I usually do not post stuff like this, but I need to rant. I’m so over all this gun control bullshit. What’s going to happen next? Are people going to start bitching and complaining about banning vehicles? Why do you ask? Because people get drunk and get behind the wheel of a vehicle killing people all the time. When this happens it’s obviously the vehicles fault and not the person driving it. People need to realize that anyone at any time can find a way to hurt and/or kill someone, not just by gun use.
An alarming 11,644 people in the United States have been killed by a gun this year, and it’s only October (Gun Violence Archive). Have you or someone you know ever been affected by gun violence? How much longer will it take until our leaders take a stand to stop it? Gun violence is violence committed with a gun involved, and it’s a growing problem that is causing many deaths and injuries all over the U.S. Gun violence in the United States poses a serious threat to the future of American citizens. It is a problem that is making the U.S. more dangerous and will ultimately make our society more violent in the future, so the elected leaders of our country need to pass laws that will ensure we are
The movie I am reviewing is called: Trainsplotting. This movie was based on Mark Renton and his friend abusing heroin. Heroin was a part of their everyday life for example; they called it better than having sex. Mark Renton also explained how choosing a life was harder and that doing heron was much simple. He loved the feeling it gave him and thinks it is a lot better than having an organism.
I agree with the youth driving restrictions a 110%. They may have limited the youth but with great reasoning some young drivers are extremely careless and reckless.They don't think about the consequences of there actions when they cause accidents and drink and drive and seriously injure people and themselves. They try to impress other teens by driving fast and recklessly but they are only putting there life and other drivers life in jeopardy.I'm so glad we have restrictions on youth driving its necessary due to the fact that accidents are the number one cause of teenage death in America with restrictions . I don't want to imagine what the world would be like if there weren't restrictions.I think all of the provisions are fair and necessary.An
The past few years America has seen an undeniable rise in mass shootings and other acts of gun violence. With each act of violence that brings the nation into a state of fear for their safety, it leads people to ponder on the place the nation is currently at with gun control and the actions the government is taking to improve the unstable ground it currently stands on. Even with the public’s attention and consideration on devastating shootings, there has been a lengthy tug-of-war between those who actively promote more gun control laws and those who oppose them, with gun control activist repeatedly losing the battle. Those that understand the benefits the expansion of gun control would bring should join and take a stand, particularly for national
You feel the vibrating in your pocket, and quickly pull out your phone to respond to that all too important text. Half-way through the text you run into someone and mutter a quick sorry while finishing up your text. Little did you know that “someone” was a trash can, but you were too busy texting to notice. You are walking through the hallway at school later that day, and something catches your eye. While taking that quick glance, you run into a couple of people. After muttering your apology, you continue on your way. After school, you’re walking through the parking talking on your cell phone, when you hear car wheels screeching. You look up and realize that car almost hit you. You wave at the person and mouth sorry, but
I don’t think there is a fix to this firearm issue. There are too many people that own firearms, and there is no way they are going to let that Amendment be changed. Even if the Second Amendment is removed from the Constitution, there are already too many guns out there. I will really like to know what the government is going to do about this. There guns murders and mass shutting keep increasing, and thing are getting out of hand. People are not going to have their guns taken away from them, and I understand that. They paid for those guns, and guns are not cheap. I don’t own a gun right now, but I’m sure I’ll probably buy one in the future. Knowing that there are so many people that own them, makes me feel in disadvantage. Probably many others
Today in America we face many controversial problems. With strict gun control, Americans cannot feel safe, and to some the thought of not being able to use a firearm in self-defense is very frightening. We Americans should never have to be in fear of not being able to protect ourselves, especially in the comfort of our own home. How are strict gun control laws and regulations going to reach the estimated 65 million gun owners that own approximately 240 million firearms (Just Facts Gun Control)? The answer is simple, they can’t. There must be an end to gun control, its problems significantly outweigh any good intentions it has, and besides there is no doubt about it, America is a safer place when the citizens are able to own firearms.
