
Science And The Natural Sciences

Decent Essays

Primary research is a research in which a research will have to conduct themselves, for instance, surveys and interviews. This form of research is important to the academic cultures because they created and conducted their own experiment. The results from the experiment are their own fresh new findings that no one has tempered with.
The three academic cultures we have learned throughout this semester are Humanities, Social Science and the Natural Sciences. The natural sciences have a focus that everything in the universe can be studied. Often times, scientists in the academic culture will create things that are not a part of the natural world. A few of the disciplines in this academic culture are, biology, math, chemistry, and engineering. Epistemology is the theory of knowledge in which an individual can acquire it. in regards to the natural sciences rationalism, is this cultures way to The social sciences study human behavior. The epistemology that is a part of the social sciences are behavior, this has a focus on the individual and collective. Also part of this epistemology is that institutions created to regulate behavior. The Humanities and Arts study how people process and document the human experience, they focus on what is means to be a human. The epistemology that is composted of the humanities are idealism and rationalism. Idealism is knowledge that is based on ideas rather than experiences. Rationalism is knowledge that is generated through reasoning. Together,

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