
Saving Capitalism Chapter Summary

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In the book Saving Capitalism, written by Robert B. Reich, explains the current economic situation, theory’s behind worker’s and voter’s moral, and ways to make the American economy to work for the many and not the few. Reich examines the effect of corporate influence on the economy. Large corporations tilting the market in a way that would benefit the top and not much else. The old protections which limit the influence of money in government have been undone. Landmark cases which served to limit the amount of money that can be thrown into government. All the money going into the policies system is making the system skewing toward the top. The new rules are allowing different form of monopolies, new property rights, contracts, and bankruptcy. …show more content…

In the book saving Capitalism, written by Robert Reich, he mentions how big companies have found new ways of getting monopolies. Reich says “by 2014 more than 80 percent of Americans had no choice but to rely on single cable company for high capacity wired data connections to the internet.” You didn’t need to go far in order to determine this line was right on the money. When I moved into a new place I was looking for an internet provider. I was searching for the fast speed with the lowest price. I was able to find this deal with ATT. However, ATT website and the customer service told me I was unable to get their service. ATT told me the only provider I was able to get was Time Warner. Time Warner Cable was able to make the city of Los Angeles only their domain. Time Warner made it so no other company can give internet service between certain city limits. I wanted to know more about this so I went looking and found out the cities were broken down zones where only one provider was allowed. The street Glendale Blvd. was a board of what was two big cable companies. To the left of Glendale Blvd, you were only able to get Time Warner Cable. To the right of Glendale Blvd, you were only able to get Charter

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