The school board meeting went a lot quicker than I was expecting it to. The members sped through many of the discussion topics they had for the day. Speaking of members, the members that attended the meeting were Mike Calhoon, Scott Meiners, Rusty Blare, Steve Kubik, Bill Mann, Nelle Schlomer. The member who wasn’t attending the meeting was Joe Hockett. I thought the school board meeting went about as well as it could have.
One of the speakers at the school board meeting was Laura Root. Her job was to name all of the funds spent and made by the school district, which took longer than most other things that happened during the meeting. Dan Aaker mentioned all the sports teams and how they did to the board, and addressed the fact that the football team is getting new white jerseys. Brian Naasz talked about the elementary-school and about adding a shower to it for handicapped students. Gerald Witte talked about the high-school; mentioning the upcoming prom. The board later approved a calendar and acknowledged resignations.
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One is Mr. Dan Aaker mentioning our sports teams. Another good thing is the fact that Mr. Aaker took time out of his announcements to talk about our fine arts, such and band and choir. He didn’t need to do this, but I am happy he did because I feel like the band and choir don’t get recognized by the school as much as they should. I think Mike Calhoon is very good at his job. He speaks clear enough to hear, impartial, and let discussions happen without putting his own input in too much. The board did as much as they could have in the time allowed, because they passed every single motion that was implemented. They also worked quick enough to end the meeting
The Wilson School District Board of Directors meets on the first and third Monday of each month to guide the operations of the district through six strategic vision planks. These planks seek to: improve upon or expand Wilson’s portfolio, grow Wilson regionally and nationally, increase organizational agility and capacity, engage in creative development of new and existing infrastructure, create a flatter organizational structure, and control for fiscal accountability. The following is a summary of the meeting which occurred on September 18, 2017, along with observations and conclusions from the perspective of a future district administrator.
St. Augustine, Florida – May 10, 2020 – During the ABC School Board meeting on May 10, 2020, the board appointed Dr. Jamie Walker-Davidson as the new superintendent of schools. She will be stepping up to replace Dr. David Romano, who will be retiring after 20 years serving the ABC school district. Board President Matthew Barnes stated, “We are excited that we were able to fill this position with such a competent and valuable candidate.” Dr. Walker-Davidson officially takes office on July 1, 2020, however she has already begun working with Dr. David Romano, the staff, and school board for a seamless transition.
Brunswick is comprised of six board members, Those that presented were Vikki Snider, Bobby Taylor head of Department of National service for Early release from schools, and teacher of the Casey Smith. Schools that were spotlighted expressed concerns new roofing, electrical work, in numerous schools within the district. In addition the request for adding an auditorium to any High School to be used to showcase the talents of the children within the school district. The most prominent concern was testing. Many teachers felt that the students are being tested too much and that their curriculums have now changed to teach to the standardized exams, and not what is beneficial for students once they leave school. The subject of minimizing the amount of test will be under review and was not resolved at that meeting. Watching this video of how other school districts function shows that many schools face similar problems. It also provides a realistic portrayal of the challenges teachers
The meeting was held at the Glenwood Landing School Auditorium. It was hosted by the North Shore Schools Board of Education. It convened at six- thirty p.m. on Thursday October 6th, 2016 at 60 Cody Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545. This meeting discussed issues, concerns, and matters that addressed the needs of the schools, students and community. The purpose of the North Shore Board of Education is to serve as a liaison between the community and the Board regarding legislative matters that have a direct bearing on fiscal or educational aspects of the North Shore Central School District. The Board of Education consists of seven individuals whose primary responsibilities include: establishing general policies consistent with the laws of New York State and the rules and regulations of the State Education Department.
The Hallsville Independent School District board meeting was very conductive. An agenda was handed out to everyone present, and it had every point to be made at the meeting neat and organized for everyone to follow. The meeting is mostly open to the public which provides a great way for everyone to feel up to date with what is going on in the school district, and be able to help in any way they can when problems arise. Once the superintendent had finished speaking about who was being recognized, the updated itinerary, and the HISD Education Foundation Report, he closed the meeting from the public. School board meetings benefit the community by letting the people not associated with a job through the school know what is going on in the district.
