The understanding I gathered from the term scholar-practitioner is an individual that is knowledgeable, experienced, and self-motivation. One who is self-sufficient and completely committed to their practice. Their professional activities and the knowledge they develop are based on collaborative and relational learning through active exchange within communities of practice and scholarship. McClintock (2003) To me that means a scholar practitioner is one who gain knowledge in social situations. Doctoral programs encourage its members to develop in “passionate scholarship” often times by fostering a community of scholar-practitioners immersed in a caring culture. Herbert (2006) I think it’s a person who work with other scholars on their journey to achieve goals. …show more content…
They are still being educated and grasping their learning communities. I could be wrong but this the understanding I gathered from my research. Any classmate that has a better understanding then me feel free to help me understand. Most importantly I think they network with many other psychologists learning and networking to ensure reliable and valid
McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model and Capella’s scholar-practitioner learning model are similar in a few aspects. The McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model supports the Capella learning model by expressing the importance of caring for the well-being of the client, and being able to obtain knowledge through theory and research. McClintock’s model stresses that the learner should learn through an accredited school and their knowledge comes from primarily theory and research (McClintock, C. 2004). With this knowledge, the learner then can reflect and assess the clients they are working with to learn new ways to support their client. The McClintock’s model also discusses collaborating knowledge with relational learning and practice (McClintock,
Psychological studies are mainly based on the direct observation of human behavior, rather than reasoning or speculation. Psychology is like any other subject- the majority of people have a very shallow and basic understanding of what the study involves, and yet they lack a crucial knowledge of the major struggles and disagreements among those who study it. It does not surprise me that psychology is one of the more popular majors available. By nature, it sparks human curiosity, especially as to what contributes to the system of our thoughts and the pattern in our behaviors. For the first eighteen
* The view of modern psychologists are frequently difficult to categorize into traditional schools of thought.
In this paper I will discuss the concept Practitioner-Scholar Learning Model. I will compare this model with the Reflective-Practitioner Learning Model and explain what being a Practitioner-Scholar means to me as a learner at Capella and as a professional out in the working field. For me the first step in the completion of this assignment was to define the concepts of scholar, practitioner, reflective-practitioner and practitioner-scholar. defines Scholar as a learned or erudite person, especially one who has profound knowledge of a particular subject (Scholar,
This makes a huge point to my argument. Psychologists are people who learn about why human beings think what they think and do what they do. They help to stand up for people who have been put down by society.
Landrum, R. E., & Davis, S. F. (2014). The Psychology Major: Career Options and Strategies
Being a scholar-practitioner will not only allow me to become a consumer of knowledge, but it will also help me make a change to the advancement of individuals, communities, organizations and society. As a scholar- practitioner, I will be able to share my knowledge and original ideas with others through discussions and presenting at an academic or professional event. As my career field continue to expand, I will evolve in my career field as, I learn, grow and research.
ARMSTRONG, M. (2011) How to be an even better manager. 8th ed. London: Kognan Page.
Practitioner inquiry advances student learning by improving teaching practice. Improving teaching practice is crucial, as the quality of teaching is “the most significant within-school factor influencing pupil performance” (Darling-Hammond et al., 2005, Hattie, 2009, McKinsey & Co., 2007, all cited in Menter, Elliot, Hulme, Lewin & Lowden 2011, p.14). Without disciplined examination, lessons from teaching experiences can pass by unnoticed (Shulman, 2005, cited in Menter et al, 2011, p.19). Inquiry helps teachers improve the quality of their teaching by focussing reflections on specific questions, giving teachers an opportunity to understand their practice better, evaluate its effectiveness and identify alternatives or improvements (McLaughin, Hawkins, McIntyre, 2004, cited by General Teaching Council for Scotland, 2016). Inquiry encourages the sort of reflective practice that may lead to a more formalised and systemic inquiry based around research questions (Menter et al, 2011). As such, practitioner inquiry allows teachers to drive their own processional learning.
There were contextual forces as well as work in America to foster the growth of applied psychology. The number of people with a Ph. D. in psychology rose and there were not enough academic positions to employ them, and when one attained a teaching job many administrations did not value (or fund) psychology programs. As psychology was a newest science when compared to physics and chemistry…received smallest financial support, so need to proof that psychology is useful in solving social, educational and industrial problem in order to improve budgets. An emerging societal problem was a dramatic increase in public school enrollment, which opened doors for some psychologists. Thus, the focus of psychology shifted towards the application in solving real-world problem.
over time, due to psychologists coming to light in the modern world. This essay will also
They can have a master’s or a doctorate in clinical, educational, counseling, or research psychology (NAMI, 2013).
One difference between the scholar-practitioner and the practitioner-scholar seems to be in the “premium” in which doctoral studies place on research and theory (and publications) rather than research and practice. In general, understanding that basic difference did not deter me from noticing the vast similarities and support between the two models. Still, the differences seem to be that the scholar-practitioner is potentially more concerned with (or faced with the issue of) “status” than the practitioner-scholar. When pointing out the political aspects of scholar-practitioners, McClintock (2004), in “Scholar Practitioner Model” asserts that “the more determinate the knowledge base—as in the physical and life sciences—the greater the prestige and power of the field (p. 3). Conversely, it seems that the practitioner-scholar is looking to the published research projects of the scholar-practitioner in order to synthesize that information with an emphasis on application (Capella, 2003).
Psychology can be presented by the media in forms such as magazine or newspaper articles, and the most popular today is through commercials watched on TV. Psychology is presented in a form of science today compared to what it was viewed as in the late 1800s and onto the 1900s. It is more of a science nature because viewers have to think about the meaning of the article or commercial to understand the message that is being presented. Then, psychology was viewed as a form or common sense. Psychology was never really looked at as a science but rather as philosophy in the 1980s. The public was often confused with the subject of psychology because it was always
Wireless networking or atleast the networks in which we operate normally refers to wireless sensor networks which is an innovative and are within the broad spectrum of whites networks that are specifically designed to measure a small amounts of data and that data is related to sensor data. The little pieces of information like temperature sensors or open/close sensor are extremely valuable information as it provides insights into defense that might happen in their business processes. There are many wireless network, but the question arises is where do these wireless sensor network fit among the different wireless network.