Should we only have school four days a week? In my opinion, I think we should. There are pros and cons, but I think it’s a great idea. Even though going to school five times a week is beneficial, only having school four times a week is better because we'll get a longer weekend, classes or longer, and we could even have a study hall or Period.
Longer breaks from school are good but also bad. For one they’re good because we need physical rest, but most importantly we need mental rest. We need mental rest because some students get migraines, mental breakdowns, really stressed out about things like their brains. We’re kind of having a longer break is forgetting when we did/learned.
Another pro is our classes are longer. If I our classes are longer
The United States has come a long way from the mandatory draft preceding 1973. The abolishment of the military draft efficiently resulted in a volunteer based enlistment. The U.S. has had no problem recruiting enlistees in past years (Thompson), yet confidence in our government and the unity of their democracy is at an all time low. The people do not feel like recognized members of the political unit, and this undermines the basic principles of maintaining a republic (Stengel). For a republic to work, it requires active participation of the citizens, in mind and body. Americans must take involvement in said government to remain free and have a voice in the matter (Kinley). If all participation is left solely to the bureaucracy, that constitutes
Fate is our future. I believe in fate and that our life is decided even before we are born. In Macbeth, though, Macbeth's fate was not determined of him becoming king. By hearing the witches prophesying about him being king, he wanted it so badly that he made things happen to become king. “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none: So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo (Shakespeare 11)!” At the beginning of this scene the witches were talking and then Macbeth and Banquo appeared. The witches told Macbeth that he would become king. Macbeth doubted it at first and thought that it could never be true, but started to think of how nice it would be to be king. Then he got it engraved in his head that he would and went into action to do it. Ross
First, let's look at the positives. Having a four-day week would open up the opportunity of scheduling doctors appointments on Mondays, so that students wouldn't have to miss school for dentist and doctors appointments. In my opinion, this is the only positive to having a four day school week.
Most people believe that students should have a four day school week because students benefit from less homework, the students can also get a better math score, and the student can also be more productive. There is a boost in math scores and other classes, the shorter school schedule resulted in a seven percent increase in math and a three percent boost in reading. This shows that there is more of a dramatic improvement in students math score. According to Education.seattlepi “512 schools have tried this method with the shorter schedule and it became more popular from the great outcomes from other schools. This shows that students do better in school from the four day school week.
At this point in time, school runs five days a week leaving two days off. A four day school week has always been there as an idea but never actually been the reality in our school district. The shortened week would provide the same amount of learning time in one less day making the school days longer to account for an additional day off. There are schools nearby us that have shifted to this schedule including the school on Bowen Island as well as several others in bc. School 4 days a week with elongated days would be advantageous for students and teachers because students in sports will have more time to train, students will have increased time to catch up on school work over the extended weekend, teachers will have augmented
Others might say that with a four-day school week you have an extra day to sleep in, hang out with friends and do whatever. But that is wrong, with a four-day week you wouldn’t have time for after school activities, you would have financial problems and students would focus less. they are many reasons why you would have the issues, but I am going to tell you the most important one. So I can change your mind as you read my point of view of a four-day school week.
We already have four breaks we do not need more. We have a one week Thanksgiving break, a two week Winter break, a one week Spring break, and almost a three month Summer break! When you only have a one month Summer break it takes away your freedom. Some expireienced students say that it feels rushed. They feel like they do not get to fully learn a subject.
Should schools go to a 4 day school weeks instead of 5 days? This has been a hot topic in state especially the states that don’t have as large of an economy. A poll where 2,700 random people were polled about 67% favoured a 4 day school week(university of Scranton). The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school weeks is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma. You won’t have to run the electricity or pay for buses. The only question is does it hurt students education but the statistics are showing that is clearly not the case one bit. 4 day school weeks would be better for schools without a doubt because you save money and kids will be more refreshed and not burned out also their behavior is showed to become better.
Sheehy, Kelsey. “Educators at Some High Schools Tout Benefits of 4-Day Week.” U.S. News. 15 Oct. 2012, Access 18 Apr. 2017.
break is when you have to find alternate child care options, which can not only be hard but pricey, some families may not even be able to pay for child care for such a long amount and may make the decision to leave the child at home, which can be dangerous and scary. (Screenflex) With year round schooling both those problems can be fixed, with kids in school longer low income families won’t have to worry about them losing their knowledge over break because the shorter breaks in between will give children less time to forget all they learned in class. And with these shorter breaks comes less money having to be spent on childcare, because they’ll be in school.
Some people think that it helps kids learn more with longer breaks. I never been to an all year- round school before, only my brother and sister's have. Some places do year-round,and students just learn more and they remember more. There are at least 15 year-round schools
Currently, there are 21 states that have adopted a four-day school week (Long 1). From California to Georgia, Oregon to Kansas, these states are only a few that have embraced a shortened school week. This trend is occurring within small, rural school systems, as well as in institutions of higher education. With these states implementing a four-day week, one can’t help but wonder what the positive and negative outcomes will be. Research has been done to determine whether a four-day week gives an advantage to students or just the opposite. After considering multiple sources, Colby High School should adopt a four-day school week because they would increase student attendance, give teachers more time to
I do not support Ridgeline High School having a four-day school week. First of all, it would interfere with a number of after school activities. I know for myself, my practice times would change so that I wouldn’t get home until 8:00 p.m. every day after school. This leaves little to no time for me to finish my homework. Also, if any students wanted to get a job, it would be close to impossible. Most part time jobs require high school employees to work a minimum of 15 hours a week. If that is split evenly between all the days of the week, it comes to a little more than 2 hours a day. Students arriving home at 4:00 p.m. having two hours of work, dinner with their family, extracurricular activities, and at least an hour of homework would be
Would 4 day school weeks be good for students? Some schools have already started the 4 day schedule in smaller counties and they say that they have saved more money doing it than when they were on 5 day weeks. Teachers that work in the places that have four day school weeks claim that it is easier for them to because of instead of spending Saturday making lesson plans they now have Friday so they still have two days left in the weekend. Also students get more relax time with 3 day weekends so they come back Monday more productive. The 4 day schedule only adds 10 extra minutes to each class so students are not in school much longer than before. Some people think that it would not be good because some of the students who have special lunch because
How would it sound if school weeks were only four days long and, in doing that, it saved your school money at the same time? Well, for some rural schools across the nation, this has become a reality. Four day school weeks are becoming a necessity for some rural school districts that lack funding. It provides a realistic way for schools to remain open and also has added benefits beyond saving money. Four day school weeks may not be a realistic situation for all schools throughout the nation, but for those that it is possible, the four day school week saves money, improves test scores, and further improves the school as a whole.