Ba-bush that's the sound our car made plowing through the snowy valleys and hills. We were headed to a campground near Sawtooth (this gigantic steep mountain) to watch my mom race and support her. I'm positive Jalyn and Brantyn were as excited as I was to go with mom. It was going to be a kind of camping trip for us. All that excitement kind of died down after an hour in our small van. I didn't have a phone to play on or a book to read so, I resorted to drawing snowmen on the frosted windows. I was halfway into drawing the body when I realized the beautiful scenery beyond the window. There was snow-covered grass growing next to tall conifers, standing tall against the skyline. I couldn't tear my eyes away. I stared and stared until we finally …show more content…
All the kids were split into two cars. All was well and we were driving behind Heather’s car, then out of nowhere there was this big gigantic jagged rock. We swerved then bam I heard a pop and the car leaned to one side and not because of the steering wheel. Bad news, the car was pulled over and Heather hadn’t seen us. She finally came back after she realized we weren't driving behind her. While she was gone we tried changing the tire but something went wrong, I think it was the bolts you use to put the tire on. The bolts wouldn’t screw on. Then we waited some more and other people from my mom’s team pulled over to help. Next the adults all talked about the tire and what they were going to do to fix it.The people who pulled over to help us had to go all the way back to camp to get the things they needed to help. It was the worst feeling we couldn’t do anything. All we did was sit around bored and trying to make up games when they got back we finally got the tire on, but it took about seven hours because of the tire delay. I was so tired when we finally got home I didn’t even bother unpacking or anything I just went to bed.
That basically sums up my entire “camping trip” to Saw Tooth. It was a horrible and beautiful two days in the mountains. Most of it was cold, dreary, and a little too snowy for my taste but you couldn’t beat the view. Huh, I almost want to go back there now. Well to late
Clear blue skies, a fresh coat of powder blanketed across the mountain, my two skis carving through the snow, and a frigid winter wind burning against my face. This may not sound ideal to most, but for me, it’s the perfect vacation. I have made countless trips to Wyoming
But, this was quickly interrupted with a frantic phone call from the other adult leader. It was so silent in the truck that a I could have heard a pin drop. The other adult leader was quite old and had a heavy foot. This means that he liked to drive fast, very fast. We all went quiet as the phone was put on speaker. The others had gotten into a car crash. He was going about 80-85 mph. Then, a van cut in front of him and he lost control of his vehicle. Trying to gain it back, he swerved for about 500 feet. Soon the truck veered off the road and slammed into the guardrail as hard as a brick. Upon impact, his front left wheel flew off the truck along with other objects in the back. Then, out of nowhere the truck started to smoke. Fortunately the truck didn’t set on fire and they were instantly rushed to the hospital by emergency personnel. Once we made it there we found out that the adult leader had hurt his wrist, one scout had a concussion and a chipped tooth, and the other had a red mark on his neck from the seat
As we neared Grand Tetons National Park in Wyoming, we beheld the majesty of the mountains with snow interspersed between jagged protrusions of rock . We pulled into our camping spot about a half hour later, with an assortment of spectacular pictures with gorgeous mountain backgrounds. I sprung out of the car to observe our beautiful campsite.
It was the winter of 2009, my siblings and I went to go play in the snow. We went to the backyard, and in order to go to the backyard we had to jump the fence. We were having a great time; we made a snow fort, had a snowball fight, but when we were playing tag my brother tripped and twisted his ankle. We were going to take him back inside so we were about to leave but, he couldn’t climb over the fence and it was buried in the snow so we couldn’t move it. My friend Caleb, and his sister heard and we tried to move the fence together. Eventually they gave up, and went back home because their mom was calling them. Which made me kind of angry, but I realized that ninety five percent of friends don’t have that bond that family does. We stayed with
The mountains were tall (11,000 feet +) and covered with bright powdery snow. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I was eager to set-up camp and prepare for our nine day hunt. But, Dad said that we had to drive around and check out all the good places, just to make sure that we were in
It was just another normal day right after the school day had just gotten over. We had all gotten on the bus to go home. We had left the school ground to go to St. Mary's to drop off the kids. Then, we had went to our first stop out of town. After he got off, we had began to speed up hwy. Speed everyone had started to panic. Before the bus driver knew it, we had hit a little brown nissan pick-up on the side of hwy 13 south of town when i realized that i was in the front of the bus on the floor. I was the first one out of the bus after a little while another bus come to pick up kids that wanted to
One dark night Chad sent out a text to the youth group at his church. Chad is the pastor at his church. The text asked if Corbin and bob could meet him at the church. Chad's son was josh and he went to dolly wood with my sister Margaret. I went with tom and corbin. Tom is weird and bob is just bob, there is nothing cool about him. On the way to the church I was excited cause i was going to get to play piano. Almost there and suddenly we heard a boom and a crash. I looked over and heard everyone screaming, i thought it was all over. We were in a wreck! I was hurt. I twisted my ankle and couldn't walk. I had an x ray and it wasn't broken. I was so relieved. I didn't get to play piano but it was okey. After the wreck the whole church
No matter what happened during the school year I would always come back to camp and be able to spend time with the girls that went from friends to family over the nine years that I had known them. This last year was the last time I would ever get to do activities, earn merits or even swim a mile. During my last two weeks at CLH I knew this but it did not sink in until it was my last time to hike up to Church Mountain as a camper. On the way up my eyes started to sting and I reached over and grabbed my friend Riata’s hand. I looked over at her and saw that she was crying too. Once I realized she was I looked around and witnessed my entire cabin start to break down and come to understand, this was our last year, our last chance to do anything a camper could do. It was during this time that I truly came to appreciate everything camp has taught me and the great friends that I made along the way.
