
Satirical Techniques Used In The Film, 500 Days Of Summer

Satisfactory Essays

500 days of summer is as close to perfect a movie of this genre can get, from the very start it keeps us on the edge, interested and wanting more, much more. Directed by marc webb this romantic comedy follows a non-linear structure which helps makes the theme of this film so affective and brilliant, Tom Hanson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) meets and instantly falls for Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel) on the 8th of January. He will spend the next 500 days loving her, crying over her, desiring her, hating her, adoring her and wishing he had never met her (although not necessarily in that order). Now the title of the movie makes sense to me, the film is well scripted and directed to The plot of the film is fairly straightforward. Summer (Zooey Deschanel) is a new assistant at the greeting card company where Tom Hanson (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) is employed. He instantly falls for her and so begins the “500 days of summer”. The film, to its credit, jumps around from the ending to the beginning and back again, There are real situations …show more content…

reality. We all tend to build moments that then let us down and this film has a theme that speaks to those human weaknesses the other place 500 Days shines is the message it sends to us the viewers, its stereotypical about summer being the dream girl but its to really emphasise the message to show the expectations vs reality situations. Although her name might be in the title, this isn’t summer’s movie. That honour belongs to Gordon-Levitt’s Tom, who deals with his breakup with summer by reflecting on their relationship the way most-people do, completely out of order. Another real life situation we all can

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