Should schools start having compost at school to help with the reduce the trash of uneaten foods and put it to good use? I think that schools should start doing that because it will help a lot and the compost could be something useful if they need it to grow plants or put better soil in the plants that they already have. Having a compost a school will be a lot work but even it is a lot of work I'm pretty sure that a group of people would be happy to do that work to help the school and help the landfills with trash that some of it can be made into a compost to help the environment. Schools would be helping a lot more things than just reducing the amount of trash that goes into the landfills. Schools should allow a compost to be made even though it might take some taking care of to get it going and keep it going so it can be useful if you are willing to put in time for it.
Food waste is an issue that is present at Cornell College. By going into Bon Appetit, the issue becomes clear. Students are given more food than they can eat. To go boxes are not available for students who dine in, and most students do not bring reusable containers with them. Most do not think about how much food they waste. By going over to where we put out plates when we are finished, it is easy to see many students leave a good portion of their meals on the plate. Whether they did not like what they were eating or they were in a hurry and had to leave, big amounts of food are wasted during each meal of the day. Steps can be taken to decrease the overall amount of food that is wasted on campus. Ideas such as smaller plates, vermiculture, competitions, and others can be utilized in the efforts to decrease food waste on campus.
In the chapter of “Will’s Compost” from The Good Food Revolution by Will Allen discusses about a bad side and a good side of urban agriculture. Urban agriculture is booming in United States and there are a lot of non-profit organizations involve to create a strong urban agriculture progress. Allen also mentions that most of people living in urban areas are highly integrated with food insecurity and also most of the farmers had sold their land to the developers. From my reading, I started to have a thought about the benefits of urban agriculture. Does urban agriculture offers any other benefits other than what Allen has mentioned and through out its progress, is there any challenges faced by the farmers?
Have you ever walked around a school campus just minutes after the lunch break? Well if you have, you may have observed the absurd amount of wasted food spilling out of trash cans and scattered around the concrete floors. It makes you realize how much food we waste daily, and how preventable that is. With that, it is mandatory that Mills High School should be required to have composting and more recycling bins around campus, this would be beneficial to our planet and the upcoming generations.
Most people know how school lunches work you come get your lunch eat then you throw it away, but most people don't know what happens to the food after you eat and how it should be handled. There are multiple ways to get rid of the food but, one of the ways to get rid of the food schools don't like it, and that way is to compost the food. It i being discussed why you must not compost the cafeteria food and i will show you why it should be composted.
Bloom, J. (2010). American wasteland: How America throws away nearly half of its food (and what we can do about it). Cambridge: Da Capo Press.
With the seemingly unstoppable growth of the world’s population and a projected global population of nine billion by 2050, the matter of whether or not there will be enough food to support the world’s populace is brought into question (Parfitt, et al., 2010). However, amid the concern for an adequate food supply, there is an immense amount of food waste produced by the world, including the United States. In fact, “according to the Natural Resources Defense Council as much as 40 percent of all food produced in the United States never gets eaten and typically ends up in the landfills or goes unharvested in the field “(King, 2015).
Food Waste is a major issue in the United States. It takes up much needed room in landfills, it is a financial burden, and it contributes to the rise in hunger.
There are countless issues that pose danger to the environmental health of the Earth, but one of the most often overlooked problems is food waste. Food waste contributes to droughts as well as other serious economic and climate ramifications. However, there are many things that can be done to resolve this pressing issue.
One of the most prominent issues in the American society is not an economic or social problem, but the lack of recycling in America and the effect it is having on the environment and the people. This lack of recycling can be found in businesses and schools across America who could benefit from some sort of recycling program installed. The benefits of a well placed and organized recycling program can be endless from scholarships to the benefits it can have on the environment by saving trees and reducing the space need to dispose all the trash. South Caldwell High School is one of these schools across the country that is at a loss because of its lack of a recycling program and many other schools and businesses in Caldwell county are not reaping
There is no clear description regarding food waste in a universal matter either historically or presently, making it perplexing in definition and comparison. What is clear is that food waste continues to grow at a rapid pace with the expansion of a world population experiencing societal and agricultural developments in an era where land and other resources are becoming more limited. The increase in waste and category of foods which people throw away has transformed with time through the advancement and evolving of varying cultures. The French labeled “Garbage” specifically as food waste and later broadened the term in applying to refuse in general.
I believe that this problem can be solved because they have been starting to involve students in recycling in the lunchroom and around their school. In General I believe that people will start to see that we need to do more recycling when all of our backyards become landfills.
Like many things, we just don’t bother or we don’t feel that we have the time. We aren’t realizing how much it affects each of us. Have you ever taken the time to stop and think about it?
These days, our earth has been filled by a lot of waste. There is a lot of garbage, plastic waste, and electronic waste. We always produce it and dump it when we need the new one. Our waste are piling up and continuously accumulating. Plastic waste is one of the biggest problems for us now. And our solution in this problem is recycling. In my opinion, recycling is a way to manage used items into new products. We can reduce, reuse, and recycling (3R) waste management (Peter, 2013). We can reduce our waste clothes with reuse it. There are some reasons why peoples recycle used or unwanted items, which are, prevent wasting unusable materials that still have usage after recycled, reduce the application of raw materials, reduce energy
The everyday American on average wastes an astonishing twenty pounds of food each month (Gunders). Food waste is defined, as food that was intended for human consumption but was never eaten. Food waste in America is a massive problem; perfectly edible food is spoiled and discarded at every section of the food supply chain, which causes severe consequences for the environment and the economy. If Americans wasted 5% less food, the country as a whole would save fifty million dollars yearly (Hall). Not only would reducing food waste help save money but also it would immensely help climate change, as decomposing food in landfills creates methane gas. CO2 is known as the main culprit of climate change however; although methane gas is less talked
Hazardous waste and its proper disposal have become a major sociological problem today due to its capability of contaminating the area in which we live and its potential to be lethal to all living things. In order for the United States and the rest of the world to save itself from a potentially life threatening problem they must fix the causes which lead to the improper disposal of hazardous wastes and like materials. Some reasons that hazardous waste has become a problem in the United States today is due to the breakdown in enforcing laws for the proper disposal of such wastes, a lack of initiative on big companies behalf to spend money on proper disposal, and the ease of disposing of such wastes illegally.