
Science-Inquiry Concepts: Making Connections To The Real World

Decent Essays

science -inquiry concepts. In the video clip from lesson 4,minute Students will work together to form hypothesis, observe ,follow procedure ,collect and analyze data, write a conclusion. This lab has four stations, with each stations student were dealing with situation involving phenomenon that they see outside of the classroom, likely on daily basis. so, with each station the Students can be seen using data and their observations as evidence to explain why they were seeing this real-world phenomenon. then students need to answer the lab analysis questions that also connect them with real world. video 2. Furthermore, to help students construct their explanations, I asked questions that push students to make connections to the real world. For example, in video 2, minute , I ask students why organic compounds dose not conduct electricity ? and how about if we try using water and salt ?
. At in station 1and 2, students are encouraged to set their hypothesis and write down their predications, what they think? dose the wax have high or low melting point and boiling point, the third stations, dose the acetone conduct electricity or not?. To help students construct their explanations, I asked questions that push students to make connections to the real world. For example, in video 4, minute 0:56, I asked students what is the conductivity mean, the student answers, flow of electrons, To get him to …show more content…

In the full class discussion, I have students explain how their data supports their claims of each station. Students first explain what they found based on their data and then describe how they were able to analyze their data. From here, they begin to make real world connections (not shown on video). Later I will sit with each students in one to one conversation about the feedback and mistake that s/he do it and make sure next time will not repeat it

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