This year, for my Science Fair Project I plan to do a study on how varying system parameters affect the dynamics of a multi-tank liquid-level hydraulic system. The purpose of this type of system is to maintain a constant fluid flow. In order to maintain this fluid flow the tanks have to preserve a certain liquid level, this necessary level depends on the other variables. My system will consist of: an inflow valve, the tanks, valves to go between the tanks, and an outflow valve. I want to do this experiment because about two years ago, when I was in the seventh grade, I did a science fair experiment where I tested how changing the variables in a mass-spring-damper system affected system response. In that experiment, I changed the amount of mass,
Air pollution is a big problem in our world today because it affects our lives on earth as well as animals and plants. Breathing polluted air can make you very sick it can cause your eyes and nose to burn. It can irritate your throat and even make your breathing difficult. Air pollution is a big environmental problem because it is affecting our crops, trees, wildlife, and lakes/oceans. Pollution is harming fish and other aquatic life in those bodies of water.
I will be doing my science fair project on what ingredient will best activate a package of dry yeast. Dry yeast was developed by Fleischmann's company during WW11, so that people in the army did not have to get their yeast refrigerated, while still being able to easily make bread. Activating means to cause an act or function. Activating dry yeast makes the yeast makes it thick, bubbly, and foamy. It will be an off white in color and sometimes appear to be more of a light brown. Yeast is single-celled fungi. There are roughly over 600 species of yeast that we know of. Many of which can be distributed greatly in nature. Where exactly can we get yeast? This may be a common question one may have about yeast. Yeast can be exudates in plants. This includes cacti and the sap of the plants. Also, yeast can be found in the skins of fruits like grapes, apples, and peaches. You may also get yeast from the skin of berries.
Computation was done by placing the meter stick on the stand suspending m1=100g at 30-cim, m2=200g at 70-cm position. M3=50g was the calculated mass for the system to be at equilibrium. M1=100g and was at the 20-cm position and m2=200g while on the 60-cm position. Both the results and percent error of the experimental value were calculated.
A difficulty I encountered during this experiment was taking the measurements of newtons in the water. This was because it was hard to find the right place to put the spring balance. It could not be holding the piece of wood up completely, but it couldn’t be not supporting it at all '' both of these things would have created inaccurate results. However, I overcame this by spending time getting this balance right for each measurement, so I could collect the most accurate results as possible. There could still be minor inaccuracies in these results because of this problem; however a trend is still easily recognised in the results, so minor inaccuracies are only a small problem.
This experiment relied on adding mass (by paperclip) to a paper helicopter and dropping at a certain height (2 m).
To test Newton’s seconds law if whether changing the mass or the force affects the acceleration of an object or a trolley in this case to increase or decrease.
The pendulum was pulled to about 15 cm from the motion detector. In case of the mass on a spring, the mass was pulled till just a few inches away from the motion detector.
My hypothesis for this experiment was that the amount of force applied on an object solely depends on the mass of that object. If an object has a greater mass, then the force would be greater, than if the object didn't have as much mass. If this were to be plotted on a graph I believe that the
My problem for the science fair is that there are a whole lot of roads, where majority of the time the roads are leading up to school and there are always school cross guards and police monitoring the grounds and making sure the kids got to school safely, but there are a lot of the times there are traffic because the school crossing guard it's just blowing a whistle and you need three or more crossing guards just for the cars to drive safely and in reality there's only two or three roads leading up to the same school.
How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the way the ball bounces. The things I used for this project was 2 tennis balls, microwave, freezer. I'm changing the temperature of the tennis ball and how i'm changing it is im putting one tennis ball in the microwave and one in the freezer. Then i'm going to do the experiment, this is what i'm going to be doing for my project
This lab will test the relationship between the spring constant, k, from Hooke’s Law and the change in applied force resulting in displacement. Using two different methods, part one and two of the lab will determine the spring constant, k. In part one we will hang different masses from the spring so that we can alter the amount of force acting on it. After applying these weights, one can measure the displacement caused by this action. Hooke’s equation will yield a straight line graph of F (weight) versus x (displacement). The slope of the graph will yield the spring constant, k. In part two we will be using the oscillation of the mass on the spring as an example of SMH. By graphing the oscillation, we can
The day is April 2, 2016, twenty different teams yearn for the gold medal and are up for the challenge to gain it. Some will flourish while the rest perish. What is the purpose for the extremities? Science Olympiad, of course. And what exactly is Science Olympiad? The essential basics of this competition revolve around the simple science fair; if the said science fair involves the blood, profanity, and tears that is usually common in hockey. In the 36 possible events of Science Olympiad, each student of Columbia High School has to choose two of which to be their torture and anxiety for the next two months. The student of Nikki Robinson had unwisely chosen only one event of which she was familiar with, while the other she was continuously
In my IA, I will be investigating the effect of different masses on a spring in order to determine its spring constant. I will also be comparing between the 2 different methods that I will be using to determine the spring constant. I have used a static method by measuring the displacement of the spring and a dynamic method by measuring the time taken for 15 oscillations by the spring due to different masses.
The undersigned would like to ask your permission to allow her to conduct an action research on “Enhancing Students Performance in Research
Poultry-raising is one of the businesses that can be found here in the Philippines. It’s very simple and helpful, as chickens provide foods like chicken meat and eggs. It could also help in the agriculture area. Some people use growth enhancer so that the chickens may grow fast. But now, we’re going to have a study to find a natural and better substitute, like Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis) as a chick growth enhancer.