On November 9th 2015, a town hall meeting took place in my political science class. This meeting was a chance for students of the school to bring up concerns, or issues regarding there education. For their voice to be heard directly to the faculty that runs the school, the students could finally have a chance to get a valid answer. There was questions about safety, mathematics, community college education, and typical student issues.
Good members will work tirelessly to represent the school districts they serve and will be sure every decision is explained and understood. The Smithville School Board needs members who have integrity, respect and hold a strong moral compass in order to succeed. Social media is the first decider for elections in our current society and after researching Michael Till’s ,I can assure all that he does not fill the need character traits to help the Smithville School Board or School District
There were a couple information sessions to reach out to Montgomery county residents to inform, and consult them on the programs and budgets of the County’s public school and the college. Montgomery County Council Education Committee Chair, Craig Rice, Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent, Jack Smith, and Montgomery College President DeRionne Pollard graced the information session. I appreciated their effort to seek input from the public who will be receiving the education and it also show transparency of the whole process. Before the hearing, I had little to no knowledge of how the school (Montgomery College) got its funding and how reliant it was on the county and state. Council member Rice gave a speech outlining the budget priorities that were established by the Board of Education.
SRVEA President Ann Katzburg thanked the staff members who spoke and shared their truths with the Board. At her last rec council meeting of the year, they did a “year in review”. Some of the highlights included; the new instructional calendar, signed 6 memorandums of understanding which are unique to each school site, passed the Day of Silence resolution, and the special ed taskforce. Ms. Katzburg shared some of the positive comments from the special ed taskforce. Ms. Katzburg asked that everyone partner to support Prop 30.
For this online course, I was required to attend and observe a school board meeting. I completed my requirement on Monday May 23rd, 2016 at the Clearfield Area Board of School Directors Regular Meeting from 6:00 pm until 9:15 pm. The current Clearfield Area School Board is composed of five male and four female members. The five male members of this school board are: Mr. Larry A. Putt, Mr. Phillip E. Carr, Mr. Tim N. Morgan, Mr. Randy Pataky, and Dr. Michael Spencer. The four female members of this school board include: Mrs. Mary Anne Jackson, Mrs. Susan E. Mikesell, Mrs. Gail Ralston, and Mrs. Jennifer Wallace.
I went to the San Bernardino City Unified School District Board meeting that took place on October 3, 2017. In this board meeting, there were a lot of interesting topics that that were discussed. The board members voted on various topics throughout the board meeting, the community could see the members’ votes. This board meeting focused more on High School students rather than on Elementary students.
Mrs. Quinn, the new 8th grade Science, Marine and Environmental teacher said that she thought the luncheon was very thoughtful and welcoming. She also stated that everything that Student Council has done has
Local school board meetings are a venue that allows the public to attend and be a part of the educational process. These meetings provide community members with important information about upcoming events so that they are able to be well informed of the happenings that are taking place within the school system in which their child attends. Along with being able to learn about what is taking place within the school, it also allows parents and parent groups the opportunity to express their opinions and concerns about matters that could likely affect their children. Monthly school board meetings are a way to help establish and maintain open lines of communication between the school and community members. By allowing the community members the opportunity to be heard, it further enhances the relationship between the school and the community.
Every school district has board meetings throughout the school year. Unfortunately, many parents, community members, & school personnel do not attend such important meetings because they don’t realize or understand the importance of such board meetings or how informative they can be. According to Kankakee School District (2017), the Kankakee School District Board of Education is composed of seven elected members, who were elected by the citizens of Kankakee to serve a four-year term that do not receive no salary for they services, are committed to ensuring a quality of educational excellence that will enhance the opportunities and challenges facing today’s student and additional responsibilities that board members include are selection of the District superintendent, developing general polices according to wishes of the community and requirements of law, hiring school personnel based upon recommendation of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of Personnel, adopts salary schedules, approves funds to finance school operations, must adopt and review the annual operating budget for the District, and setting the property tax levy to produce adequate funds to meet the District’s financial needs ranks among the responsibilities of the Board of Education (Retrieved from For this paper, the Kankakee School District board meeting will be used, information learned from board meeting, use of
The meeting began when the school board members entered the large group instruction room and took their seats at a panel table angled to the side of the audience. The school board consists of nine elected members from the community. The members are as follows: Paul Ridley (President), Pat Vigliotta (Vice President), Helen Cumminskey