
Schizophrenia Essay

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I will be discussing my topic on how schizophrenia is treated and the affects of the disorder. In the book Psychology: A Journey, “schizophrenia is defined as delusions hallucination, apathy, thinking abnormalities, and a “split” between thought and emotion” (Coon and Mitterer). The illness usually occurs during late childhood or early adulthood.
There is no known cause to why people get schizophrenia. Although there are some theories that schizophrenia is caused from inherit genes, nature and dopamine. Genetics can play a big part in schizophrenia. A person is most likely to inherit schizophrenia from family members who have the illness or other mental illness associated with the disorder. For example, schizoaffective …show more content…

The limbic system is affected because it can be one of the sources of irritation to schizophrenia. The occipital lobe is affected because it makes it difficult to translate images or reading other peoples face expressions. The hippocampus is affected because it is the part of the brain that a person learns and memorizes from. According to our book Psychology : A Journey Heinrich states, “ Having an impaired “sensory filter ”in their brains may be why they are overwhelmed by a jumble of thoughts, sensations, images, and feelings(Heinrichs, 2001). The typical symptoms associated with schizophrenia are language, thought, perception, hearing voices, hallucinations, and delusions. Schizophrenia can have a huge impact on relationships. They can be affected because it can cause a burden on the people surrounding them. According to an article written by Nemade and Dombeck they state, “Though not affected directly, family members also frequently become distressed and overwhelmed by the difficulties involved in providing care and in coming to terms with the transformation of their loved one into a patient with a serious chronic illness“ (Nemade and Dombeck). It can cause them to not have friends or relationships with others because of their sudden outburst, and delusions. They can also make people feel uncomfortable and scared of them when they have their

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