety of platforms, from desktops to smartphones, propels websites to the forefront of many colleges’ introduction to prospective students. The aesthetic composition of websites is as significant as is practicality in our modern technological age, and mastery or shortcomings in either attribute can engender positive or negative assumptions respectively from visitors. Approximately 80 percent of website visitors assume that the design of a website is reflective of the entity it represents, according to researchers (Lowry 63). Subsequently, I have decided to conduct an analysis of Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School’s (AJMLS) website (Front) due to recent interactions with the site while applying for admission. During this essay, I will explore the aesthetics, practicality, and inconsistencies inherent in the site when accessed on mobile platforms as compared to desktops.
I'm not saying make-up is evil, but we all know what's in somewhat good taste, and what isn't. But, hey!, I could be wrong: There could actually be a great person hiding under that crusty exterior; most of the time there is. A balance needs to be achieved or at least strived for when designing a web page or any page for that matter. I'm not trying to rag on Raygun or anything, because I like A LOT of the stuff that they do, but one must not get carried away with it and ignore what one is supposed to be doing in the first place. For this reason I have chosen to pick on the Alternative X web site (, for this paper. Well, not really pick on them, but you know what I mean. So in our quest to discover the ideal web page we must look at the following things: 1) Does it make sense? Is its layout so erratic in such a way as to render the viewer blind because of the designers lack of vision and utter stupidity? 2) Organization. How and why were things placed in the places they were placed, needs to be known, or at least made seemingly apparant. 3) Since this is a web site we are critiquing, and like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Book one can skip to another section with almost no fear of being inquisitioned, does its "links" lead to somewhere meaningful?
For my typography project, I chose to redesign Bath Magic Inc.’s webpage. I found this poorly designed webpage by simply searching the Internet for “ugly websites”. It was at the top of a list of “Top 10 Worst Websites You’ll Wish You Hadn’t Seen”. I figured that I couldn’t make it look any worse. What I first noticed about this unfortunate website is the overload of information that overwhelms the page, as well as its viewers. The information the site is attempting to convey is also repeated numerous times. There is so much going on and being offered, that I, the viewer, am not sure what Bath Magic Inc. is. Do they fix bathrooms, sell certain products, or all the above? The website’s information is not organized in a way that’s usable and logical to the everyday site visitor. In order to clearly convey what services their company has to offer, I sought to establish good visual hierarchy in my redesign with the size, alignment, contrast, and density.
In Steve Krugs, Dont Make Me Think, we learn how to use common sense to create a web site. The book lays bare the facts that users do not read the text in a web page and that user’s muddle through a web page, no matter how well we design the web site and it is our task to create a website which takes these two facts into account. The three statements I chose to write about are Billboard Design 101, Omit needless words and Usability as common courtesy. The reason I choose to write about these three is because it was these three subjects in the books which agreed the most with me when it comes to the design of a website. 1.1 Billboard Design 101
The design of the website is very unique and elegant. For a new user, it’s a little overwhelming at first but after 10 minutes of use it becomes second nature.
An effective-designed website is important to catch the attention of visitors in the first place and help to keep them to exploring further into it. Ikea has content displayed and organized consistently across its site. Information is presented in a readable manner with effectively use of white space between text and image. White space allows visitors to feel more relax and focus on the content or message that Ikea try to convey through the site as its