I learned that people who are bullied need our support, love, and care. What people do not realize is that the bully also needs help and we should not judge them based on what they have done. Bullying is not something someone should be proud of but for others, they could try to understand why people bully and what causes this to happen What has impacted me the most on this topic is the science behind bullying and how it related to psychology. For the first time, I learned that science plays a big part in people’s lives and how it affects our everyday lives. Also, that no should be bullied for being themselves. We are all different and should not be looked down on for being yourself. I learned that bystanders are important to stopping bullying.
As a PSC Jheanelle main functions are checking in patient, updating demographic information, obtain referrals, printing medication list, and putting together new patient paper work, collect co-payment complete the end of day deposit. Jheanelle also post charges daily, work the ClientTell cancelation, NOS report and the waitlist, work the bump list and scan medical records for the OPAT department. On occasions Jheanelle work the message box for Travel Well when there is a staffing issue. Jheanelle also work with the social workers and communicate with them regularly to announce patients needing help. Jheanelle also work with the nurses and providers when there is a late patient, walk-in and other patient
The Ten Commandments brought to us through Moses were said to be man's first laws. According to the Bible society was devoid of morality with the people running rampant. There were no laws to govern the actions of society and this created a hedonistic environment with people doing whatever they wanted without regard to the ramifications of such behavior. Obviously unable to govern their own impulses and without any moral compass the society was in danger of breaking down completely. According to Moses' account God spoke to him through a burning bush and voila the Ten Commandments were born. I believe these to be a good example of Divine Command Theory. Of course, there are problems with this
In recent years, bullying has gained attention due to school shootings and the increased awareness of mental illnesses. It has led people wanting to know why people become bullies and why others become victims of bullying. To answer those questions, it is important to look at bullying from a sociological perspective.It shows what behavioral patterns and norms occur between individuals and their society that leads to bullying.
I witnessed true comradery, I learned how to be compassionate and experienced a love I’ve never known before. I learned how to give without expectations of something in return (other than the good feeling accompanied by it), I learned to never judge a book by its cover, be grateful for what you have because some aren’t as fortunate, and most importantly be kind to everyone!
Over the years bullying has become a problem. It affects kids to even adults. Bullying is a problem here a Buhach and the students should be aware of how to handle a bully. Don’t think that it can’t happen to you because bullying can happen to everyone regardless of your age.
Almost everywhere I go, I see those around me always on their cell phones. Those cell phones are not just any type of cell phones; they can sometimes be called weapons. I do it all the time: jokingly saying some offensive words to my "friends." However, am I really their friend when I 'm doing that? Most of the time everyone thinks that it is fine to joke with a friend through a text message or email, but how would someone know whether or not it hurts their friend or even family members when they can 't even see what their reaction is without being right next to them? Bullying has been evolving over time. Bullying has happened throughout history, whether or not it has been in historical records or it has ever happened in the world; some type of bullying has occurred. It has gone to the point that when social media came out, the word cyberbullying has come into place. Though there are some people that believe teasing others on the web is just fooling around, cyberbullying has grown to a point where saying one word or sentence can lead to suicides or health problems of others. In addition, cyberbullying doesn 't just happen at a certain period, if that bully knows most of the information that a person has, it grows overtime with himself or herself. So, if cyberbullying starts at an early age, it will have an effect on a child 's development as well. Once cyberbullying starts, one common solution of talking to others about it, might not work anymore. Ways to cope with
I sprinted onto the field to the noise of the most raucous crowd I had ever seen or heard at Dickinson Stadium, home of the Newton North Tigers. The occasion was not a playoff game, a clash of two of the state’s best teams, or even a rivalry game. It was the school’s one “Friday Night Lights” or “FNL” game for the season. Even on a cold October night against a weak Framingham squad, the allure of FNL drew more fans than any other game. Football games always gave me an adrenaline rush, but that night was another level, it was as though there was a bubble around the Newton North campus, all the problems of the outside world were forgotten. There was only this game, this atmosphere, this moment. When I went into the game for the first time, I was both the most nervous and most excited I had been all season.
