The general topic of the article is how earlier school start times can be a risk factor for poor school performance. Adequate sleep is important for children to function properly and to perform cognitive tasks, and by schools starting early this hinders the possibility of the students receiving a quality night sleep. The purpose of this article is to find any associations between early school start times and school performance, along with free or reduced-cost lunches as another factor that could affect school performance. The hypothesis that the researchers stated were that associations between test scores among students and times that schools started would be stronger in the Appalachian school districts. Also, another hypothesis that
Schools should have later start times. Students need more sleep so students do not grow up to have a health risk. This example proves that because According to The National Sleep Foundation “ Adolescents today face a widespread chronic health problem: sleep deprivation.” Also students do not perform at their best during school when they are tired. This example proves that because According to “ I
Almost 10% of U.S. high schools start before 7:30 a.m. Over 20% of middle schools start class at 7:45 a.m. or earlier. This is leaving students everywhere overwhelmed and tired. This can lead to tremendous effects on their health and grades. Research shows that only do later start times improve those things, but ends up increasing the school's yearly income in the long run. For these reasons, schools should make their hours later because it can affect students grades and health in a positive way.
The school day should start later in order improve students’ mental health. Survey results have consistently indicated that middle level and high school students who start school at 7:15 a.m. or earlier obtain less total sleep on school nights due to earlier rise times in comparison to students at later-starting schools. () This is just the beginning of the negative impacts that early start times have on students. By starting school at a later time, students’ brains will function better, their grades and learning increases, and will be more mentally stable.
In Letting teens sleep in would save the country roughly $9 billion a year, Christopher Ingraham attempts to persuade the reader that later school start times would result in significant economic, and health benefits, despite short term cost deficits. Based on the evidence provided in the article, it is clear that Ingraham uses data from an “exhaustive new study by the Rand Corporation” to validate his argument, targeted toward the United States federal government as an audience. With this data, the author provides a favorable reason in arguing that later school start times should be implemented, boasting the fact that “The United States would realize $9 billion in economic gains”. Although it is stated that short term cost disadvantages would
If you are one of those people that are in there teen years and they struggle with sleep? 33% of teenagers report falling asleep in school. There are so many people that agree with Lisa M. Herrington, the author of “should school start later” but there are some people that disagreed with A.B.C news where they had a debate for school start time, but the infographic truly states that students should get more sleep.
The proposal of starting year round school should indeed be considered b the state because,it would allow school to start later & possibly extend the day due to this.It would allow teens to sleep for a longer time,& improve their learning,as well as social skills.While many people believe this will not improve anything at all,I say otherwise;let me explain.
You're in bed, feeling serene, having the perfect nights' sleep of your life. You wish it could go on eternally. Suddenly ''BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!", your alarm clock goes off and you comprehend that it's time for school, sound familiar? The subject of start times of school has been a very popular topic. As many people already know, sleep is an exceedingly significant habit. As stated in the previous newscast, "Sleep physical, emotional, and mental health." Furthermore, students struggle with this habit.
Have you ever thought about schools pushing back school start times? “1 in 5 middle/high schools in the U.S. began the school day at 8:30 AM” (Prevention’s Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report). Later start times are critical to student's health and safety, in addition to academic success.
Opinions about schools starting time differ all over the United States. Many districts around the United States are trying to start a movement to have school start later than they usually do. 70 districts across the nation are going to start at 8:45. If this happens, it can change the schedules of a big amount of students tremendously. In the article on Newsela, facts are stated about how lots of schools use scientists advice for when they should start school. Based on the article titled, ¨More zzz’s can lead to more A’s: Seattle Schools Move Start Time for Teens¨, one believes that Beaumont High School should not change the start time to begin class later due to transportation,sports’ schedules, and the late dismissal.
National pediatricians say that making middle school and high school students start class before 8:30 a.m. threatens their health, safety, and academic performance. It is important because these teens are not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. If school start times for teens were later, standardized test scores would be higher and more teens would graduate.
Do later start times in school help kids stay focussed throughout the day? Many schools have been asking this question. Some schools have even already changed their start times to be later in the morning. I believe that school start times should stay the same way that they are, because of weaknesses that could be avoided that go with later start times. I will present reasons that the same start times schools use now are fine for students today.
Have you ever wondered about the effects that would be brought if school started later? At the moment, school clearly begins too early. This is a problem that is unquestionably bringing negative affects to many students. Many schools throughout the country are addressing this problem by considering school schedule changes including later start times for middle and high schools. Research indicates there are unfavorable effects to current school schedules, as well as well as positive effects to delayed start times. To best meet the needs of teens, school should start later.
Many people think that schools shouldn’t start schools later. It does not help teens at all. Starting school later that means it will affect all sports.
I used the phrase “elementary school start times” in the University of North Florida’s OneSearch database to find this particular research study. I chose this study to analyze for multiple reasons. First, this study differs from the first research study in that it examines school start time and academic performance for middle school students, not elementary students. Second, this study discusses the impact puberty has on the adolescent sleep cycle. Lastly, Edwards (2012) focused this study on a single school district over multiple years and was able to collect data from schools that changed start times over this period.
In the 1990s a Kentucky state school board announced a plan to change the starting times of their high schools; they wanted the school day to start earlier than before. After the announcement, the school board was met with concerns from its community; in the end they decided against this plan and actually ended up starting an hour later. The time changed from its original 7:30 am to 8:30 in the morning.