
Satirical Essay On Social Media

Decent Essays

There has been a serious problem that has risen over the past few years with teens and social media. Due to the creation of iPhones, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and whatever other technology they are spending ridiculous amounts of time on, their generation is soon going to be filled with children who are a number of things, such as, restless, robotic, obese, uneducated, and even antisocial. As a high school teacher, I have recently noticed a drastic drop in many of my student's grades and I could not for the life of me find out why. At first, I thought It may have had something to do with my teaching skills which made me so concerned that I even went to other teachers for advice. After weeks passed and student's grades kept falling, I got really down on myself and every night I would have an emotional breakdown on my husband. Then finally, I came to the realization it had nothing to do with my teaching job, it was actually because the students who are making poor grades are so emotionally consumed in their small pixel screen, even while in class. Recently a survey was done by researchers to get an overview on how often teens "have to" check their social media. The results were that 92 percent of the surveyed teens go online daily and that includes …show more content…

To give an ethical appeal I said that I am a teacher. By saying this I gave credibility to myself for the information I was providing in order to convince my readers. I used a logical appeal when I gave the statistic "92 percent of the surveyed teens go online daily and that includes the 24 percent who said they are on it almost constantly". This appealed to the readers because it shows just how much teens are actually consumed in social media. Also, to appeal to emotion I used words such as, antisocial, obese, slugs, emotional breakdown, and my heart aches to create an emotional response. In doing so it helped me convince my audience of my

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