According to www.bullyingstatistics.org, text bullying can be much meaner because the suspect can text whatever they want because they don’t have to see their victims. Also, "Text Bullying" states that it can happen 24 hours a day, even at home, which is usually a refuge of bullying, so to the victim it will feel inescapable. According to Source 1, students get bullied because they are having a rough time at home. Students may become a bully because they have been bullied in the past. People also become a bully because they want to hurt someone and they think they are bigger, stronger, smarter, and they think they can overpower that person. Being a bully is worse than a bystander because they would get the blame for suicide, lose trust in their amazing friends and loving and caring family, they would have an abundant amount of guilt, and they would be the main cause of all that happened to that person.
Bullying is often unnoticed and unacknowledged by adults, which causing school officials to limited understanding and skills on how to address behaviors (Branes, Cross, Lester, Hearn, Epstein, & Monks, 2012). Bulling prevention programs will help inform teachers, schools, and parents on how to notice students are bullies or bring bullied. A bully behavior can negatively affect the person that they are targeting. Schools must inforce consequences for students are labeled as bullies, and teachers will need to intervene when the behavior is displayed. Therefore, effective school policies and strategies are important for teacher and staff members to understand to prevent and reduce bullying (Branes, Cross, Lester, Hearn, Epstein, & Monks, 2012).
Bullying has been a huge part of a student’s life since school began in the 12th century, maybe even before. But, what creates bullies? For many years it has been thought of that bullies were students with low self-esteem. However, new information has shown up showing that bullies tend to be the ones with the highest self-esteem and are the most popular students and are living a great life with no large problems. So, what is the real psychology behind bullying? Why does this continue? The answer is simple, bullying affects students giving them a lower self-esteem, less confidence, and even thoughts of suicide. Bullies are a their own breed of people as their brains have been wired differently. It has not only been shown to have effects physically, but also mentally.
Bullying has increased significantly over the past ten years due to ease of communication, whether it be from social media such as Facebook and Instagram or through text messaging. Growing up in the midst of a rapid technological advanced has allowed me to see what only people who were born in the same year see. Most people my age have all dealt with some form of bullying whether they know it or not. But most of that bullying did not happen until everyone owned a smart phone. Once everyone owned a smart phone around the age of twelve, we saw a dramatic change in the way people communicate for both good and bad.
I learned that there are going to be times where just teaching a concept and not breaking it down and not understanding what problems the children are having is not the only thing that can help a child grow.
In the article “Bullying and Being Bullied in Childhood Are Associated with Different Psychosocial Risk Factors for Poor Physical Health in Men” by authors Karen A. Matthews, Richard J. Jennings, Laisze Lee, and Dustin A. Pardini, the idea that various aspects of childhood can be greatly affected by childhood bullying and being bullied is presented. Bullying is defined as a type of interpersonal aggressive behavior in which superior strength is used to intimidate or cause harm to a weaker party. In the article, the authors, through a study carried out on both black and white men, show the long-term outcomes that bullying and being bullied can have on an individual. These negative effects include stress, depression, anxiety, social issues, and various illnesses. Most individuals who underwent bullying believed that the only solution was suicide. However, self-efficacy skills can help in building a person’s confidence and therefore enabling them to gain motivation, and control over their behavior and social skills (Matthews, et al. 2017).
Although the phenomenon of nurses “eating their young” or bullying has existed for decades, it has recently become a priority of research. There are many peer reviewed articles on the issue that describes what this phenomenon consists of. The first article I found is titled, “Bullying in Undergraduate Clinical Nursing Education”. This article focused on international nursing students in all four years of their program and the bullying they endured throughout. It was found through these individual studies that each student experienced a frequency of bullying mostly from their clinical instructors and staff nurses. Additionally, third and fourth year students endured a higher level of bullying than first and second year students.
According to Bouchard, J. (2015) online harassment, or cyber bullying, defined as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text,” can also harm children and teens (Hinduja & Patchin, n.d)… Cyber bullies harass their victims by posting insults, taunts, threats, or slanderous statements on the Internet or by directly sending them to their victims through digital communication like email, text messaging, and instant messaging (Young, Young, & Fullwood, 2007).