
Schizophrenia Case Study Case Studies

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Charlsie is a 20yo, primigravida, who is currently 20 weeks 5 days as dated by LMP consistent with a 9-week scan. She is healthy. She had a complete sequential screen that was screen negative with a risk of Down syndrome of 1:100,000. Her analytes were within normal limits. She had her anatomic survey at your office and was noted to have an echogenic intracardiac focus (EIF) and was sent for further evaluation. On ultrasound there is a live fetus in cephalic presentation. Fetal biometry is consistent with dates. A detailed anatomic survey did not note any structural abnormalities. We did note an EIF was in the left ventricle. There are no other common markers of aneuploidy seen. Transabdominal cervical length is reassuring. The placenta was posterior and clear of the LUS. …show more content…

I explained to her the findings of an EIF. In the setting of reassuring aneuploidy screening it is considered a normal clinical variant and therefore is of little significance. It would minimally modify her excellent risk based on her screen. We did discuss other options of testing but they did decline at this time. She is not scheduled to follow-up here but we would be happy to see her back if you

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