The night went on as more and more people showed up. Everyone was having a great time listening to music, hanging around the fire, and shooting off fireworks. Every now and then people would want to ride around on the Kubota but it only had three seats so we would load people on it. Three in the seats, two-four people in the bed, one person holding onto each side, and my favorite spot, the hood (yeah it was stupid but fun). Finally, it was about 9 P.M. and the last group of people had shown up so Chuck, Dylan, and I rode up to the barn to pick them up. When we got there, we realized they had brought one extra person with them so there was three of them instead of two. Chuck was driving and Dylan rode shotgun while one of our friends took the
So one day I had a friend named Kahlin Orso. He came over to my house to play for a little while. So after a while we got bored so we went on a fourwheeler ride through a 30 acre grass field. So we were riding along and out of nowhere the frontend just takes a big nose dive into a big creek bed and it got stuck. So we didn’t think it was that big of a deal and we tried to get it unstuck and we tried for about 20 minutes but we didn’t get it so we called Kahlin’s grandma because that's who he was staying with that weekend so we called her for help but she couldn’t help cause she was not at the house. Then I knew if I called my dad we would get in trouble so we tried to get it out for a few more minutes but again we failed.
Out of nowhere I heard footsteps in the woods we all stopped and we heard them again but for I could even whisper run Julia and James were already turning the corner of the trail, and without hesitation I ran after them. All of a sudden I heard Julia scream I ran faster until I saw Julia lying on the leaves crying I looked behind me and then picked her up helping her the house I knew where we were and how close we were to the house but my heart was beating like a drum and it wouldn't stop. I told Julia she was going to be okay and then quickly ran and helped her to the house. When we got in James was in the living room with a blanket over his head I asked him to help me put Julia on the coach he said alright. Then I asked Julia which leg it was she pointed to it and I lifted up her jeans it was red and a little bit brushed I told her it was sprained and she would be
Payson's landscape is an ever changing experience of seasons, but my favorite has always been that first snow fall of the year. The way the snow trickles down from the foggy sky and lands on the towering birch trees, is like a scene from a movie. Little chirps eco through the canyon as the birds prepare their homes for a long-awaited winter. We sat and watched as the pine trees quietly gathered the flakes that snuck through the arms of the birch trees. The brisk powder like snow continued to pile up and slowly started to fill in our foot prints, erasing any sign that we were ever there. A few more steps on the trail lead us to one of our most memorable spots. Peering over the edge of the cliff is always a bewildering sight. The vast open valley below was covered in a blanket of milky white snow, and the sweet smelling, cool air was as refreshing as a tall glass of ice water during a smoldering desert summer night. In the distance the sound of the powerful water fall below breaking over the ice sickle reddened boulders is one that is truly breathtaking.
It was getting pretty dark so we had to be quick. Will brought some flashlights for us to use, we asked him why he had them and he said he's afraid to walk in the dark alone. Alex and I just started laughing at the ridiculousness of way just said. I told him the last time I was afraid of the dark was when I was five. It was my first time sleeping without a night-light and I thought there was something in my closet. I kept on crying and crying until my mom came in and showed me that there was nothing there, ever since that I've never been afraid of the dark. We started to descend the hill to search for the ball it was fall however, there were so many piles of leaves that resembled the ball. It would have been hard to find it. At this time it was getting pretty dark so we turned on the flashlights to get a better look. I told my friends they have to stay with me or else they would reach out to giving me $50 to replace the football. 15 minutes had passed and we were getting tired I said “we can come back tomorrow and look for it then.” They said okay that's fine but how are we going to get out, no one had taken directions so we were lost in the forest just the three of us. So we just guessed which way was out and we started walking in that direction. A couple of minutes had passed and Alex tripped on something, his
It was a nice July day, I had been working all morning and I was needing to cool off. So I head over to a friends house in Laurium, I picked up Garrett and we went to another friends house in Calumet to let them follow us in his white minivan. I was driving a big maroon colored Ford E-350. We decided to go out towards Bootjack because we had to pick up another person from out there anyways. On the way out towards Bootjack, Garrett told me, “you know what’s weird? My mom told me before we left to be careful. She must think something bad is going to happen.” I was a little weirded out by this, but I was determined to have a good day. We found an empty camp site and went swimming in the lake. After we finished swimming we continued on our little day trip. We picked up Claire in bootjack, and wanted to head over to the other side of the Peninsula. So we drove down to McLain State Park and went on the break wall. We sat there for a good chunk of time. The time is 8:30.
So I was home and it was late at 8:00 pm me, my brother, and sister were watching the movie “ Maze Runner’’, so we started to watch the movie and we noticed that a door on the tv opened by itself and then we heard a noise that came in the laundry room, so then we paused the movie and my brother and sister were scared so I put the blankets on top of them and got behind the couch and then they took off the covers and I jumped up and said’’ Wanna pickle” and my brother fell off the couch and he hit his head, but my sister smacked my brother in the face with her chancla. So they got mad and so they sat farther than me and I played the movie. Later that day the movie ended and my brother and sister fell asleep, so I went to go grab a bunch