
School Counseling Career Essay

Decent Essays

School counseling as always caught my attention. When I started my higher education, I had a focus on studying Elementary Education. However, after completing a college assignment for one of my psychology course, I found a very interested area in Psychology which is counseling. Since then, I have falling in love with counseling, and have spent a lot of time researching the career. I have conducted different interviews and have engaged in different counseling events that have helped me get to know the career. Therefore, when given this assignment, I felt more than prepared because I have spent a lot of time researching this career. However, I used the given source, ONET, to have more of a broad understanding about School Counseling. School counselors have the responsibility of helping individuals understand and overcome personal, social or behavioral problems affecting their educational or vocational situations. Moreover, counselor provided crisis intervention to students when difficult situations occur at the school or around the community. Also, counselors have the responsibility to serve has guardians and prepared the students for later …show more content…

I have learned with all the research and interview I have conducted that in order to be a counselor there should be a special love for humans and the desire to help them. Currently, I work as a Student Service Advisor at Valencia College, and I can truly say I love what I do. I get the chance to assist, advise, and guide student while the start this new journey or chapter in their life. Even though, I do not get to perform half of the duties a counselor deals with; the satisfaction of advising a student in their career path keep me motivated to become a school counselor. Many people might think that counselor isn’t needed anymore, but I can assure that when a student has their personal cheerleader their personal and professional life changes for

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