In the article “Study Questions Fat and Heart Disease Link” by Anahad O'Connor in the New York Times research was conducted to determine if saturated foods actually had a negative effect on the human body. For years, it was believed that saturated fats cause many problems to people. Health officials promote that saturated fats are unhealthy and cause problems like cholesterol, heart disease, and even obesity. Saturated fats are believed to have many calories and lipoproteins in it. Recent studies published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine1 proved that saturated fats are not different that unsaturated fats and the chances of a person having heart disease, cholesterol, or obesity are the same if a person has a saturated diet or unsaturated
We need to say away from foods that are unnatural because they have a negative effect on our bodies. There are two different kinds of fats. Hydrogenated fat, which is the worst for you, which includes such foods as crackers. Natural plant based fats, which is good for you that include such foods as avocadoes. We humans tend to misread the difference. If it has a name for something that is good for you in the title doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. An example of this would be high fruit corn syrup. The writers told us that it is like smoking cocaine because even cocaine or high fruit corn syrup is made from something so pure at one time is now super unhealthy. Sugar is like drugs and alcohol addicting and sometimes very harmful. It comes in all forms such as therefore carbonates like bread. Even though it is not in a crystalized form it still is sugar. Humans become habituated to the effect of sugar. The facts are absolutely true because each individual person tends to consume 150 lbs. of sugar per year. Our mood can change and chronic disease can occur just because of this everyday “comfort food”.
The sunnah refers to the way Muhammad lived, which provides a model for the duties and the way of life expected of Muslims.
Saturated fats were said to be linked to health risks that are detrimental to society as a whole. These health risks include the development of heart disease and type II diabetes
Saturated fats are not good for blood pressure due to contributing to the closing of arteries.
In this documentary we found out that a high fat diet or fast food is second only to smoking for preventable death in the United States. It was also found that a high fat diet can cause the same damage to ones liver that a drunk with alcohol poisoning will do to ones liver. With your body taking all
Even though the public has seemingly accepted this view, the scientific research community is still in disagreement. The American Heart Association, today, takes the same stance it took in the 1960s with a recent quote from their website stating: Eating foods that contain saturated fats raises the level of cholesterol in your blood. High levels of blood cholesterol increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Be aware, too, that many foods high in saturated fats are also high in cholesterol – which raises your blood cholesterol even higher. Even though this is the current opinion of the American Heart Association, many research experiments have challenged it.
The overconsumption of inappropriate foods containing trans-fats and large serving portions has caused many to become obese hence developing heart disease, and diabetes among other preventable disease. Currently over 500 million of the world population is obese and one and half billion people in the world are overweigh”. Every year about 2.5 million deaths are related to obesity (WHO) and children seem to be the most affected. Furthermore, obesity has continued to increase and currently there are more obese people in the world than underweight. Amazingly, the United States a country with ample resources has the higher rate of obese
People with high cholesterol are at greater risk of developing heart disease, according to the American Heart Association. People with diets high in saturated fats---like those in meat, dairy and eggs---are more likely to have high cholesterol levels. To reduce cholesterol, the American Heart Association recommends limiting the intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, and eating more plant-based foods.
A contract is an agreement made with an intention of legal rights and obligations which the law will enforce. It contains the agreement, consideration and intention. It also have some other things to consider, like capacity of parties, genuine consent or legality of object.
Eating food that is high in saturated fats causes clogging of the arteries and arteries are used to transport blood from the heart to other tissues and organs in the body. However, if the arteries are being clogged there is no way of getting blood to the body, as well as taking oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body due to the lack of nutrients in fast-food. Clogging of the arteries affects the heart causing heart attacks. Not only fast-foods cause clogging of the arteries according to The American Heart Association, "Eating a "Western" diet with lots of processed or fried foods can raise blood levels of "oxidized" cholesterol -- a particularly damaging form of cholesterol -- and could increase heart attack risk" (Fast Food Clogging Arteries). As The American Heart Association notes the "Western" diet, which is a diet that consists of fats, is pertinent to those who are obese because consuming a high amount of fats daily does not necessarily mean consumption of fast-food but not knowing what is about to be consumed can result in high risk of a heart attack. Fast-foods cause clogging of the arteries because hamburgers and fries contain oxidized fat (Bad Fat). Because oxidized fats are in fast-food, that increases the chances of an obese person who does not already have cholesterol and diabetes to be diseased and they are even at
So, to compare and contrast the two diets, we realize that high-fat diet puts the body at risk by serious illnesses and diseases. For example, high-fat diet can result in a heart attack because of the fat that gets deposit in the blood vessels and disrupts the flow of the blood; in contrast, low-fat diet prevents the serious illnesses and diseases like heart attack. Low-fat diet also helps reduce weight, and obtain a normal lifestyle by keeping the body balanced, whereas the high-fat diet can cause obesity and unbalanced weight. By comparing and contrasting the two diets, it becomes obvious that low-fat diet is much better than the high-fat diet.
Summary: Over the years, sodium and sugar have decreased in food products. As the sodium and sugar decreased, producers have added more saturated fat. Many breakfast products have doubled their fats. An unknown person said “if you take 100 grams of sugar out, you have to replace those with something.”
A molecule of dietary fat typically consists of several fatty acids (containing long chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms), bonded to a glycerol. They are typically found as triglycerides (three fatty acids attached to one glycerol backbone). Fats may be classified as saturated or unsaturateddepending on the detailed structure of the fatty acids involved. Saturated fats have all of the carbon atoms in their fatty acid chains bonded to hydrogen atoms, whereas unsaturated fats have some of these carbon atoms double-bonded, so their molecules have relatively fewer hydrogen atoms than a saturated fatty acid of the same length. Unsaturated fats may be further classified as monounsaturated (one double-bond) or polyunsaturated (many double-bonds). Furthermore, depending on the location of the double-bond in the fatty acid chain, unsaturated fatty acids are classified as omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids. Trans fats are a type of unsaturated fat with trans-isomer bonds; these are rare in nature and in foods from natural sources; they are typically created
Polyunsaturated fats are found in fish and vegetable oils and are an essential nutrient which reduces the risk for coronary heart disease (Shulman, 2010, pg. 51). The unhealthy fats are the trans fatty acids, saturated and unsaturated, such as butter, cheese and animal fat, should be completely removed from diets. Saturated trans fats contribute to an increased low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, increase inflammation and heart disease. Unsaturated trans fats also contribute to higher LDL cholesterol and lower the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels (Shulman, 2010, pg. 52). A fast paced society has lead to and increased consumption of prepackaged food is because it is a convenient option when people are in a time restraint and for people who are stressed (C.L. Rocks, personal communication, October 11, 2011). A way to overcome this is to spend some time planning meals for a week and by arranging healthy snacks, such as preparing raw vegetables ahead of time, to make it easier to eat healthy when in a time restraint. Trans fatty foods containing hydrogenated vegetable oil, foods such as chips or cookies, typically are high calorie foods and are lacking in essential nutrients (Brandt, 2011, pg 158). Cravings increase over time because people turn to them so often it develops into a habit. These unhealthy habits could unfortunately result in a person gaining weight (C.L. Rocks, personal communication, October 11,
Cardiovascular diseases are the number one factor that can erupt from obesity due to the main causes that it brings, like high blood pressure, and LDL cholesterol to a high count while lowering HDL. LDL is the “bad cholesterol”, and HDL is the “good cholesterol”. We need fats in our body for energy or ATP, in our body. If we get more LDL, it can really be a dangerous case, and