
Scholastic Recognition And Honor Essay

Decent Essays
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What scholastic recognition and honors have you received?
All "A" Honor Roll, Certificate of Academic Excellence in the following subjects: Honors American Literature, AP Biology, Honors Analytic Geometry, Honors World Literature, Spanish, and Certificate of Award in Horticulture.

List school activities and organizations of which you were a member:
Organizations: Years of participation and leadership roles
Spanish Club member 1year
Future Farmers of America 1year
Future Business Leaders of America member 4 years
Fellowship of Christian Athletes member 2 years
Family Career Community Leaders of America member 4 years
BETA Club member 3 years
Soccer athlete 3 years
Cross country athlete 2 years

What honors or special awards did you receive in these activities or organizations?
During my 11th grade year in cross country, I received a medal for running both at sectionals and state for my team. Additionally, my senior year I have also received a medal at region placing fifth and at school. During my participation in soccer I have been awarded with the Varsity Letter A and "Magnificent Midfielder". Also during my participation in FBLA I placed at region in a competitive event earning a medal.
List church and community activities, including leadership participation and responsibilities:
Sunday School teacher- …show more content…

I have already planned to work in a bank or related field of work where I can just advance when I obtain my degree. Furthermore, I also plan to settle down in Georgia and find my own place to live along with a house. After being monetary situated I plan to go back to college to get a second degree as a nurse or a sociologist. My plans are to give back to my community either through my work or my church afflictions. I plan to work with charity organizations and people that may be in need. My goal is to help someone and make a difference in their

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