
School Board Meeting Report

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The school board meeting went a lot quicker than I was expecting it to. The members sped through many of the discussion topics they had for the day. Speaking of members, the members that attended the meeting were Mike Calhoon, Scott Meiners, Rusty Blare, Steve Kubik, Bill Mann, Nelle Schlomer. The member who wasn’t attending the meeting was Joe Hockett. I thought the school board meeting went about as well as it could have.

One of the speakers at the school board meeting was Laura Root. Her job was to name all of the funds spent and made by the school district, which took longer than most other things that happened during the meeting. Dan Aaker mentioned all the sports teams and how they did to the board, and addressed the fact that the football team is getting new white jerseys. Brian Naasz talked about the elementary-school and about adding a shower to it for handicapped students. Gerald Witte talked about the high-school; mentioning the upcoming prom. The board later approved a calendar and acknowledged resignations. …show more content…

One is Mr. Dan Aaker mentioning our sports teams. Another good thing is the fact that Mr. Aaker took time out of his announcements to talk about our fine arts, such and band and choir. He didn’t need to do this, but I am happy he did because I feel like the band and choir don’t get recognized by the school as much as they should. I think Mike Calhoon is very good at his job. He speaks clear enough to hear, impartial, and let discussions happen without putting his own input in too much. The board did as much as they could have in the time allowed, because they passed every single motion that was implemented. They also worked quick enough to end the meeting

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