
Science Of Memory

Better Essays

Tips from the Science of Memory- for Studying and for Life is separated into three subsections that each cover a diverse set of tips. The first subsection covers organizing, encoding, rehearsing, and retrieving course content. Before you can initiate memorizing the information you must be organized. To be prepared you should catch potential errors early on, put the information in a structure that will help you to comprehend it fluently, and experiment with different organization techniques. After you are organized and have removed any errors, you can begin memorizing the information. The best way to memorize is to stay focused, process the information at an appropriate level, make connections between the content and your life, create images …show more content…

Written by Marc Silver, this article is authoritative because it passed my interpretation of the CRAAP (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose). I found this website to pass the CRAAP on currency because testing and studying tips are not something that expire, but should be added to as needed. This article was published in 2008, meaning that it has been posted for seven years, luckily studying has not changed much and it still holds usable information. This article is completely relevant to what I am researching. It is focused on college students with different learning personalities. Although Silver had no experience in giving college studying tips, he administered polls and got first person examples from the college's students themselves. Marc took the personal experiences from the students and put them together into a well organized document including quotes and background information on each student. Lastly on the CRAAP, this article has a clear purpose of helping to prepare students for studying and tests while in …show more content…

The midterm is coming up fast, and I am excited that I have already completed two of the four steps for memorizing in Experience Psychology. The first two steps, organizing and encoding, I have completed as we moved through each session. Encoding early on is an important step because I was able to introduce each concept to my brain one by one as it was learned, rather than cramming it all in at once. That leaves me with two steps to complete before I can complete my test: Rehearsing and Retrieving. In order to rehearse, or practice, the information I have learned I first must create the right environment. Where I am studying makes a large impact on how well I will take in the information (Silver, 2008). I know that I work best studying off of paper (not a computer screen), being somewhere comfortable, and that having a familiar sound like a song I know by heart, or a TV show I've seen 20 times helps me to block out noise without getting distracted. By knowing this information about myself I decided that outside in the sun with my ear buds in would be a perfect place to concentrate for me. I also learned through both my sources that keeping my brain healthy is important to take in information, so I've been getting at least 8 hours of sleep, and waking

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