Throughout California, high school students are faced with the daily challenge of figuring out what they will wear to school the following day. As simple as this may sound, it does produce a lot of anxiety and stress among teenagers. Some students stress over the fact that they have a limited wardrobe, while others worry about being judged by their peers for their fashion choices. The problem of students having too much stress has the potential of becoming a serious health problem among high school students. It is understood that students should have some level of stress as it is a natural part of life. However, too much stress is bad for one’s health and can impact a student’s ability to focus on learning. School districts have studied the stress levels of students and have attempted to make changes to reduce student stress levels. One solution to address this problem has been to require students to wear uniforms. School uniforms eliminate students stress because everyone wears the same outfit and there is no differentiation among students. Uniforms allow students to focus on their school work. In 2011, a survey showed that 44% of guardians saw that their child was more focused on school after the implementation of school uniforms (Lalwani, “Facts About School Uniforms”).
I. Uniforms Make Schools a Safer Learning Environment
Uniforms make school a safer learning environment because they help reduce bullying. Uniforms reduce the amount of bullying because uniforms create
According to Marian Wilde, who writes for GreatSchools¸ uniforms prevent gangs from forming on campus and encourage discipline (Wilde). Even Virginia Ann Bendel Draa, who wrote School Uniforms in Urban Public High Schools, said that school uniforms reduced the amount of suspensions in the school she did the study with (Draa). School Uniforms will create a safer school environment for kids because the students are less likely to get into trouble when at school while wearing school uniforms. Safer schools equals safer children. While having security guards at schools help prevent violence, they do not get rid of violence completely. Schools uniforms also decrease the amount of bullying because bullying can be triggered by many things like not having fashionable clothes (Armerding). School uniforms take away the
Working with the Muslim American population a social worker should apply the skill of cultural competence. A social worker demonstrating the skill of cultural competence is important when working with Muslim Americans because it allows the social worker to grow in his or her awareness. Growing in the awareness of the Muslim American population is of key importance as it allows the social worker to exceedingly help the client and getting to know the client in depth. With that being said, Muslim Americans have cultural values that may affect the treatment options and the way the social worker communicates with the client; illustrating the importance of the social worker growing in his or her awareness in the clients culture.
In 1994, the school district of Long Beach California was one of the first to enforce school uniforms in the grades Kindergarten through 8th, and crime rates in the district dropped 22% soon after. School attendance also improved after the uniforms were introduced. Although this one statistic shows there are positive outcomes from school uniforms, there is one question that remains: Do school uniforms help or harm the students and environment at school? The controversy among this topic is that some people believe that uniforms improve the way kids act in class, however, others believe that school uniforms make their behavior worse. Another thing that certain people don’t like about uniforms is that they are very costly. A woman in Indianapolis was interviewed and said that she has five kids that all need uniforms, and with all the costs combined she had to pay almost $700. She found it was an outrage because she has a son who was a senior at the time and she had to pay for his uniforms as well. Even though she believed that uniforms are not an advantage, other people have the belief that uniforms have a positive outcome. In fact, some people think that the students’ behavior becomes subsequently better in the classroom setting; this is proven in the Long Beach study. There is also proof that school uniforms save people lots of money. This is because parents in one
In high school and middle school, however, most of the learning comes from inside the classroom. Adolescents often find out a lot about who they are in their school environments. “Ten states currently allow states to mandate school uniforms” (Boutelle, Marsha. "UNIFORMS: Are They a Good Fit?." Education Digest, vol. 73, no. 6, Feb. 2008, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost). The advocates of school uniforms believe that they will reduce violence in schools and promote a better learning environment for students.
