
School Bill Research Paper

Decent Essays

Be it Enacted by the Student Congress of Northwood Middle School that schools should increase more activities in schools that appreciates, stimulates, and enhance the creativity in students.
This bill is necessary because schools have remained unchanged since many generations past, despite how people in the present doesn’t think the ways that were taught in the past applies the same way to now. In a conversation with Ken Robinson, he had quoted that, “You know, for my generation—I was born in 1950—we were told that if you worked hard, went to college, and got a regular academic degree, you'd be set for life. Well, nobody thinks that's true anymore, and yet we keep running our school systems as though it were. So many people have degrees now …show more content…

The world is rapidly changing, natural resources are decreasing, technology is expanding, it’s all greatly different from what it was like in the past. The world is becoming more unpredictable, the problems that are transpiring today is completely different from what’ve happened in the past; and it would need a whole lot of innovation to deal with such problems in our future. Now, the specific requirements of this bill are to bring changes to the school’s syllabus, reducing the use of lectures and simply marking incorrect answers as wrong and left be, and instead intrigue students with participation and interaction, and require the education in various arts to be just as important as education of mathematics, languages, and humanities. According to a new study, undergraduate students in classes that shares the traditional method of lectures is 1.5 times more likely to fail in classes compared to ones that include interactions and involvement. To look into that information even more, rendering from Freeman’s study of under graduate STEM teaching methods, it has

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