
Sbg Standards

Decent Essays

Implementing Standards-Based Grading There are five key components essential to the successful implementation of SBG, which also serve as the core principles of a teacher’s practice (Guskey, 2010). First, standards are not foreign to the educational system. However, over the span of several decades little has been done to respond to the need for changes to ambiguous practices. As late as the 1940s, Tyler (1949) stressed the importance of identifying what students need to know, be able to do, and the type of evidence needed to prove they have mastered the specific learning target. Furthermore, Tyler (1949) emphasized that the only way to measure teachers’ efficiency is by gauging what students know and whether they can demonstrate this knowledge. Second, standards should mirror the school’s philosophy (Guskey, 2010). Grading reforms can be slowed down because of different philosophies. The conflict posed by these varying philosophies are at the …show more content…

Although it is customary for states to develop curriculum standards, many states fail to provide teachers with the resources, support, and autonomy to implement them. There must be an alignment between curriculum and identified procedures to effectively implement standards. It is essential that teachers provide meaningful professional development on best practices that will bridge the gap between curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Fifth, success is predicated on what transpires in the classroom (Guskey, 1999; Guskey, 2010). The classroom is the only place where student learning can improve. However, “significant change is tied more directly to well targeted, high-quality, ongoing, job-embedded professional development (Guskey, 1999, p. 44). Teachers must have a clear understanding of what students should know and be able to demonstrate because such clarity can guide educational reform

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