School uniforms do nothing to prevent bullying. Linne Hoofnagle’s article goes on to say that, “If we convince ourselves that placing limits on clothing choices will eliminate school bullying, we are kidding ourselves” (Hoofnagle). The idea that all the harassment that takes place in school is centered around student’s wardrobes is preposterous. If you make students all dress alike the center of the bullying may move to if they have money, the presence or absence of glasses, condition of their skin, height, and weight. School faculty and administration are just looking at the superficial causes of bullying and not looking at the root of the problem. As a result, they are not only punishing the bully by
School uniforms would decrease violence in many public schools because they would reduce the amount of theft that may occur, the amount of bullying that occurs on a daily basis, and the amount of attempted or successful murders that occur. Uniforms would reduce the amount of theft that occurs because every student would be wearing the same clothing. If every student is wearing the same article of clothing, students would not be tempted to steal clothing, shoes, or jewelry from one another. Uniforms would also make every student feel a sense of equality.
School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked
Describe the data collection method you are using and the frequency with which you collect the data for your research project. Include a description of your assessments and your guidelines for analyzing the collected data.
School uniforms lower gang violence since students can’t group up and dress in some particular ways, and visitors can be distinguished from other students. They also help reduce bullying in public high schools. According to Kathleen C. and Carl A. Cohn’s “School Improvement Initiatives in Long Beach, California: The Quest for Higher Student Achievement, Behavior, and Dress Standards” in Education magazine, which was published on December 22, 1998, Long
The idea of uniforms being required for public school students has been a widely controversial topic in the recent past. In the 2003-2004 school year, only one in eight public schools required students to wear uniforms (ProConorg Headlines). In the 2013-2014 school year, one in five public schools required students to wear uniforms (ProConorg Headlines). This essay will discuss the reasons that uniforms restrict the individuality of students, burdens families that cannot afford two sets of clothes for each of their children (Farrell), and serve little to none purpose in benefitting the education of students. Uniforms are meant for the workforce, not school children.
It is a belief that school uniforms teach students to respect their learning environment and behave themselves, and, therefore improving discipline. However, that assumption isn’t entirely correct. Researchers have actually found that school uniforms don’t make students better behaved. According to a study of more than 4,500 students, those who wore a school uniform did not have fewer behavior problems or better attendance. Forcing students to wear uniforms lead to more problems and misbehavior instead of encouraging discipline. Students could get into trouble if they did not wear their uniforms correctly. Many kids in today’s society cannot stand the thought of someone telling them what to do, especially what to wear. Instead of encouraging respect, uniforms may cause rebellions. For example, in 2009, a group of students at John A. Ferguson Senior High School rebelled against their school uniforms. Instead of following their school uniform requirements, the students wore what they thought would be a better school uniform to school. Not only uniforms don’t earn schools the respect from its students, but it may also lead to more problems.
The next advantage of public school uniforms can be identified as the reduction of bullying behaviors. Everyone benefits by adopting the uniform policy. It helps students to unite and share a same goal – learning. Also, by adopting the
When students wear uniforms, students do not improve in any way. Student’s academic scores do not go higher when they wear a uniform. Researcher Virginia Draa found that “implementing a uniform policy in schools did not have any impact on academic performance”. If schools are hoping for their student’s academic scores to go higher by implementing uniforms, they would be better off without uniforms. Wearing uniforms don’t help a student’s attitude. A 2010 study in a large urban school district in the Southwest found that asking students to wear uniforms did not result in any change in the number of suspensions for elementary school students. Student’s behavior won’t change, if schools wanted to implement uniform. Uniforms don’t have any positive impact on students,
An advantage of having school uniforms is it maintains students focus on education. Students are more likely to be centralized on the information taught by teachers. They will not be concerned about others clothing because everyone is wearing the same outfit. School uniforms improve the learning environment because it decreases the amount of bullying. Therefore, students get a better education because they are relaxed and can concentrate to their best. School uniforms prepare students for the real world. “Students learn responsibility by having a dress code because they have to keep the uniforms clean throughout the week” (Can the use of School Uniforms). When it comes
School uniforms are starting to be enforced more and more in schools as time goes on. Uniforms might limit self expression in their clothes but it does not limit their learning which is the whole purpose of going to school after all. School uniforms in both private and public schools can be beneficial to students in regards of their social and academic skills. School uniforms can help prevent bullying and will make it easier on some students and parents as well. This debate whether school uniforms should be enforced or not has been a debate that has been going on for years and having uniforms has more of a positive impact than a negative