
School Shooting Research Paper

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School Shooting
A school shooting is an attack on an educational institution such as elementary, middle school, high school. A school shooting is caused by mental illness or the past of family problem or violence in school. More than 187,000 children have been exposed to gun violence at school (3). The problem is what causes a school shootings or gun violence in schools.
One of the main causes of a school shooting is because of mental illness. For instance, the article states, “80% of mentally ill students may not be receiving the help that they need” (1). Which can as well lead to school violence? Also, mentally ill kids is able to buy a gun underage and without a background check. Additionally, …show more content…

For instance, has he had been bullied in school? For example, “With the recent passing of the tenth anniversary of the Columbine attack, there has been considerable discussion in the media regarding the role of bullying in school shootings”(11). Social media bullying. “in the modern era a bully can also do so on Facebook and Twitter for the world to see”. This all can lead to losing our generation based on the hate the shooter gets on the day of the bases. Another reason why school shooting happens is that fighting with his other fellow classmate. For instance, “Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was previously involved in a fight at the high school he's accused of shooting up this week, a new cell phone video shows” (12). Also, has the teacher ever been hard on a shooter or has he ever been forced to do homework or classwork? This all can cause gun violence in school based on this article, “With respect to teachers being too hard (6). Bullying affects many students on a daily basis. Bullying can as well lead school …show more content…

Many kids take the drug because they think it will relieve their pain. But actually, it causes damage to their brain and can be also addicted to drugs. Which leads to gun violence in schools. Based on the article “The Columbine shooter have been committed by individuals taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs documented in 27 drug regulatory agency warnings to cause mania, psychosis, hostility, aggression and homicidal ideation”(4). Since 2004 through 2012 a lot of our student has been taking drugs to relieve, family problem, school problems, and society. 14,733 kids have been taking drugs. For instance, “There have been 14,773 reports to the U.S. FDA’s MedWatch system on psychiatric drugs causing violent side effects including 1,531 cases of homicidal ideation/homicide, 3,287 cases of mania & 8,219 cases of aggression” (4). Drugs are bad. Drugs can cause homelessness, addictions, death, divorce, and school shooting. Basically, what I am trying to prove is drugs can lead to

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