
School Uniforms In The United States

Decent Essays

Today in the US, only 19% of schools are reported to have school uniforms. A decade before that, it was 12%. The amount is increasing, but the problem is the popularity of the move is decreasing. School uniforms hinder students and parent more than they actually help.
“A Brooklyn Park Charter School sent some kids home for wearing the wrong uniform. Two brothers were sent home early on their first day of school for not having the correct uniforms in Brooklyn Park on Tuesday. The children wore the same outfit to school that they wore last year, which school leaders allowed at the time. But this year, the boys were put in a room away from others where they weren’t even allowed to talk before being sent home. “It's hard to spend $35 on a sweatshirt then you have to get other clothes,” Niome said.”
It makes students a target for bullies from other schools. Generally, dress codes are much less restrictive than uniform policies. School uniforms restrict students’ …show more content…

The First Amendment of the US Constitution gives us the right as individuals to express ourselves freely. Clothing is the main way a teen can show his or her uniqueness in society. Some people may say that because students are all wearing the same, it makes less competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits can be eliminated. Bullies are smart. They will just find some other way to show status. Who has the best iPod, who has the most games at home, who went on the biggest vacation. If kids want to pick on someone about how rich or how poor they are, clothes are one obvious symbol, but there are a lot of other obvious ways for them to do it. Public education is free and accessible to anyone. But with the uniforms added to schools, some parents cannot afford the added

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