For the First Quarter in this school year, my goal was to read 15-20 minutes per day during the school week. When I set this goal it seemed like a very realistic goal. I knew I would be able to reach this goal, because I enjoy reading a lot. Reading is something that has always came very easy to me. On my goal sheet we filled out the first week of school I remember thinking, it would be a great idea to record how many pages I am reading and also if I was reading each school night. At the beginning of the quarter I began writing down the amount of pages I was reading every night in the books I was reading. Now that it is the end of the quarter I am realizing I have started to pick up bad habits in recording the amount pages I have read, each
Is there ever an instance when a M.Ed. cohort student does not have to take EDUC 635? I have had 2 students, 1 reading and 1 C&I, call to ask if they need to take 635. The C&I student said his professor talked about 630 being different for those taking 635 and those not. The reading student said 635 did not show on her advising sheet, which it does on all the advising sheets I have. The first time I was asked the question, I assumed there was some confusion with the professor, but when I got the same question twice in 2 days it made me wonder if I had missed something.
I really appreciated watching the documentary about Little Rock Central High School in class this week. “Little Rock Central High School is an accredited comprehensive public high school in Little Rock, Arkansas.” I had never hear about the school before or knew the history behind what happened many years ago. I cannot imagine what it must have felt like for African American kids to go school for the very first time with a bunch of white Americans who did not accept them at the time. Nine simple ordinary African American kids worked so hard to allow a chance for them to receive an education in a school that was not segregated. To think about how much bullying they went through and how much verbal and physical abuse they must have endured
At Fond du Lac High School, in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, there are classes that each grade is required to take. For example, every student is required to take four English classes, one per year. In addition to that, every student is required to take three science, math, and social studies classes. This hinders a student’s ability to further themselves along a potential career path by forcing them into taking classes that aren't needed. In order to fix this policy, three things need to happen. There needs to be more trade high schools, fewer required classes, and differently formatted school days.
I’m writing for a request of a reconsideration of my final grade (EDU 600 Professor Dresser). The last couple of months have been extremely difficult on my personal life. On April 20th my husband passed away and the week before graduation my farther fell ill. He suffered with violent seizures; I slept in the hospital (in a chair next to his bed) the week prior to graduation, only to leave to attend the ceremony. Four months to the day of my husbands passing my father passed but not without complications (Two intubation, tracheostomy and peg feeding tube). As his health care proxy I was left to make extremely hard decisions for his life.
I Makayla Elaine Bunbasi, have been academically suspended from Allegany College of Maryland. I have been suspended due to my academic status falling below the required minimum. I understand that it is important to do well in school and I am willing to put all my focus into my schooling to make sure I do whatever it takes to pass my classes. I know there shouldn’t be any reason for a student to fall behind in school but the past two and a half years of my life have been a struggle. When I was seventeen I made the choice to move to West Virginia to take care of my grandmother since my Pap worked out of town Monday-Friday. Over the past two years I have had to care for my grandmother on my own. Taking her to her appointments, surgeries, and the emergency room at times,
My first goal is to stay on top of any reading in english class throughout the year. I chose this because although I love reading, I’m generally a slow reader and this causes me to get discouraged and fall behind at some points. I plan to achieve this goal by not procrastinating, and trying my hardest to stay focus on the book instead of outside distractions. One way to achieve this would be insuring that wherever I read is quiet and free of distractions. By doing so, this will help me focus on the words, and hopefully speed up my reading pace. My second goal is becoming more physically active. I chose this goal because as the school year goes on I seem to become less and less physically active as I am busy with school work. School is always my top priority, but my
This school is miserable. I can’t believe my parents made me attend Ramapo High School. The people in this school are a buncha phonies with rich parents. Everyone acts like they’re entitled to everything because of their social status. I’m trying really hard to apply myself but I can’t handle the surrounding that I am in. To be honest though, I’ve been to schools that were way worse than Ramapo. The worst one was Indian Hills. God damn, that place was a hell of a dump. I ran away from that place so many times that even I started to become concerned for myself. My only friends here at Ramapo are Ackley and Jane. Ramapo has over a 1000 students enrolled, and those 2 are the only ones that I know of that aren’t phonies. You want to know what characteristics
Montgomery Township is claimed to have some of the best schools in the country with many coming for its stellar education. This is due in part by with the new technology that was introduced, such as touchscreen desktop computers, chromebooks, and smartboards. However, it was not so long ago that this high tech was not present. Some in the Montgomery Upper Middle School(MUMS) say that the schools should go technology free for one week, saying that it will improve students emotionally and socially, while others claim that students will not be able to perform academically to the best of their abilities. This tech free week is a great idea because it can help student’s physically and academically, demonstrating that when technology takes over
Yearbook is an elective which requires constant dedication and hard work. Yearbook also requires maintaining a positive attitude throughout the day and respect for the other kids in the class. I feel that I have the constant diligence to continue this elective, without doubt, till the end of the year. Whether it is to come early or to leave late, I am willing to persist in what I am doing. From the experience I have had through Journalism, I know what it feels like to work as a group, and to cooperate as one.
