Scars to your beautiful, by Alessia Cara, says that we’re good enough just the way we are, and outer beauty is not the only beauty that matters. Women experience a lot of pressure to make themselves look appealing, but this song says that we should love and appreciate ourselves no matter what. We have to perceive that there are diverse types of beauty in the world, and not just the beauty of our outer appearance. “And you don't have to change a thing/ The world could change its heart” is a line from the poem that asserts that you’re perfect just the way you are, and you don’t have to change yourself just to fit in with everyone. If the world doesn’t like you for who you are, they ought to change their heart, and accept you. “There's a hope
Ha is the main character from Inside Out and Back Again this book is by Thanhha Lai. Her family has been kicked out of there home and, there life is turned inside out. They are forced to move to Alabama, and they are having a are time trying to fit in. They are now living in Alabama with their Cowboy and, his wife. The Cowboy's wife does not like Ha and her family just because they are from Saigon, and they speak another language than they do. In Inside Out and Back Again, Ha and her family’s life turns into a crazy mess. She is forced to move and, she has to get use to a new home. Then, she finally gets accepted by everybody at her school.
Sure, some of us have this great confidence within ourselves about looking great, but that does not hold true for everyone. I understand the pain or disgust, or even disappointment one feels when they look in the mirror and say, “I wish I could change this or that about myself”. Although this piece is written about the author’s life, it holds meaning and connects with for many people; one only has to dig deep enough to find one. For me, it was to realize what is important in life can change, adapt and that we must explore our inner selves and find our own path in life.
Thanhha Lai wrote a novel called “Inside Out & Back Again” which is about a little girl and her family in Vietnam, the little girl is named Ha. Ha and her family are in the city of saigon, the story takes place during the Vietnam war and because of the Vietnam war her and her family’s lives are turned “inside out”. But later everything comes “back again” This story relates to the universal refugee’s life because they themselves are turned “ Inside out and back again”.
Jamie Fader’s book Falling Back which was published in 2013, is based on ethnographic research over three years, from 2004 to 2007, of black and latino males on the edge of adulthood and that were incarcerated at the Mountain Ridge Academy reform school located in a rural area: “within a dense forest in western Pennsylvania, is Mountian Ridge Academy … ninety-acre campus contains eight dormitories, each of which houses thirty-two young men between ages 14 to 18” (p.1). The criminal thinking approach was intended to help young people identify the patterns that had led them to delinquency and replace it with corrective and prosocial thoughts. These young boys had been involved in drug offenses and violence within their suburban communities and were now in the process of behavioral change in order to help them reflect and be able to make better decisions which would lead them to a better life.
In an age where the United States has been colored many different colors over the course of many years, younger Americans tend to be more ignorant when it comes to their family's heritage. Journalist, Christine Granados makes an effort to remind readers of their heritage in order to help the readers learn to cherish and appreciate their family's culture. While questioning her readers' own acknowledgment of their heritage, Granados utilizes a reflective tone when reminiscing about her adolescent life in the United States as a Mexican American and describing the impact of her adolescent years on her life as an adult in her article, "True Colors." Granados appeals to the sense of empathy by immediately leading off her essay by recalling her
In the novel Inside Out And Back Again by Thanhha Lai, the main character, Ha, goes through many tough times in her life while living in war-torn Vietnam and a post-war America with her brothers, her mother, and their sponsor family. Some of the challenges including being a refugee, feeling different or weird, and eventually, feeling normal once again. Ha, whilst living in Vietnam was rebellious, smart, and didn’t feel the need to leave her country because of the war. One trait that Ha has is that she is rebellious. “I decided to wake before dawn and tap my big toe to the tile floor first.”
The Lion Behind The Glass How much do we really know about lions? This beautiful beast does not only pridefully take on his role as “King of the Jungle” but he’s is also an inspiration to many of his followers. He is recognized as brave and prideful. Although he’s all of these great things he has a hidden truth. The lion is probably the most terrible dad in the animal kingdom.
Imagine having to leave the country that you were born and raised in for 10 years to go somewhere you have never been before. This novel Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhhá Lai is about a girl named Ha who has to leave her country and go to the United States due to wars going on in her country. Ha and her family face lots of difficult problems when coming to the United States because of culture shock and facing discrimination. Ha and her family struggle with a great deal of problems, one of them being culture shock. In the book, one way that Ha and her family are affected is by food.
Under the lights by Abbie Glines. There are three teens that grew up together in a southern small town. Willa’s mom had her when she was a teenager. Willa had gotten into some trouble at a young age and had to stay with her Nonna. Willa’s two best friends were Gunner and Brady. Willa has made some bad choices in her past life which made her go down the wrong path in life. Brady’s a high school quarter back now and with the choices Willa has made Brady sees Willa as a different person. Gunner is also a football star in high school. Gunner is living a good rich life the only matter though he cares about himself only, except for Willa. He understands the person she has grown into over her time. As they were known to be child hood friends secrets start to come out and the truth may be the reason of them losing each other.
The book I chose to do an integrated unit on was The Skin You Live In by Michael Taylor with second grade students aged 7-8 years old. The big, colorful pages are vibrant and easy to absorb. This book delivers an important message about acceptance to young readers. It also has a great message that we are all different and the same and we should love ourselves for who we are. I have developed three activities that introduce concept explorations and challenge students to accept all cultures. It is very beneficial to involve learning students cognitively, emotionally, and physically. These lessons demonstrate learning experiences that are beneficial and relevant to children all over the world (Davis, 2011).
Women throughout history have been continually oppressed and have faced inequality in all aspects of life. In My Forbidden Face by Latifa, this theme recurs many times since the main character has been robbed of all basic human rights because of her gender. During the time period of the book, the Taliban took over and forced the people to take part in a radicalized version of Islam and worship as they saw fit. They made their own rules on how people should live, by taking the words of the Koran and twisting it to suit their needs, without any thoughts of how it would affect the people. The majority of the rules were aimed towards women and how they should live their lives.
Today most of the women are unhappy with their bodies and they try to look perfect, and this hurts. “Pretty Hurts.” They are many beautiful women with bad souls, and more important is to be the one you are and your inner beauty will shine everywhere. Beauty is not just an objective thing. Being a woman is the best thing in the
“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.”- Kurt Cobain
Together, we can lower the numbers of people dying from eating disorders and cosmetic surgeries by resisting the beauty ideal. We can choose “to not participate in the beauty rituals, to not support the industries that produce both images and products, and to create other definitions of beauty” (WVFV, pg. 232). The most crucial and easiest solution is to create other definitions of beauty. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what is beautiful. What if someone decided that the only thing that could contribute to one’s beauty is who someone is on the inside? Wouldn’t our world be a completely different place? Instead of
“Learning to love yourself will be the hardest thing you’ll ever do in life”. The 21st century, the era of perfection. The era where you are told how to look or else you are not considered beautiful to the world. The era where people like myself go through extremes to be beautiful even just feel beautiful. The extremes that I took were, looking for “love” anywhere with anyone, not caring about my health, and putting my academic career in danger, all of that just to be and feel beautiful.