Science Fair Requirements Have you ever wondered why the Earth is spinning? This question baffled scientists for years. Well, I can tell you what i know.To keep it short, it involves going a long way back into the past to just when our Solar System was just forming.
The Sun,Mars, and most other planets are spinning counter-clockwise. 4.54 billion years ago, our Solar System was forming within a cloud of hydrogen not unlike any other Nebula. It must have got a kick from a supernova. The gravity continued to grow stronger until it collapsed from the force. The cloud began to spin because of the gravity. But why is that? The reason is because of inertia, the effect of an item of matter not changing without an outside force. Since there is nothing
One new addition to Science National Honor Society at school that I spearheaded is "This Month in Science". The central purpose of this activity is to share out different discoveries or improvements in science that interest us and spark meaningful conversation and interest in science in general. Different board members have shared innovations in biotechnology, space exploration, or even new apps that give advanced warnings for earthquakes. This has been an excellent addition to our monthly meetings since it provides an opportunity for me to speak out about things that really interest me, such as improvements in Wendelstein 7-X or the sensationalized "new bond type", a Rydberg molecule. As my favorite facet of Science National Honor Society,
This year, for my Science Fair Project I plan to do a study on how varying system parameters affect the dynamics of a multi-tank liquid-level hydraulic system. The purpose of this type of system is to maintain a constant fluid flow. In order to maintain this fluid flow the tanks have to preserve a certain liquid level, this necessary level depends on the other variables. My system will consist of: an inflow valve, the tanks, valves to go between the tanks, and an outflow valve.
It started five billion years ago as a cloud of dust and gas about 10 billion kilometers in diameter that rotated slowly in space. This massive cloud shrank over time because of its own gravitational pull, or because of an exploding passing star. Most material collected in the center and it rotated faster as it shrank. Compression of the material made it hotter, which started hydrogen fusion, forming the sun. Ten percent of the material in the cloud formed a disk around the sun. Due to friction in the disk, most of the mass collected into whirlpools. These whirlpools shrank to form protoplanets. These protoplanets became planets and moons. Excess material became comets, asteroids, and meteoroids. A problem with this hypothesis is that it would be unlikely for a passing star to explode, because stars are very far apart from each other. Also, as with the nebular hypothesis, it would take an unreasonable amount of gravitational pull for the disk to condense into
In 1543 Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish Canon, published “On the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs”. The popular view is that Copernicus discovered that the earth revolves
Without the spin, Earth's protective magnetic field would be instantly gone, which would cause the sun radioactive rays automatically kill anything left on earth. The earth would not slowly die in a 3 month period like was stated in the movie, all living things on earth would die off quickly. Furthermore, the movie made it sound like the inner core is a stream-like flowage of melted metals that spin in a constant circle. That is another
However, if the earth was stationary, they couldn’t account for the apparent retrograde motion of planets in the sky. Ptolmaic created the model of the universe that suggested that the planets circled the earth on what
The center of the Earth is composed of a solid metallic core surrounded by a molten layer of liquid metal. This paper will discuss the reasons to believe the theory that the Earth has a molten core, and the important discoveries that have led to this generally accepted theory. It is very reasonable to agree with this theory when paying credence to the logical evidence that answers questions about the Earth’s core. This evidence includes information about the elemental make up of the Earth, the reason for the Earth’s magnetic field, and some of the possibilities of the Earth’s formation.
This provides a great example of Ockham’s razor because not only did it eliminate false assumptions about the rotation of planets, but it also provided a better understanding of the solar system today. However, sometimes simpler explanations for theories is not always the correct
Kilmer Middle School offers a variety of different after-school activities. These activities involve a wide variety of topics, from sports to math to science. All of these after-school activities are enjoyable, but one stands out to me - Science Olympiad! Science Olympiad is enjoyable because of the knowledge participants learn, the competition that is involved, and the teamwork required.
Bailey did note that there are other potential explanations for the tilt of the solar system. One alternative is that electrically charged particles influenced by the young sun's magnetic field could have interacted with the disk of gas and dust that gave rise to the planets in ways that tilted the solar system. Another possibility is that there might have been an imbalance in the mass of the nascent sun's core.
Growing up I knew one day I would be a part of a science fair. From watching television shows like Arthur, or The Magic School Bus, and reading dozens of books, it was always a dream of mine to be a part of one, and maybe even win. By the time I entered the third grade I was finally old enough to participate in an actual science fair. I titled, my project “Water You Saving?,” it explained how we as a community can save water, because at the time California experienced a massive drought, much like this year. I researched different methods about how people can save water, except the only example I can remember is that 90% of toilets are extremely inefficient and waste gallons of water everyday. My family and I took tours at the Lawrence Berkeley
In inspiring people to have the passion in understanding the universal laws that govern us all, Professor Stephen Hawking reminds us on his speech for his 70th birthday to “remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet” (enoch, 2012). Many scientists have been “looking up” and have discovered answers to the many questions that we have of the universe for ages. They have constructed theories, launched satellites, observed stellar phenomena, and even sent living beings in space to gain more understanding of the existence of everything. After centuries of research and observation, there are still some aspects of Astronomy that are still to be explored. One of them is the evolution of the Solar System, which is composed of the Sun and everything that travels around it. This includes eight planets and their natural satellites such as the Earth’s moon; dwarf planets such as Pluto and Ceres; asteroids; comets and meteoroids (Solar System Exploration, 2014). The Solar System is located in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a part of a galactic group under the Virgo Supercluster. Figure 1 shows the location of our Solar System in the Universe. Many theories have been proposed on how the Solar System existed, but none has been completely successful. This spans from the time of the Ancient Greeks to the present 21st Century. As of now, the widely accepted theory is the Nebular Theory, which describes how the Solar System started as a large cloud of gas that contracted under
I chose to do my Scientific Method experiment on a topic of something bothersome in my household, ants. Lately, I’ve had an ant problem in my kitchen, despite how impeccably clean its kept. I have kids, a small Chihuahua, and didn’t want to use anything with chemicals, therefore, I wanted to find a safer and natural method to repelling the ants.
If we say, because of how the planet is rotating, it causes the sun to rise. Now with
Besides the Earth rotating around its tilted axis, it is also revolving around the Sun. Here, again, we see what seems like a mistake in nature. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun is not a regular circle. It is an ellipse. The orbit is elongated like a stretched-out elastic band. This means that at some times of the year, the Earth is closer to the Sun than at other times. Physicists can explain why this happens; all we need to know is that it happens.