
Scarlet Letter Pearl Quotes

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While Pearl may seem a secondary character at first, we soon realize that she actually has more parts to play, both in Hester's life and in the story itself. We'll run through most of her childhood, beginning when she's a child, then we'll explore a closer look on her personality, and the inner workings of her childhood. Lastly, we'll see the tragedy and death that changed her into the woman she is now. "But she named the infant 'Pearl,' as being of great price- purchased with all she had- her mother's only pleasure." ~ Scarlet Letter, Chapter VI When we first meet Pearl, she's a baby in the arms of her mother, Hester. Hester had an affair with the town minister after her husband abandoned her, which resulted in the illegitimate birth of their daughter Pearl. Which is the reason Hester is forced to wear the scarlet letter “A” and bear the shame that resides with it. …show more content…

Like her mother, she starts adorning herself with her own letter “A's” trying to make her feel accepted. Pearl is cleaver and mischievous in nature, which is a dangerous combination and posses a threat for the elders of the town. Pearl is curious and asks many people difficult questions hitting a little too close for comfort. This is troublesome for the leaders of the town, and thus label her demonic, as the spawn of the very devil himself. Basically saying that her questions are of ill intent, to turn the people against each other, and to break up the community. She is starting to be shunned by her peers, and adults take her words with a grain of salt, giving her plenty of time to work with Hester. Hester starts to believe that it's her fault for pearls isolation, and brute honesty, she begins to worry for Pearls

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