Should we have more gun laws? More and more innocent people are dying from guns. Is 2013, there was 73,505 nonfatal firearm injuries. That number has grown over the years. The violence in growing and there in less time to help. These are true stories that have happened and are not made up. These are just some ways to prove that guns are getting out of hand. We have to stop this and make a different law. We have to save and protect innocent lives.
The Gun control in America has gone outrageous. The amount of mass shootings that has occurred is ridiculous. It's starting to feel like we are in a video games you can do anything with that weapon you own. It feels surreal that anyone is purchasing guns like it's candy. This needs to change immediately. The U.S is the capital of mass shootings, we need to change that by rearranging gun law rules. To begin with the age to purchase or register a gun should be 21 years old. We get it many families want to feel protected by having a legal arm. This is where police come in but they are pretty huge part of this gun problem. Police brutality is a big talk in this time right now. Police are shooting innocent people left and right. It's starting to
Ten more people fall victim to another public shooter, and another gun control debate comes spiraling from the after math as laws against guns try to be placed. Is this really the best way to deal with the issue? No. The issue is people are killing people not guns are killing people. Society wants to ban guns because people are afraid when in actuality guns themselves are not the things that need to be banned. Even then do you have any proof the gun laws actually lower crime? Gun laws also go directly against the 2nd Amendment and it takes away one of the best means of self-defense from invaders and criminals. Therefore gun laws should not be put in place. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. We have a right to bear arms and is not something that can just be taken away.
Over the last years gun control has become a very widely debated topic. The city, county and state lawmakers seem to be having different stands about the public having easy access to guns. Adam Small states, “After centuries of relative obscurity, the Second Amendment has become the center of an intense academic and legal battle during the last twenty years” (1213). The supporters of gun control and its opponents both claim to have the best interest of this country’s citizens .However, there are private citizens who believe that there should be laws to limit the number of people who own a gun. Even though the United States has enacted laws for regulating firearms, the recent shootings at Aurora movie theatre and Sandy
James Mallon once said that “Gun control is like the annoying family member you hate to see. No matter how much you disdain seeing them or talking to them, eventually a climatic event, family reunion, or holiday forces you to have interaction with them.” Gun control may be that elephant in the room given all the recent tragic events involving firearm use, but ignoring that elephant is no solution. Stricter gun laws, as well as other forms of gun control may be the final viable resort to ending the onslaught that are mass shootings.
Gun control in the U.S has been a highly talked about topic the past couple of years. Through the development of technology and social media; many people across the country have been more involved in voicing their opinions about this issue. America is known as the land of the free, many people take pride in being able to bare arms. However, this right has been abused by not only civilians, but law enforcement as well. The United States has the 31st highest rate of gun violence in the world and it is not decreasing anytime soon. The phrase “America's largest mass shooting” has been reassigned to numerous occurrences that have taken place over the past decade. It is apparent that through these tragedies it is time for a serious change, innocent lives are being lost for no reason.
The vehicle code handbook states that any modification done to a vehicle to alter it from its original state violates the law. That single sentence has created more problems for custom vehicle owners than can be imagined. Yet, at the same time, it has generated massive amounts of money for the state of California. Modifying one’s vehicle sets it apart from others and makes a statement about the owner’s individuality. Over the past decade, hacking up a vehicle, putting a trick paint job on it, and developing an “out-of-control” sound system has evolved into a sport, not just a hobby. As with everything, though, there is always someone or something to try and put a stop
The automobile has had a tremendous impact on society and the environment since its development in the beginning of the 20th century. Today, there are over 500 million motor vehicles on the earth. The automobile's efficiency, style, and performance have changed over the years, but there is one thing that has not - the pollution the automobile generates. Because of the pollution, people find themselves asking whether this technology has helped our society or hurt it. Should the consequences of the automobile be cause to eliminate it? Or should science develop technology to eliminate the pollution caused by the car?