I’ve always been an avid reader. When I was in elementary school, my mother would take my brother and I to the library every week to pick out books. I would take the books to school and read them all in one day. I loved reading so much that my teachers would call home and tell my parents that I was reading my library books during class instead of my textbooks. Reading has always been a major part of my life. I used to aspire to become an author. I even wanted to become an editor at one point. I used to make daily household newspapers and magazines for my entire family to read and enjoy. My strong love for reading certainly came in handy during my freshman year of high school.
Reflecting back on my goals from my fall modern one midterm exam, I set goals of increasing the strength and articulation of my spine when contracting and extending, using my understanding of grounded and weight more in movement, and learning to adjust to different changes of facing and directions. After evaluating myself in terms of musicality, technique dynamics, and how well I accept and apply feedback, I feel that I accomplished my midterm goals and progressed into a more confident student than I have ever been in modern.
Fellow members of Rustin High School. I am here today to inform you that the school board has issued yet another outrageous change in our normal schedule. They think that it is acceptable to extend our school year three more months than usual. This would take away our entire summer break! Do you remember all of the great pastimes you have had with your family member on the beach? Or the first time you traveled out of the country to a destination around the world? All of those memories can never be redone and for any of you have future plans this summer, they have been crushed by our school board. It is unethical for a group of people to make such an insidious decision, enslaving us from creating memories with family and friends. Why should we allow this to happen? We must take action on this change and must show the power we possess when we stand as one.
Response: My current reading habits consists of trying to read about thirty minutes per day of a minimum. On some days, my time allows for me to read longer than thirty minutes. However, on other days, my times doesn’t allow me to read longer than thirty minutes, or at least thirty minutes. About five to six days per week, I am able to read longer than thirty minutes and around two to one days per week, I read about thirty minutes, or slightly less than thirty minutes for that day.
How I achieved my goal was of course by reading. I have to admit I didn't read every night, but when I did read it felt like I can read for hours. I always read in bed. I don't know what's with my bed it's like a peaceful quiet cloud. Mrs. Willis helped me out on a couple books because I had to have it by a certain day. I had to read certain amount of pages each day till the due date. It helped me out a lot because I never thought of that before. One of the things that helped me the most was iMovie
I do well on the majority of my assignments, but I want to work harder on my homework and assessments so it can benefit me learn and remember all I need to know. I will know I’m getting above average grades when I’ll have sixes, sevens, and eights. I set high expectations so I push myself harder to reach to my goal, that makes me land perfectly where I want to be, in between where I started and my expectation. I also have set a goal to read 30 minutes every night. Granted last year I did read almost every night, I wouldn’t read the other days. So I would like to read everyday by setting a time period for each night so I can have my 30 minutes of reading in each night. This will allow me to be superior at reading longer books knowing that if I can read a certain amount of pages in 30 minutes, I will be able to find out how quickly I can accomplish a long book. Which also will benefit me read and achieve a large amount of books at a time.